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Over 90 days ago


And I loved my convertible!!!!!!!!!! and this climate???? - what about the last summer! phew!

well yeah alex last summer was my main inspiration for buying one....
but why do i have an uneasy feeling this summer is going to be the worst since records began???
bed head
ooohh got to be the digital camera for all those pics you were too scared to take in to boots!!
cordless mouse and keyboard. i hate sitting at a computer desk so i thought, why not operate the pc from the comfort of the sofa....great idea. unfortunately the mouse is out of range and i can't see what i'm typing 'cus the screen is so far away. apart from that, definitely one of my better ideas.
convertible. i know it's not strictly speaking a gadget....but let's face it, the combination of kids and this climate, it's not exactly practical is it...
bed head.
always like a good shot of a nasty headboard. something floral with frilly bits along the top does it for me.
we could start a gallery...
bed head.
helloeveryone, been away... back now.
it's sad isn't it but we shouldn't be too suprised when a tabloid newspaper attacks a sector, or sub-sectror of society. they do it all the time and too often it ruins the lives of the people involved.
as a former journalist i'm as guilty as the rest. so often i would cover stories in a way that suited the mood of the moment, but that totally went against my own beliefs and feelings. it was my job, but it was eating away at my soul and eventually i got out of the business.
jounalists ARE hypocrites and we should no longer be suprised at this. full page rants about teenage drug culture are written by people with massive cocaine addiction. do they stop to look at the connection? no, cus they don't care.
stories about paedophiles and sex offenders appear on the same page as a 16 year old page 3 model. any connection? well, again they don't care because both sell papers.
yep the daily mail has got the hysterical middle classes whipped up into a frenzy. as we speak they are barricading themselves in the cellar to escape the likes of us, who lets face it pose a threat to normal society.
well we know it's being open about our sexuality, but don't even bother trying to explain or justify it, facts are not the issue here.
the sad thing is we may not believe everything we read in the papers, but millions of us buy them or just pick them up to read.
ooohh that's enough heavy stuff for tonight.
anyone fancy starting one of those top 10 lists. i find them much easier to get my head round. biggrin
bed head
I notice that no one has followed up that I found the collective noun for nymphomaniacs. How disappointing!

well come on then, you're obviously bursting to tell us....
Squirrels aren't the cutesey little critters we imagine
dead right artificer. squirrels ain't nothin' but a rat with a fluffy tail.
tufty is apparently doing time for armed robbery of a wharehouse full of chocolate peanuts.
bed head
hi karrie,
i sympathize with your plight
i've been doing a bit of dating through personal ads of late, and i've yet to come across an accurate description of my potential date...
people seem incapable of telling the truth about themselves. 35 means 50. slim means overweight. and good looking..... well, i'm sure their mother thinks that they're good looking but i certainly haven't. but then i'm probably the fussiest man on the planet.
every one has been a blind date, either they don't have a photo, or they don't have the technology. i've been on that many dates, where i end up making small talk for an hour, when if i'd seen their photo beforehand we could have saved the price of our tall cappuccino and done something more stimulating on our own.
so send your phioto and if people don't believe you, then screw 'em.... or rather, NOT.
karrie if people are reluctant to accept that the picture you send them is really you, maybe it's because they are big fibbers themselves.
hope you manage to find what you're looking for.
i haven't checked out your ad myself, but if you take part in this forum.....then you must be beautiful!!!!
bed head. sadder and wiser and several cappuccinos poorer.
guys, guys, guys, please,
it's bad enough that it's saturday night and we're having ANOTHER night in, (actually i've got work v early 2moro so i've got a good excuse). But two pages on the collective noun for squirrels! come on.
i'm well aware that words are very seductive,and stimulating conversation can lead to, well.......stimulation. but squirrels?
it's the way they deeply bury their nuts isn't it?
anyway i like sappho's original suggestion...
You can have a harem of seals by the way, but no squirrel communes, groups, masses or collectives. Bummer isn't it?

