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Over 90 days ago


I can swop my Honda NSR - still in it's box.
Must point out it's only 1:18 scale - matches something else so my wife says!
Yeah, I did see the girl in the transit around the Neurburg Ring - bloody impressive.
I know what you mean.
We were in Weymouth a couple of weeks ago listening to three guys dressed like out of work power rangers describing how they 'apexed that last bend' and 'backed the bike into this bend' - yawn, yawn.
On the way home we overtook them - all on sportsbikes and us on a 1997 VFR with a full set of boxes.
Our leathers are still drying we laughed that much
lol But Vix, we all have one thing in common.
Two wheels.
So even the boy racers deseve some of our time.
Now BMW riders - that's a different story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's face it guys and ladies.
If it's a track with a bike on it it's bloody good no matter where it is!
Bit harsh of you Nichola ans Alan.
Not all of us are as lucky as you and have partners whose sex drive matches ours.
At least this guy, like me, is honest and up front about being married and is not pretending to be single.
Luckily not all the couples on here react like you two or there would be very few MMF threesomes going on.
Try being a bit kinder and you may get the same back.
Having been in this situation I can only tell you what we did and it worked OK.
We had a couple of conversations on the phone first. You can both bar your numbers if you don't want the other party to know it. The phone gives you more personal contact, e-mail can be very deceptive. The phone also lets you get a 'feel' for the person at the other end.
Then we met in a pub at lunch time. We all agreed before that if any one was not 100% happy then it was a no goer and we could walk away - politely of course - without any one taking offense.
It all worked fine and we went on to have a great friendship and lots of sex.
Just don't go there thinking it is certain to happen, it may not and nothing is sure to put your prospective partners off more than you assuming it is.
Hello All,
Me and my wife are off to Berlin in May and wondered if any of you can recommend any sex shows or clubs where we can just watch the action.
All help much appreciated - and any suggestions for anything else to do on the more adult orientated front also welcomed
Terri Hatcher in one of the later Bond films - can't remember which one though!.
She was Lois Lane in the TV Superman series too.
Sexiest woman alive.
Except the wife of course - sorry dear. redface
Can any body tell me how i can upload pictures onto a thread?
I am trying to add one of my motor bike onto the particular thread that has been running but can't work out hoew to do it - dawww.
Thought that was embaressed.
Now i am !!!
redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Don't want to duff any of you up, you're all probably bigger than me
Stop beating yourself up, you look great to me.
I would allways prefer to see a natural woman, stretch marks and all rather than the silicone breasted, cosmetically enhanced bimbo's that predominate the magazine shelves.
I can't quite remember the Tom Conti's line in Shirley Valentine but i think he agreed !!!
And if they do run a mile they probably weren't worth bothering with.
Thanks Both of you,
I did think i'd been pretty specific, but obviously not. I really was expecting to meet for a coffee and a chat, but still i'll put it down to one of lifes experiences.
As to the abusive e-mails, thankfully they have stopped. I didn't reply so i guess he got bored and moved on. This couple where advertising on another site and i have already dealt with that side with their moderator.
Yes i will try again, and Vix thanks for the very polite decline when i answered your ad -sob!
Will shortly be changing my name to Billy No Mates LOL lol
Hope to meet some of you soon mad
Ok, I don't like to moan but.
I answered an ad on another site - I am a married man looking for some fun with a couple.
Actually got a reply and phoned as requested. Spoke to the male partner and he said that they had not done this before but would like to meet for a coffee and see how things went.
i explained that i had had one long tem threesome and was looking for something similar.
All pretty clear so far?
When i arrived at the place appointed i got a phone call fom the guy saying that his wife had got there before him and was waiting in the car. He told me which one and said don't approach her but just have a look.
There she is sitting in a nice coat, legs apart flashing her stockings. The guy says he will be late but if i like the look of her to follow to where she is going and he will meet us there.
OK i know i am naieve but i though we where going to their place.
We end up at a lay-by by the side of a busy road. His car turns up and we walk over to hers. She is now playing with herself and getting very turned on.
OK says i, i like what i see but i thought this was going to be at your place not here (the side of a very busy main road and not even secluded) With this matey boy starts geting arsey, saying how i am wasting their time and the deal is fuck her here or fuck off.
