we live in a highly regulated country with over 85% of the worlds cctv camaras and some of the highest taxes in the world!booo hooo!!!
Well maybe not! we all have our gripes about the system and we can all see inequalities and couruption!
but would you want to live anywhere else!
not me I like our green and pleasent land!
I like to be able to rant about our greedy courupt police and polititions!I love knowing that my outspoken views can lead to debate reater than a knock on the door or a bullit in the head or woorse!!
i also like knowing that if I fall ill I will be treated by the NHS for free! and not like say the USA where treatment depends on your welth
so while yoou are complaining about taxes and tax credits ect ask youorself do you realy want the alternitive! as say the USA or maybe somewhere worse lik africia or south america or asia!
look at wot we got and compair it to the rest of the world!
dont downgrade our superb system to that of lesser countries to reduce the flow of economic migrants upgrade their countries!!so they dont feel the need to run from oppression economic oe otherwise!!