mmmmm, a bummer of squirrels.
not sure the squirrel community will be too happy with that one.
oh and hi GG AND welcome. they're caustic but they don't mean (much of)it.
bed head.
p.s. you probably did this months ago, but.... collective noun for swingers???
you're dead right fred, the different approaches to top 10 lists has been a fascinating insight into human psychology.
i definetely fall into the category of nervous contributor, worried of people ripping the piss just because toy story is in my top 10. (actually i would have put it higher if i'd had the balls, in my opinion it is one of the greatest films ever made, but maybe that's just the way my adolescent mind works). thought: shame my body isn't still at the adolescent stage... sigh.
having a bit of a retro phase in films at the moment. flicked C4 on the other day and 'st. trinians train robbery' was on. talk about dumb fun, my brain was in neutral (so what's new!) but i was laughing my socks off.
this is a worrying trend, before i know it i'll be buying the 'on the buses' box set!
i think the lot of us need professional help. i read recently that making lists, like train spotting is a form of autism specificially related to men. doesn't apply to women of course who are all born to make lists, usually of things they'd like US to do, in OUR time, and at OUR expense.
sorry, was that too cynical? quick somebosy get this thread back on track!!!
bed head.
you're an angel,thanks.
i'll be there, in fact i've been ironing a fresh crease into the front of my levi's 8) in anticipation.
looking forward to meeting everybody.
bed head
followed the advice of sappho and checked out the munch link. sounds great, just have to get myself on the guest list then biggrin ..... was that hint too subtle??? don't tell me i'm going to have to work out who's organising it?? confused
isn't their going to be hundreds of people turning up? or is their a complex and technical vetting procedure involving an old hat and some ripped up bits of paper with names on?
anyway thanks for the tip sapphox
bed head
i'm a bit nervous about this posting as i'm sure your fave films say a hell of a lot about your personality... but here goes.
1 groundhog day
2 the fisher king
3 american beauty
4 life is sweet (and i'm with artificer on the choclate sauce issue, did nothing for me)
5 tilsammans (together)
6 ladykillers
7 toy story
8 naked gun
9 the opposite of sex
10 spinal tap
it's hard just choosing 10 isn't it?
bed head.
hi sappho,
i too had ideas on returning as a cat but for totally different reasons.
cats are, lets face it, vain, lazy and only interested in seeking food, attention and pleasure. .....oh, it would seem this IS my reincarnation. wonder what i'll be 3rd time round?
bed headx
note to self.. see, it IS possible to talk about cats without making pussy jokes... well done.
hello ts,
yeh i see what you mean. i've been catching up on some reading.....
bed head
hi A,
well that was how it happened for me too.
had never heard of the place, came for a look round and here i am.
will probably never leave cus of all the good things it has to offer, most of which you mentioned.
but i like it to be a well kept secret. don't want everyone muscling in on the place.
if anyone asks i say its just outside milton keynes.
sure we'll get together sometime. probably for a pint of shropshire lad!
(better clarify for any of our viewers outside shropshire, this is not a double entendre or kinky sex act, just a beer). so calm down.
bed head.
hi misschief, thanks for the welcome. friendly round here sn't it!
skiing manoeuvre???? could be that as well.
could it be a sexual manoeuvre??? giving a salopian?.... mmmm, i'll think about that.
bed head.
ps kit+kat, glad to hear you rate all the salopians you've met. of course i'm sure i'd ding the bell on the 'phwoar-ometer' wink but, unfortunately i'm far to modest to rate myself.
i don't even have a telly! yeh i know what your thinking... what do i do when the pub's closed???
have a life!!!!
bed head.
northener eh??? personally i've never been further than Yorton in case i fall of the edge of the map.
i'm from down south but wouldn't live anywhere else now. it's got everything. well now i've discovered this site it definetely has everything!
bed headx
hi lucy,
sorry to hear you've had a hard time. i've just posted a reply on 'hey i am new here' about men looking for women. this is exactly what i mean about single guys needing a PR makeover, what can we do????
hope you get what your looking for.
bed head.
...think i'd better have a look at your ad......
hi kat, i really wish i had a sexy, exciting, thought provoking answer, but as is usually the case......... i don't.
a salopian is anyone from the county of salop, which is the old name for shropshire.
now how dull was that??
bed head.
yeh welcome from a fellow newbie.
seems that single guys need a PR makeover. how any woman is supposed to sort the wheat from the chaff i don't know. failure rate in responses from single blokes must be massive, well that's the impression i get from reading some of the comments. so if your a genuine, fit, clean, generally top bloke, how do you find your way through the maze.
wait, stop! please,anyone who knows the answer to the above question, don't post it on the site. i'll work it out for myself and corner the market!!!!!
bed head.
wow another salopian, and this time a girl!!!! this site is like waiting for the proverbial bus isn't it....
anyway, hi sappho, thanks for the welcome, nice to be here. who'd have thought it eh, sleepy old shropshire... not sure yet what you mean by alive and kicking but should be good finding out.
bed head.
ps love the name by the way.
that country girl has witched your wishes,
all dressed up in her country clothes
and she hasn't got the sense
to hitch her rags above her ankles.
it's good stuff but i think i prefer Dr. Seuss to child of Zeus..
look i'm really sorry to be so dim, but i am new so go easy on me, but..... what is a munch? i just know the answer is going to be embarrassingly obvious isn't it?
bed head.
hi A, thanks for the welcome. bit of a.e. housman eh?? did you know that when he wrote a shropshire lad he'd never set foot in the place. he actually lived in bromsgrove (poor lad)! he was inspired by the views though.
right that's enough, this forum has been far too intellectual so far, surely someone can lower the tone a bit??.
didn't expect to find anyone else from the county on here. thought shropshire was dead from the waist down.
cheers mate,
bed head
well kat i wasn't expecting debate like this in a swingers forum but when you think about it freedom and boundaries are at the heart of what we do.
i'm a newbie by the way and i've found the site immensely helpful.
during my teens and early twenties i acted like some kind of weekend anarchist, i rebelled against any sort of authority and control. looking back i can see the roots. after leaving school i worked for a famous ship based pirate radio station until the point when it was boarded by british government officials and violently shut down. thereafter any mention of governemnt by me was usually coupled with totaletarian. i can see my petty rebelling against the state just made me sound like a prick.
now i realise that human beings need guidance, they need boundaries set for them and without rules anarchy will ensue. i believe democracy, true democracy does not and can never exsist, because it doesn't work. nothing gets done cus everyone is being so bloody democratic. there has to be someone, or more likely some people at the helm. now i did not elect the moderators of this site but if i do not agree with their actions i am free to leave. that's as pure as democracy gets.
i get a good feeling about this site and when i disagree with the rules, boundaries or regulations that are imposed then, you'll hear from me, or not....... so in a nutshell (case more like), if the moderators are power crazed fanatics, then the site will soon fail, and it has not. yes i know this sounds soooo middle class but most 'decent' people can spot fairness a mile off..
god, was that a ramble or did it qualify as a mad rant???? any way enough of this heavy stuff i though we were here for sex and friendship.....