So i fucked off.
Point is if he had been upfront straightaway i would have said no on the phone. I know a lot of people get a lot of fun dogging, but not me. Also they were obviously not doing this for the first time. They had mobiles on with headsets and where in contact continuously with his car parked so he could see what was happening.
I spent 2 hours on a round trip to meet them and all that i got was an eyeful of his wife and a load of grief. Now i am getting abusive e-mails from him too.
What i was looking for was a long term threesome.
This was my first contact for ages, you all know how us married guys struggle to make contacts, now i don't think i'll bother again.
So the question is - Why the deception? All it did was waste my time and theirs and has really put me off answering any more ads.
Will do Venus. we are both hugely turned on and really up for it.
Thanks for all the advice everybody.
Off to Hlaford to get a 5 gallon can of WD 40 !!!!!!
Can any one help?
My wife and i have been trying a few new things out, just between ourselves.
We are both turned on by the idea of her fucking me with a strap-on dildo.
Any advice much appreciated as this weekend is try out time !?!*! redface
My wife and i lov to watch each other. We vary where and when so it's not just in bed watching a porn vid.
The most memorable was in a hotel in Germany when we where on holiday. I was in the shower and my wife was sat on the loo watching me. The screen was clear glass but steamed up slightly. I could tell she was up for it as she kept talking about sexy things to get me aroused. We both soon started playing me in the shower her on the loo, we could just see enough of each other to make it really sexy. When i spunked it hit the wall of the shower and triggered a huge orgasm for my wife.
Great !!!
Like the sound of yours Calista.
Don't know about the piercing though - you must be flippin brave.
What do we all think about tattoo's on women? Personally i love 'em but only if:
1) They are fairly artistic ie not Mum and Dad across the knuckles
2) They are well done by a good tattooist. I see so many crap tattoo's that look blurred and just awful
My wife has 7. All can be concealed so that if she feels it's not appropriate to show them she doesn't have to.
However mostly she loves to show them off. Her's are all beautifully done and are mainly fairies and flowers.
Any one else got an opinion?
I'd agree with everything said so far. My wife had a large tattoo at the base of her spine last year and out of the 7 she has she said it was the most painful. However, she is having another soon so it can't be that bad. Apparently compared to child birth its a cinch.
The aftercare is very important and some times overlooked.
Don't soak the area in the bath for at least 3 days after having the tattoo. Showers are OK but only pat the area dry don't rub it.
Keep it clean. Some tattooists recommend covering the area with cling film held in place with surgical tape. Do it for 24 hours and it stops a real bad scab forming. We have both done it with our last few and it works. Appatrently it's what they do in hospitals with burns.
Lastly get a product called Tattoo Goo. It keeps everything nice, helps the tattoo heal and preserves the colour.
Best advice, go to a good tattooist. We use one in Salisbury - Matt at Sharp Practice near the cinema - he's excellent.
Check the work he / she does and ask to see photo's. If in doubt walk! You will have it for life and a messy tattoo can be covered up but it's allways best to get a good job done first time.
I don't know if i am the only one but i love women with good tattoo's. I think they look really sexy!!!! :shock:
Ok TV Judy and Chick 007 that'l be me at any munches you attend then!!!!
I am enjoying reading the posts and actually doing a few myself.
You are a really friendly and helpful lot and i'm looking forward to getting more involved.
Ok, I know i am probably stupid, but can some one please tell me about munches.
What are they?
What's expected of you?
Can men go alone or are they couples only? Are there any around where i live -Warminster in Wiltshire? Etc Etc
Well waterpistol if you are going to try shagging all the women perhaps this little story may help lol
Two bulls, one young one old are standing in a field looking at a herd of cows.
'Hey' says the young bull 'lets run over and fuck some of those cows'
The old bull looks at him and says 'No, lets walk over and fuck all of them'
Moral - pace yourself :P
I don't know how the Sun can take any sort of sexual moral high ground.
It always amazes me that a comic - sorry news paper- that makes it's living out of lurid headlines and page 3 can then try and slate people who actually enjoy sex.