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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 42
Straight Male, 47


Quote by Dirtygirly
No... it's not for me either. I think it looks common. Sorry to those who have... it's just not nice. confused
My mum made me wait till I was 13 before she took me to Jenners to have mine done. Needless to say I went out the week after and got the second ones done! lol
Then the third and fourth and the one at the top! :mrgreen:
They've all closed now, I got over the nine holes in my ears thing. I take a notion to repierce them from time to time but they itch and bother me so then I let them close again. :lol:

This is me too- Jenners, and I had to be in High School!!!!!
I don't wear mine ever, i had the second ones done, and the top bit, and my nose, but i think they must've all closed up.
yuk yuk yuk on children!
A joke thread???
I don't post them, but i know plenty people like to post their jokes/forards/funny video clips- would save the mods some locking time each time on gets posted!?
And I do like to laugh at them sometimes!!!
actually easy and woohoo are in the same song- 'well I lie and I'm easy, all the time I'm never sure why I need you, pleased to meet ya!' Woohoo!! yeh yeh!'
lol tan yes, he wants us to come up with differences between men n women...
or the pussy song!
'my neck, my back, lick my pussy and my crack...
All you ladiez pop yo pussy like this
Shake ya body don't stop don't miss
all you ladiez pop yo pussy like this
shake ya body don't stop don't miss
just do it, do it, do it, do it, do it now
lick it good suck this pussy just like u should
right now lick it good suck this pussy just like u should
my neck my back lick my pussy and my crack
My neck my back lick my pussy and my crack
my neck my back lick my pussy and my crack
my neck my back lick my pussy and my crack
my neck my back lick my pussy and my crack
Verse 1.
First you gotta put yo lipz into it.
Dont stop just do it do it
Then you roll ya tongue from tha crack back 2 da front
and ya suck it all till i shake and cum nigga
make sho i keep bustin nutz nigga
all ova yo face and stuff
slow head show me so much luv
da best head comez from a thug
da dick good, dick big and long
slow fuckin till tha crack a dawn

on da edge makin facez and stuff
thru da night makin so much luv
dead sleep till da sun comez up
Chorus x 1
Versus 2
You might roll dubz u mite have Gz but fuck dat nigga get on yo kneez
A bytch like me moanz and screamz. Thug Missez kno wha I mean
aT da club so fresh so clean,a whole gang of niggaz watchin me
so hy and da line on green
wit a unit on my face so mean
got a gold rush fella i need
take me out spend hiz money on me
try me i'll make u scream
ya bytchez aint got shyt on me
Chorus x 2
x 2
Den you roll ya tongue frum da crack
back to da front and ya
suck it all till i shake and cum nigga
make sho i keep bustin nutz nigga
My neck my back lick my pussy and my crack
This was in the charts!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
'This bed is on fire with passionate love,
The neighbours complain about the noises above,
but she only cums when she's on to-o-op, ah, you think you're so pretty-eee-eeee'
It's not so much what someone does, but what they say!
I love filth being whispered in my ear, something really really dirty.....
I also tend not to be able to cum, until i know the other person is. As soon as I hear them starting to cum, or even better, telling me, it will without doubt send me right over the edge.
oooo just had a bit of a flush there....
I've had this quite a few times!
Again, very unusual for me to cry ever, i don't like showing my emotions, so it's been very weird when it has happened- and I was certainly faaaaaar from upset!
Must be the hormones going crazy!
m xx
Think I've posted on this thread topic every time it has popped up!
So as I've probably waffled on about before, this is my favourite, in fact probably my only fantasy.
It's probably getting to the stage where I almost need to be forced/pinned down/choked/slapped/thrown about etc in order to cum, and it is the 'non-consent' section in literotica that I go to first.
I've not quite worked out why I like it so much, I kinda like feeling 'smaller' like I can just be thrown about, I like the feeling of being 'used', i like the gangbang 'fantasy', but it will always stay just that, i also like the idea of being a good little girl who's taken advantage of, I suppose because I'm quite shy, and not very good at initiating.
Quote by Freckledbird
Hmmm. I think I need to rethink 'trust implicitly'. confused

