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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 48


Quote by bluexxx
everyone who meets single guys (whether they be male or female) often encounters those guys who do not return emails or calls afterwards even those the meet apparently went very well. I think this type of person wants a one-off and is not interested in further contact, they have had the excitement of fucking a stranger and that is the kick for them.

You know, getting out of the swinging arena here (and hence into an arena I can talk about from actual experience), this is #2 on the list of things that really piss me off. I mean, I've nothing against casual sex, but if that's all it is then people shouldn't dress it up with expressions of undying love. (For real!) I tend to hear such things and get confused, y'know? And ladies, if you wake up the next morning and it's all being a horrible mistake, then picking up the phone when it rings and saying "hi, look I'm sorry, I might have got a wee bit carried away last night..." is the absolute best way of handling it. Blame it on the beer if it makes it more credible. Much better than just letting me keep ringing and ringing and not picking up.
I think we're all old enough now to know that the clitoris is actually a myth, and old wife's tale put about by old wives, and it doesn't really exist. :twisted:
Might be in bad taste, but how many people saw the thread title and imagined the words "I want" in front of it? ;)
Quote by naughtynymphos1
why don't you try putting up your own add and when replying to adds just give them the number to look at rather than trying to add a pic to your email?

IIRC, back when I was doing this it was strongly suggested to me that ladies found this insulting - if you couldn't be bothered to include the information about you in your email they weren't going to go hunting for it was the general attitude, iirc. YMMV.
WBB, if you feel the need to take out your frustrations on something living, just pick up your machete and come down to my place, I've got some brambles that need to be massacred. smile
Just kidding.
Though seriously, I have got brambles, so if you've got an axe to swing...
I've no idea what's going on, but - just you take good care of yourself!
Quote by Jammin
I was just wondering where all the people from the west midlands are on this site,

They're all hiding from my body odour.
Quote by equi-princess
Evidently, the choice of key fob or key ring you choose to hang your keys from says an awful lot about you......and your character....
What's on your key ring??????? besides your keys........ lol

I've got a Halifax "£10 reward for handing in lost keys" fob and some gizmo that supposedly deactivated the non-existant alarm system at work.
Quote by Kinky Lizard
So, I'm hoping that there are a few star gazers amongst you who can offer me some *serious* advice.....

Do your very best to make a smooth transition from last night's Moon-Venus schmooze-fest to a rather discordant Sun-Neptune polarity from Leo to Aquarius (9:12AM PDT). What will make this all the more troublesome is that the lunar orb in Virgo begins a void cycle at 3:11AM PDT and this uncertainty period lasts until 7:10PM PDT when the Moon slips into Libran airwaves.
Quote by Ice Pie
I had my first 'proper' girlfriend on the bedroom wall.

I tried to pin my first 'proper' girlfriend to the bedroom wall, too. Unfortunately, she went 'pop' and disappeared in an explosion of dyed rubber.
I had David Hasselhoff and Kit the talking car...
I was very young... and then I didn't redecorate for fifteen years. :shock:
Right now I have a picture of a seal. And that's it. I really need to get some more artwork...
I'm generally at least an hour late for work but I never rush; my life is much too important for me.
Strangely, everyone else in my office is not only there on time, but choose to work late most nights (no overtime) and really love being at work. Weirdos.
Quote by Miss-Red
teach every guy on here how to get upto an extra 3 inch length

All it takes is a bowling ball and a piece of string...
There are some black girls I find very alluring.
Personality is very very important, yes, and if someone's more fingernails-on-blackboard than fingertips-on-petals then I wouldn't be interested no matter what they look like. But physical attraction is important too. And what's often forgotten is that their personality shines through the physical features of the majority of people - in their faces, their posture, the way they move. When encountering a real person in real life, I'd question whether it was even possible to separately measure attraction to someone's physical characteristics from attraction to their personality.
Quote by piercedJon
And thats just what 90% of the viewing public want...saves fastforwarding the vid or DVD to the rude bits.
The rest of the vid hardly gets watched...

And to think, I've been called weird for having a strange fixation with watching every second of everything I own at least once... sad
Oh, you're a big ole pervert, and you need to call my therapist right now to set you on the straight and narrow. Just dial 1-800-PIPNTOM and you'll be on your way to twice-a-year lights-off normality. ;)
Quote by salt_n_pepper
whats the point of being on this site why dont you got to a family chat room dunno

Why would I want to chat about my family? :dunno:
Quote by salt_n_pepper
everyone rushers off to look at Roger's site bolt biggrin

It's the sexiest site on the 'net, nyah. :twisted:
On the subject in hand, I may be a poor prudish non-swinger but I can't see the point in having sex if you're not going to snog until your lips bleed and rip each other's clothes off in a fit of passion. I mean, someone tell me - without that, what is the point?
Quote by bluexxx
. I couldn't kiss a stranger and feel comfortable about it. it is gross.

A girl chasing me around the locker room for five or ten minutes trying to give me a peck on the cheek when I was thirteen, while I tried to ward her off with, uh, a bunch of keys.
I was a strange child.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
for god sake man so long as it work isn't that all that matter?

Quote by AndyS-NE
But thats like asking - you shag a womans arse but why not a mans?
"You'd kiss a women not a man"
etc etc

Or even "You enjoy it when your manly hand touches your penis so why not mine?"
Quote by Vix
N My first hubby & me, when getting a mortgage about 15 years ago:
Hubby: "Talk to her (me). I know nothing about all this and she works in finance"
Total banker: "ok" then proceeds to not even make eye contact with me and directs total conversation at hubby

Ah; professional saleman. Your hubby foolishly identified himself as the weak link in the chain so the salesman concentrated his attentions on him.
Quote by sparky530
hi there as a single guy,its very hard to meet some couples requiements,and then others give you no idea what they want.

You're right; judging from photo-ads, almost nobody gives you an idea of what they want. Couples and ladies looking for single fellas, of course, can get away with this because replies will rain down on them and someone's is bound to hit their buttons, just by dumb luck, but I often wander how some of the single guys think they're ever gonna meet anyone with "Hi, I'm 25 and here's a picture of my cock, please msg me soon cos I'm into everything!"
Quote by naughtynymphos1
i have not shagged evey man on this site

Didn't you read the rules when you signed up? Women aren't allowed to post here until they have shagged every man on the site. :twisted:
Quote by Goooner1
he had to nip to the shop to get some fags and he'd be back in a couple of minutes.
Of course he never did mad

Let's be generous... maybe the corner shop was closed so he had to go to Tesco, and then he got lost and couldn't find his way back? I hear those nicotine cravings can really mess with your brain... :lol2:
I always make a point of smiling at people I pass, but very few ever smile back. (Just call me 'Mr Shrek'.)