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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 68
0 miles · Greater Manchester


we live in a highly regulated country with over 85% of the worlds cctv camaras and some of the highest taxes in the world!booo hooo!!!
Well maybe not! we all have our gripes about the system and we can all see inequalities and couruption!
but would you want to live anywhere else!
not me I like our green and pleasent land!
I like to be able to rant about our greedy courupt police and polititions!I love knowing that my outspoken views can lead to debate reater than a knock on the door or a bullit in the head or woorse!!
i also like knowing that if I fall ill I will be treated by the NHS for free! and not like say the USA where treatment depends on your welth
so while yoou are complaining about taxes and tax credits ect ask youorself do you realy want the alternitive! as say the USA or maybe somewhere worse lik africia or south america or asia!
look at wot we got and compair it to the rest of the world!
dont downgrade our superb system to that of lesser countries to reduce the flow of economic migrants upgrade their countries!!so they dont feel the need to run from oppression economic oe otherwise!!
guess tha I just might do quite well in the mixed Bi athleteothon marathon with kinky sowball shooting from a ringed pole!!!!
this might be a very popular event if held in a darkend room!!
are we sugesting that we shud change our current system for 1 based on slavery?
or is it a little bit of greek that you are proposing??lol
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so wots new the last person to give power to is someone who says I shud be in charge!
but untill we get a better sustem make everyone subject to the law and police politicans or public servents of any type caught courupting the the system shud get the maximum sentence without early relese! also remove all the patronage if someone is elected to represent me and payed for that job they shud not be available to the highest bidder!
that tory idiot running for mayor of london makes £4million a year out of selling his vote!

Democratic Athens had a system for the selection of lesser public posts. All the candidates, (males over 30, not slaves or non-citizens, maybe 10% of the population,) where put in a draw. First name out got the post. More important posts where elected. Failor normally meant a trail by 500 citizens and anything up to death.
wow alljustfun!and i thought i was a lone voice in the wilderness!!
as for your comment abbout the BNP I feel ashamed that I agree with them on so many points!
in the 70s I marched against them and......well thats history! now i find myself agreeing with their aruments!!
how i hate myself for it!! and loath and detest the PC squad that are forcing our country into the hands of such zenophobic natzi pigs!!!!!
hay ho I suppose thats what you get when 20% of the population elect our government!!!!
and less than 2% decide who we get a chance to elect!!
no one likes paying taxes!!and we all moan about the cost of living but if you think this is bad just wait till the tories get back into power!!
then we will have reason to moan!!
did you know that the word tory meens thief!!!!
before getting rid of this lot remember the thatcher eara nad the budgets then!!!
so wots new the last person to give power to is someone who says I shud be in charge!
but untill we get a better sustem make everyone subject to the law and police politicans or public servents of any type caught courupting the the system shud get the maximum sentence without early relese! also remove all the patronage if someone is elected to represent me and payed for that job they shud not be available to the highest bidder!
that tory idiot running for mayor of london makes £4million a year out of selling his vote!
an you all know these adds that get to you so much!
an the products thhey advetise.....see where Im goin maybe???????
those stupid add men how will they ever place their clients products in the heads of the masses!......
and we aint st stupit ones as can be seen from these posts.....but......we all miss wot is under our noses unless we have a mirror!!!!
sorry folks bet you think i am some type of reactionery string them up biggot!....but......
if you teach a child that actions have consiquences and that the punisment is worse than the crime they quickly learn to behave in a civilised manner and this then lasts thro their life!
if you let them get away with minor infractions they will push the envelope!
if you punnish them today for doing X because you are having a bad day (period work life ect) ad leave them off for doing X tomorrow because your in a good mood you teach them that strenth is power and can do as it likes!
so if you want to solve this problem punish the parents and make the punishment suit the crime!
I hate to say this as i have always thought that it is better that 100guilty men go free than 1 innocent man hang!...but bring back the birch and the rope
beat a man while drunk high or just angry and have the flesh stripped from your back with a whip kill a man and die!
sos for man read person of any age gender or colour!
or at last bring back corporal punishment in schools! and protect our teachers!!
hay chippin everyone sounds good to me!!
if you aint being a criminal you gor nothing to worry about!! the chip can hold all your data prints DNA iris print NHS no ......ect
you dont have the right chip you are a go to prison or expelled solve a lot of problems in a single stroke!!!
who's against this?
maybe the fools who say its wrong to punish children
wrong to punish adolesent thugs
wrong to punish murderers
do you maybe see where I am comming from!!
the road to hell is not paved with good intentions
its paved with easy options and compromise
there is right and wrong is is wrong for a yob male or female drunk or sober to assault anyone
assault occasioning actual bodily harm(bruising)or GBH(bleeding) carry a maximum penelty of over 2 years in prison so so long as you say you are making a citizens arrest you can use resonable force to detain whoever it is till the police arrive and you will only be in the police station giving a statment not under arrest!
my god how can you say oh I wont get involved in this day and age......
what a shitty attitude!!
to parafraze a catholic priest who survived the natzi death camps
when they came for the mentalt ill I did nothing i was not mentaly ill
when they came for the gipsies I did nothing I was not a gipsie
when they came for the comunists I did nothing I was not a comunist
when they came for the tradeunionists I did nothing.......
when they came for the jews..........
when they came for me there was noone to do anything!!!!
while you sit in your livingroom congratulating your selfsatisfied self for your political correctness and vision in being able to walk on by ask yourself whos going to come to your aid!!
if ppl like you stoped hiding behind your curtains and opened your front door and steppped out and said NOT ON MY STREET....IN MY TOWN...MY COUNTRY we would not be living in fear of little bits of shit that terrorise neighbourhoods!!