kiss :therethere:
Quote by ScoobySmudge
Shutup bitches and choke on this! blast

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Happy birthday gorgeousness!!!!!!
Lot's of love and kisses and.....
Hollyoaks- utter trash and I LOVE it! That, and Shameless are about the only tv programmes I watch. We had a bit of a 'thing' going on with one of our female friends for a while, but she was very definately a fb, no relationship tie there for either of us, only the relationship between me n d. Think it will end in tears as Nancy appears to be ruling the roost, and they don't all appear equal. I think if it was to work, everyone would have to be the most laid back personalities and not have a smidgen of jealousy in them!
m x
I used to be of the opinion that everyone that comes to this country should learn English, and I always make the effort when I go abroad to at least know the basics like please/thank you/how much/ where is etc etc, and think that everyone should, and not just rely on their 'spanglais'- "voulez vous telephone taxi pleasey-o?"...
Has anyone read the book brick lane? Or seen the film?
That totally changed my opinion on this topic. The main character in the story line was a young girl who had to move to Britain following her arranged marriage to a much older man. She didn't want to move and hated it here. Her husband was the soul breadwinner, he went out to work and could speak english, but didnt want her to. For the first few years, she pretty much stayed indoors, too scared to go out (she tried once and got lost and couldn't cope) It wasn't really until she had children and they went to school that she started learning english, but her husband didnt like it to be spoken in the house.
There must be so many families that do come here, where some family members never even get the chance to learn, not through any lack of desire in themselves to learn.
Nola, thanks for your insight into this too!
m xx
He has an amazing body in that black leotard! His shaven legs are strangely erotic!!!
I loved the dancing one! Robert Webb as flash dance and paddy and keith doing dirty dancing were HILARIOUS! I loved it, but didn't watch anything else,and haven't donated my pennies, although did at work, and already give to charities. Think its a great one for kids to get involved in.
m xx
A junior doctor earns a starting salary of £21 391, working 48 or 48 to 56 hours a week.
This does not include the continual study and learning that then goes on in spare time, and the exams, presentations c ase studies etc that have to be done.
It doesn't think about the fact that they can only choose to work in an area of britian such as 'the north east', not a particular hospital in a particular town near their family.
My friend was told that they couldn't guarantee annual leave for his wedding, and working shifts and holidays are only given sometimes with a weeks notice of rotation.
The hours are unsociable, the shifts are tough, and peoples lives are in your hands.
You don't get a christmas bonus, you don't get a paid christmas party etc etc etc.
You have to do 5 years study min, which you are then in debt repaying, your future exams have to be paid for, you have to give up all your free time for work experience.
Yes, everyone knows this is what a doctor does, and yes, as they work up the ladder, the pay is better, the hours are better (sometimes) the holidays are better, but surely a perk here and there wouln't go amiss? they are few and far between in the NHS in my eyes.
I think that it would only be in rare instances that a doctor may be swayed by a drug rep in placing an order, and there is so much more involved in the choice of drugs that i think it highly unlikely a gp would chose on a whim.
We often have drugs reps coming in, and it is a highlight as you know they will bring cakes and nice coffee, and it really is the highlight of the year.
I know plenty of other professions where the highlights are a damn sight larger than a few cakes/pens/cups etc.
ceiling ceiling ceiling ceiling ceiling.....
humph! This avatar isn't as fun!
OMG! :shock:
Now all I can see is artex ceiling!!
It's like the picture of the two women, the optical illusion (well, almost!) one- is it an old hag? Is it a beautiful young girl?...
folks! this is not the place to come when you're on a diet!!!
You surely must all be able to hear my stomach growling from here?!
m xx
Quote by kentswingers777
I orgasm everytime i see you've posted 777 no need to fake it just pure enjoyment rotflmao
I bet someone somewhere faked an orgasm and told you that you were fantastic biggrin That inturn has made you feel so confident about your prowess that no one could be honest with you for fear of it destroying your ego lol
bet there have been fakers. i bet there has :lol:

