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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 53
0 miles · Nottinghamshire


Haven't posted on here for years, but this thread has perked my interest, so to speak. Here's a few photos that I took in Edinburgh at Easter.
My all-time favourite scottish band were a punk/metal band from the late 80's/early 90's called the Leprous Allsorts. Totally different from everything else that was around at the time, they sould have been massive, but they just seemed to dissapear overnight confused
Other bands that I remember from that time were "Dunderfunk", "Goodbye Mr McKenzie", "Crocodiles in Cream", and "Swamptrash". Of all of them, the only success story has been of the former keyboard player and backing singer from Goodbye Mt McKenze, who went onto become Shirley Manson, lead singer of the popular beat combo called "Garbage"
Quote by Azazel
Well following the form of my other posts I doubt this will even be noticed..
But now having clocked up more than 50 posts and having a grand total of about 2 responded to I figure it would be easier to penetrate a strict catholic virgin before marriage than break into this community...
I*ve tried talking to people, posting an ad, answering ad's and after the complete lack of response I feel like the man with herpes at a munch. So, this is to say I realise this obviously isn't the place for me and so goodbye.

2 responses??!! That's double mine, and I'm still here. Mind you, I expect I've killed this thread stone dead now, as per usual. Oh well *shrug*
mine would be Dusky Todd, which, surprisingly does sound like the sort of name an adult entertainment star would have.
Without wanting to sound like a spanner, I've got a serious answer for you... Try changing the refresh rate of the monitor to something lower. It's a short term fix, as if it's only just started whistling after working quite happily for so long it probably is on it's way out.
If it does blow up though I've got a 19" monitor sitting on the coffee table doind sod all, so you can have that for 50 notes if you like.
Quote by Calista
does my bum look big in this?

I once answered that particular question with "yes, it would look big in an aircraft hanger". Needless to say, I've never used that line ever again! confused redface
What size steak did you use for the bruise?
I didn't. I pretended I got it playing rugby, lol
Quote by Libra-Love
does my bum look big in this?

I once answered that particular question with "yes, it would look big in an aircraft hanger". Needless to say, I've never used that line ever again! confused redface
back to Get Fresh, I seem to remember the female co-presenter was really really pretty, and I fancied her like mad, but I can't for the life of me remember what she was called, and I don't think I've seen her in anything else since sad
If I can respond to this thread with my techie hat on....
See the icon at the bottom of your posts that says "msnm"? Usually means that's you've added your MSN address to your profile, so that any old nutter browsing the site can see it by clicking on the icon. It also means that any old nutter browsing the site can add you to their MSN list.
It's never really a good idea having it public for all and sundry to see.
I have the Rainbow tune as my ring-tone. I don't half get some funny looks when people phone me, seeing as I look like a bruiser and I have the campest, most childish ring-tone ever, lol
start -> run
type in ipconfig /renew
then ipconfig /flushdns
if that fails, turn off your cable/adsl modem for about an hour which should release your IP Address and give you a new one
You're in Croydon, so take him out to a really really nice pub called The Beer Circus, that's run by a friend of mine. They do loads of continental lagers and british cask ales, no loud music, and no chavs. Not too sure about food, but Graeme puts so much love and care into the beer, I doubt he'd neglect the food.
Quote by fruity1976
Up da ass!! Sorry I jsut couldnt resisit!! confused

Beat me to it! lol :lol: :lol:
Doh! I only managed 585. I really really thought I was dirtier than that :cry:
Quote by jlebbon
now theres an idea,
but where do ya sudject i dangle the tie?????

Use it as a tail?
Quote by fruity1976
hehe ooooooooooh wouldnt wanna bump into you on a dark night :P
passes tweezers and ducks!! :P

I'd be the one doing the bumping, cos I can't see a bloody thing half the time!
My eyebrows get as far as the end of my nose if I comb them downwards redface surprisedops:
Quote by fruity1976
Ok maybe you do have a point ( I was on the vergo of killing someone at that time unrealted to this thread just me hormones haha!)
I really dont fancy skinny blokes I kinda like big guys (not giant) but definetly have to have more than one bit of meat on them if you catch my drift!! haha (and Im not going on about cock size!)

Would "plump" be an adequate description? If so, /me hops on the next bus to Glasgow lol :lol: