I can't help thinking its the wrong argument. Somebody mentioned about not being fully focused on driving, which seems much more convincing to me. If the whole mobile while driving issue seems impossible to implement, how on earth are they going to ake on the smoking issues as well. I'm just not convinced it will change anything. And at what point do you allow ADULTS in a democracy to make their own decisions?
Also why has this single issue come about. What about clusters of young girls with their prams, puffing away to their hearts content AND dropping ash on their beloved offspring? It's just not joined up thinking but political posturing. All it does is get people all worked up about a relatively unimportant issue. Yes I know SMOKING = CANCER etc. etc., but the country is in a mess, business disappearing left right and centre. Instead of banning perhaps a change in attitude would make more sense?
It does worry me sometimes that politicians invoke children and old people when their argument is a little weak..
Well said Freckledbird. There isn't a set etiquette on this site or any other swing site. Just because someone messages you you shouldn't feel obligated to respond or feel under pressure to respond. I agree it's nice to have a polite message but I wouldn't reply if I wasn't suited. I wouldn't think it fair to start a conversation if nothing was going to happen, though in all fairness a polite "no thanks" should be in order.
Well said Freckledbird. There isn't a set etiquette on this site or any other swing site. Just because someone messages you you shouldn't feel obligated to respond or feel under pressure to respond. I agree it's nice to have a polite message but I wouldn't reply if I wasn't suited. I wouldn't think it fair to start a conversation if nothing was going to happen, though in all fairness a polite "no thanks" should be in order.
Really sorry we couldn't make it this year, we normally wouldn't miss it for the world. However we've had a difficult year and couldn't get ourselves organized in time. Plus we've also had health issues to deal with. Hope those that did turn up made it just as much fun as it always has been.
Love to all
I have been a member for quite a few years now and only some here occasionally to keep in touch. I think it's sad that so many people are leaving but I'm not really that surprised. Since the changes that have happened, in the last 5 years or so, something fundamental has also gone. If I knew what it was I'd happily highlight it and hope it would change back. But I too find I have had many meets off other sites but any meets from here have totally dried up.
I can't help feeling that the current design, and the way the site appears to be going, gives the impression of a social networking site. And it didn't help the fact that the site changed from one thing to the next, almost at random. Even the Forums haven't recovered from this. There's nothing wrong with changes, and people aren't afraid of them. What people are afraid of is changing the site into something else. And sadly this is what has happened. Instead if taking the strengths and building on it, changes were implemented without any apparent due care and consideration.
There were many of us who had predicted this would happen and, judging from the comments, it looks like it has. I hope something can be done before it's too late. This used to be the best swinging site on the net but that is no longer the case and hasn't been for years now.
Didn't think that we were going to be able to make it, but thanks to a lovely lady (you know who you are) we are coming!
See you all there xx
Hi! Have you thought about getting a Mac? I have a pc, but much prefer using bbw_lovers Mac.. super fast and can have a myriad of things all open at the same time...
You might want to download a piece of software called "macam". It has all the necessary drivers to make your external cam work. You'll need this before the hardware can be recognized.
I haven't got one... but I hear they're good!!
I seem to remember going in to Anne Summers earlier on in the year, and one of the assistants recommending it when he saw my ipod... He said you can plug it in and you get the vibrations in time to the music! :shock:
I was buying a vibrator at the time... will try and find out a bit more for you!
Have had lots of things happen over the years, and had a visitation this morning, I tend to get "visits" on anniversaries. It's my mums birthday today, and already had a couple of things happen, and expect more as the day goes on! :shock:
I'm probably going to get slated for this, but here goes! The Chain, by Fleetwood Mac.... inspired to use it for Formula One!
Originally I thought this thread was about the best guitar, and was going to say Les Paul... what do you guys think?