Hi Sarah
Just confirming my place at the Notts Munch please.
Alleyson x
Could you not get it from the lingerie dept. of some of the larger stores DF?
thanks for all the good wishes folks, had a lovely day quiet and relaxing and so sorry DF I just didn't think :cry:
Alleyson x
This is a subject that I've been giving alot of thought to recently. I've always believed that some people are gifted, but equally so alot that think they are.
Would love to have a reading done, one day soon. Maybe we could have a chat about it one day DF?
Alleyson xxx
Hi there
In theory this might seem like a great idea .......... stop time wasters etc .......... in practice though it may be open to all sorts of abuse. People fall out, add something nasty to ruin someone elses reputation ...... and so on ......
You're not the first to suggest it and no doubt won't be the last, but it's not workable and we're told won't happen on SH .... Thank goodness
Alleyson x
I hope things continue to improve for you Dammie, health and happiness wise.
I've been watching this thread with interest and wishing I'd got that sort of money for a holiday of any sort!
I'm now wondering if the new price you've quoted Tania, is for a swinging cruise in general run by an outside party, or a cruise organised by yourself for your friends to go on, as you did say this was your original intention. Just so that people know, thats all.
Frogs and toads, :shock: Well if I'm honest frogs in particular, but I never get close enough to see if it's a toad or not, so they get the same treatment. :scared:
Horrible evil things they are
I'm sure he was only trying to help Shireen. Surely it's a good thing if people have ideas, that they voice them, instead of just sitting on them and staying quiet. Ok so if admin are already aware of the techy stuff that Bunny's suggested then there's no harm done.
I agree however that sending a PM might be a better idea, but surely it could've been said without the sarcasm
I've voted yes on the poll.
I think the point that Dammie and others are making is that, if it were clearly defined before hand so that everyone organising and/or hoping to attend socials/meets/munches/parties or whatever, knew what to expect, then it would remove that PM ping pong in the first instance. Obviously there are finer points that sometimes need to be questioned, but generally, if ithe setting and expectations are made clear, then it reduces the chance for confusion.
Maybe if you really think that will happen, then neither of you are ready for swinging. Imho a huge part of any relationship, be it swinging or otherwise,is being able to communicate with each other.
Could you show her SH and maybe get involved together ? Could you steer the conversation in that direction one night, down the pub when you're both out with mates and see if your g/f responds?
I'm sure there with be others along soon with other ideas/opinions and suggetsions.
I have 2 unopened bottles of Baileys ................ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm just need someone to share with now