Obviously Losty I cannot be sure on that but.... my main enjoyment is giving pleasure to the lady. MY enjoyment has always cum second ( no pun intended ). :lol:
All I was saying is that if people fake it, then where is the gain in that? Your just being dishonest with yourself, and to the other person. Nothing to be gained in that at all.
I fake it and i don't give a shit.
Sometimes a gals head just isn't in the right place to cum.
It often takes a gal a helluva lot more than the physical pleasure to make them orgasm (me being one of them- not all the time, but sometimes)
(oh and plenty of the time i can cum in 30 seconds flat- it just depends!)
Sometimes on say a first meet, there are big expectations- the person you are with wants to make sure you are enjoying yourself.
Usually you are, very much so, but perhaps because its new, because there's that 'expectation' it can screw with your head.
Sometimes it is easier in that situation to 'fake it'- there is only so much you can take sometimes! (as earthy said- you can get a tad chaffed down there!)
Knowing that you're enjoying yourself, you potentially could cum with that person, they weren't doing anything wrong, you weren't doing anything wrong, but it just aint gonna happen that time- it can save an awful lot of questioning.
And believe me, there are those that make it their mission to make you cum, sometimes the more they do, the less it makes you want to, and with someone you dont know, it can be so much easier to fake.
Believe me, people really do take offence if you dont cum and really do think they've done something wrong.
As i said, my orgasms are not dependable on pressing the right buttons, there is much more to it than that.
For example, Den is the person that knows me the best, knows exactly how to make me cum, knows how to keep me hanging on, gagging for it, can make me cum in 30secs, but sometimes evn with den i know before i start that it's not going to happen.
I'm having a great time, so is he but i won't cum.
I don't ever fake it with him, I'm happy to say if I'm not going to , he knows, he's not worried, he knows it's not something he's done.
But how do i broach that with a completely new meet? I'm not gonna stop mid shag and say, 'by the way, I'm nnot gonna cum, you crack on' I'm also not gonna lie there as most likely, they're gonna want to see me 'cum' so why not??
So to sum up, if they were great but i just wasn't in the zone, then fake it? hell yeh.
If i am comfortable with them, but it aint gonna happen, then I have no problem saying so and not needing to fake.
If they are shit, there is no spark and I'm just not liking the technique, then damn right i will give them as many pointers to make it better, and certainly wouldn't fake to give them and ego boost!!
Maz xx
Quote by midsprincess
okay im going to stick my neck out here and be serious for at least this answer. I used to be 23 stone - I tried all types of diet and only the following worked for me. I am cautiously saying for me...... oh and peanuts are not nuts - bin em!
1. I threw out all ready and packeted meals - they contain huge amounts of salt and excess sugar - for those who think they know - corn syrup is a main component in many meals and meats as is cheaper than sugar - it is a thickening and bulking agent.
2. Avoid the crisp/sweet aisle
3. Buy fresh veg and Meat/ Fish - cut all fat off red meat and only have once a week - Rabbit and venison are low in fat if good cuts.
4. Exercise 3 times a week for at least an hour - cardio and weights.
5. Walk if its under 2 miles - I dont care if its raining.
6. Park the farthest distance from the Shopping centre in the car park lol
7. Learn to cook properly.
8. Consult your doctor about more tips - they will tell you to exercise more so do it.
9. Watch the weight fall off

well said that man.
Obesity is a problem of the western world. I talk daily to people about their diet and am amazed at what they eat. So much junk food ping food and take aways. Does no one cook any more?
3 balanced meals a day, no picking in between, not oversized portions, and a daily walk or exercise.
Diet is a lifetime issue not just till you get down to your desired weight then eat like a pig n put it back on.
Fad diets are dangerous - Dr Atkins died of an heart attack following his own diet.
Food should be enjoyed and satisfy a need.
Everything in moderation, and exercise exercise EXERCISE!!!
I weigh the least when I exercise properly, and eat the most, provided it is healthy. Simple as, simple does.
There was a programme on b2- horizon tonight, that was showing research to say that there are many more factors involved, which I felt was giving people an excuse to be fat, rather than encourage people to be a healthy weight!