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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 51
Straight Male, 53
0 miles · Greater Manchester


i was not to sure how to react when i heard paul rogers was going to do lead vocals for queen. but i'm a queen tart biggrin i enjoy hearing a queen song whether its the real deal or a cover. for me queen was my sort of band when i was growing up. when freddie died, for me personally queen were over and still are. confined to hearing them on the cd when i chose to play it or on radio or t.v. people still want to hear them live, which to me was what they did best. but to me that is a chapter that is now over. i would never push my views on anybody who still wants to go and see them perform live and i hope they enjoy what they see. also there is always someone discovering them for the first time, who might feel the same way i did when i first heard them. my god i still get the same chill when i hear the intro to bohemian rhapsody as when i first heard it. as i said its my personal choice but i wish them all the success in the world.
hi wave issey and :welcome: to :swingingchair: heaven, whatever you use it for i hope you have fun :bounce:
Quote by HarryJones
save us a seat tank cos we are deffo coming drinkies . leeds won't know whats hit it :silly: now just got to find something to wear, :uhoh: how long have we got i'd better hit the shops now i might just find something by then :giggle:

Ohh Tank and the Wades - be great to see you all my friends.
Harry Jones
well harry this time i hope have a dance with you :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
save us a seat tank cos we are deffo coming drinkies . leeds won't know whats hit it :silly: now just got to find something to wear, :uhoh: how long have we got i'd better hit the shops now i might just find something by then :giggle:
my hubbie often says i shouldn't put my foot in my mouth :doh: does that count :evil2:
damn damn damn and double damn i get 10/10 and still get beaten i'm just too slow :upset:
american werewolf in london this is such a funny scene when david is in the cinema
jack:- David these are the people you murdered last night.
corpses:- We can't say we're pleased to meet ya.
seeing the grin biggrin on my sons face when he said he was off the the doctors with his girlfriend. they are having a baby early next year and it just reminds me i'm gonna be a granny :happy: :happy:
when princess diana died i had not long since got in from the pub with mr wadefun when we heard it on a newsflash about three in the morning. when we got up the following morning had to watch the news to check we had not been hearing things. i remember being in total shock cos it's the last thing that you think that you'll hear
9/11 i got a phonecall from mr wadefun telling me to switch on the tv and watch what was happening i just switched on as the second plane hit i, thought i was seeing a repeat of the first untill he told me that it was another one hitting the second tower i remember total shock and tears rolling from my eyes as i watched it unfolding in front of me.
i remember also on the news the labour leader john smith had died i don't know why but i burst into tears i wasn't into pollitics or anything like that but i actually believed the man. i just remember thinking that he was a man that would have done great things , maybe he would have maybe he wouldn't we'll never know.
why not use the assembly hall/ dining room where all the kids are squashed into, on a daily basis. if its good enough for our kids its good enough for the teachers. mad
what do you call a woman who can balance ten pints of lager on one hand and play snooker with the other hand :mrgreen:
you shouldn't be eating cake miss b smackbottom what would skinny at diet club say whip :giggle:
i must admit i'm more than a bit partial to a blackforest gateaux :twisted:
crap crap crap i pressed the wrong one or it'd been 10/10 not making excuses like redface banghead lol
5/10 :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: :violin: get a hold of yourself woman its only a quiz. see i'm that upset i'm talking to myself now loon :loon: :loon:
must admit i don't get phased by horror films dunno
but it took me years to watch chitty chitty bang bang cos the childcatcher scared me so much as a kid :eeek: especially as my dad told me that the driver of the coachtrip we went on with his works was that man (he was the absolute double of him) i have never sat so still on a trip before in my life. my mum gave him some stick for that smackbottom i was in my twenties before i watched it again and it still gave chills :giggle:
Castle Duckula, home for many centuries to a dreadful dynasty of vicious
vampire ducks - The Counts of Duckula.
Legend has it that these foul beings can be destroyed by a stake through the
heart or exposure to sunlight.
This does not suffice however, for they may be brought back to life by means
of a secret rite that can be performed once a century when the moon is in
the eighth house of Aquarius.
(Blood!) (I'll get it!)
The latest reincarnation did not run according to plan.
(Oooh!) ]
In the heart of Transylvan-ia,
In the Vampire Hall of Fame-yeah,
There's not a vampire zanier than...
He won't bite beast or man,
'Cos he's a vegetari-an. (Aagh!)
And things never run to plan for...
If you're looking for some fun,
You can always count upon,
The wild and wacky one they call,
Heh, heh! Count Duckula!
Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh!
bloody loved this one used to leg it home from school for this one how sad am i loon i was 16 at the time so no excuse really :giggle:
well i unreservedly apologise to anyone who had bleeding ears after my performance worship but what can i say put a mike in front of me and i turn into a karaoke tart innocent :karaoke:
and to the lovely one night i wouldn't have missed it for the world :bounce:
and a massive thank you to jo and red for another fantastic night :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: hope to go to many many more :love:
and also a big thank you to the man who phoned for my taxi i didn't get a name but you were a real gent :love:
getting up at 2 a.m. to go and get newborn babies bottle, half asleep and slipping on tops stair sliding down on your arse :fuckinghell: friction burns on your botty :upset: catching your little toe on the rim of the bannister bending it right back and breaking the said toe. then to add insult to injury going to the hospital 2 days later in agony and getting bollocked for not coming sooner so they could of put it in plaster, now only willing to bandage and splint it :huh: give me childbirth anyday
the last time i went on public transport i sat down only to be greeted by the overwhelming smell of cat pee coming off a lady with two cats in a travel box :fuckinghell: if it hadn't have been raining i would have got off. but saying that i am the type who will speak if spoken too and i always seem to attract the local loony :silly: dunno i must have an aura about me