And before anyone climbes on a high horse I am an EX SOLDIER I NEVER cross the road and turn my back and its nothing to do with courage its to do with standing up when your shitting yourself and saying I will not hide!!
look around you7 and ask yourself what sort of a place do you want to live in!!
and do something about it!!!!
open control panel-device manager=hardware-keyboards
check that it says that the device is working correctly
if it is try reinstalling the drivers-and check the battries in your keyboard= change them for new ones and make sure they are all in the right way! if your wired keyboard is PS2 try a USB keyboard and via se versa
after that my guess is that your bios may need flashing or that you meed to reinstall windows because you have lost a dll file best bet is to get someone to look at it for you if you dont no wot your doin but first try all up to and including changing keyboards! hhope this helps
firstly let me appoligse as a newbe to the site i did not know that the site had a non varification policy and have had one thread closed due to doing just that!and my wrists slaped for being indiscrete!
however I was not being soo as the ppl involved wanted the feedback!if they didnt I would never have dreamed of saying a word!its to do with respect!!!
there must be amiddle way
I dont know about others but i belive that manners maketh the man!
and i love to pay anybody that is willing to spend time in my company the respect they deserve this meens I pen doors pull out seats and take the weight on my elbows lol
as for the way i smell thats to do with personal respect and hygine!
anyone who doesnt care about theirs aint geting anywhere near me!!!
and I'M sure that most othrs feel the same way its such a quick andeasy way to decide if you want to go futher ! if they smell bad NO WAY!!!!!!
so dont decry the loss of manners and ladies/gentlemen use it as a quick and easy filter!!!!!
please note my comments have nothing to do with lying cheating gits of any sex!they are scum and shud be treated as such
my beef is with HIV being labled as an STD and therefore a "sin" in the eyes of the god squad and their ....... you get the idea
I understand what you are saying and everyone is responible for their sexual helth!!
My point is that hiv/aids is NOT a STD as say clap or sif which aint nice either.
HIV/AIDS is a DEATH SENTENCE! and anyone wowho takes such a risk must do so with ALL the facts- and altho HIV can be spread by sex it is not a STD (a sexualy transmited desese)it is a heamatological retrovirus the std side of the virus is thru blood entering other bodily fluids!
this is a very real risk but no more than coming in contact with anyone elses blood!!
It is easy to call it an STD and say it is the fault of gays and other devients! by the way thats you and me!!!
as for it being incuable did you know that AZT is givin in the rest of the world to any health care worker who has a sharps injury, this is because AZT kills the virus in the first 3/5 days after infection in the same way as cymo works on canser, but in this country we only give it to health workers who come in contact with known HIV pos ppl!
As I sais if you are going to be parinoid do it accross the board!!!
and please dont join in the demonisation of a small minority as we are all open to being picked on too!
and if you are going to pontificate about a killer virus pick on the vector and ALL its methods of transmition not just 1! as this only plays into the hands of those who would tell us all not just how to live but how to think!!
my rant over I think we shud all play safe!!
however having said that I climb and free climb shude I be banned as I risk my life and those that would have to come out and pick up the pieces if I fall!!
to you again...... wink
hi all just read all the posts and I would like to point out 2 things
1. I would much rather someone tell me that they are into bareback sex then I have a choice! and as for all these ppl who take the high ground have you ever had a condom split! I know I have!!!
2. HIV is NOT an STD it is a BLOOD virus it can be caught during sex if and only if there is BLOOD contact!
so how many of us are as parinoid about dressing cuts, handleing sharps,(knives,cracked cups ect)
HIV is a pussy virus! it takes 10 to 20 years to kill you! if you want to be scared start thinking about ebola!
Get some perspective and dont decry people who let you know how they play from the outset wink
over to you!!..... :!:
We are all here for fun!I hope!!
however now and again we all meet people who are either not what they claim oor are so good that you want to tell everyone about them!!
I have met a couple on two occasions now and cant wait till I get to play with them again!! and I want to tell everyone about them!!
they are wonderfull!! the best fuck I've ever had!! they have tottaly blown my mind and there is no place for me to tell others and them how much I LOVE being their sex toy and how lucky anyone else would be to be invited into their bed!!!
does anyone agree with me that there shud be a place for feedback that way a lot of people will be saved from either frustration or disappointment!!
any comments?
oh the couple involved advertise as xxxxxxxxxxx
and they are YUMMY!!!