Quote by HarryJones
Could you add us too please.
Harry Jones
OMG! Twice in one year? Is this a record?
Quote by bbw_loverNkitty
"Ann Widdecombe ........ Ann Widdecombe ..... Ann Widdecombe ......" (Works every time!)
Quote by benrums0n
Bugger me even i understood the explanation and those shiny boxes sure look pretty.
Mind you at a grand a pop for the imac Its gonna have to be very very pretty.
Quote by benrums0n
When I was an It drone an old crusty techie gave me some advice that stood me in good stead. Visit a few small charities that have similar sized offices and find out what they are using. They are typically budget/performance conscious and need systems that require the facilities most businesses require.
Quote by The_third_man
We have just got funding from the awards for all to help up date our system so have a nice little sum to spend but obviously want to make the most of it
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I had a good joke sent to me yesterday....
For sale: 150,000 printed T-shirts ( Man Utd Quintuple Cup Winners 2009 ) Will make good dusters/oil rags 5p each. Contact A. Ferguson or apply
Quote by Bettyboop82
I can get in every other room on every server apart from my fave room the bbw room server one!!!!!!! soooo bloody frustrating :evil: :evil: