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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 55


Quote by BiWelshMinx
How slutty am I ??

Hmmm... I quite like the idea that there are units to measure sluttiness. Perhaps European standards would conflict with British units and people would be up in arms.
"I've been measuring sluttiness in imperial bennyhills all my life, and I'm not going to convert to French sergegainbourgs now!"
(1 bennyhill = 0.2 sergegainbourgs)
Bill Bailey was indeed the shop owner in Spaced. Before that he had his own show on BBC 2, "Is It Bill Bailey?" (Which had Simon Pegg in it). The BBC have never repeated it and I assume they did not consider it a success - I bet they'd like a show of his *now*!
And re sitcoms, Bailey was in Black Books, of course.
Come to think of it, Simon Munnery also had a TV show that lasted one series and was never repeated (Attention Scum). And Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible and Darkplace only made one series each too. My own taste, I think, is for this kind of clever-clever comedy rather than the cringemaking observational variety - there's enough embarrassment in my life without watching other people's!
Bill Bailey is probably the most consistent and rewarding comedian I've seen in the last few years. I quite like Simon Munnery too...
Quote by Sassy-Seren
couldn't win a bleeding arguement these days rolleyes

Yes you could! How dare you say otherwise! smile
Oh Igo to brainbox quizzes... I just don't score anything!
No offence taken - apologies for hijacking the thread. In future all Symon O'Una jokes will come with canned laughter so people know that they're meant to be funny. (Or, more likely, canned head-scratching and murmurs of "that's ajoke?!")
Quote by keeno
Nice answers but .....
Only a church hall quiz not University Challenge

It was a joke and was meant to be funny.
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Kinki Boots by Patrick MacNee and Diana Rigg?

I know I've just woken up but have I missed the connection here? dunno

Yes. In the same way that Sendai (also mentioned in my post) is a town that sounds a bit like "sender" inReturn To Sender, Kinki is a city in Japan that sounds a bit like "kinky" inKinky Boots.
Kinki Boots by Patrick MacNee and Diana Rigg?
Return To Sendai by Elvis?
Be careful with Istanul (Not Constantinople), by the way, as your public will get disgruntled if they mention the latter city name (which is in the title) and don't get a point. Even if it is the same city.
Englebert Humperdinck is, I believe, named after a classical composer.
And the caretaker on Take Hart was Colin Bennett.
So there you go.
Quote by cuddly-catlin
Well, I've not swung, been to any munches, meets etc. or anything, so I'd like to be considered for membership. Do I get a badge?

That is a possibility...... however I'm rather concerned as to where you would pin it? :shock:
I know where id pin it lol
and no its not on your know what biggrin
Tina xxx
Well, thanks. Er, where then?
Quote by wild rose and the stag
you? YOU!
i see that the votes end at today, we have to go out so.........
well done tony let me be the first to congratulate you

I dunno, I could still pull a surprise win out of the bag (concentrates really hard. Goes red in face. Keels over.)
Quote by winchwench
Vote for Redpantherman hun, you'll get more than a badge! wink

Ah, but that would reveal a lack of commitment to my own campaign somewhat, wouldn't it? smile
I voted for someone elses ass.....only to have them overtake & beat me! Join in, it's liberating! biggrin
Tell you what - you vote for my behind and I'llgive youa badge!
Lavabubble, thanks for the sage words, by the way.
Quote by winchwench
Vote for Redpantherman hun, you'll get more than a badge! wink

Ah, but that would reveal a lack of commitment to my own campaign somewhat, wouldn't it? smile
Well, I've not swung, been to any munches, meets etc. or anything, so I'd like to be considered for membership. Do I get a badge?
I haven't read this thread and have nothing to add on the subject, except...
I was once in a documentary for Channel 4 with a doctor explaining the correct method of measuring one's bits. I got paid £50. I was hoping they'd give me the money in cash on camera after the examination, but they didn't...
I, too, think that Spacedis terrific. They made two series of it.
As a whole I don't find simply referencing another film/TV show etc. funny in itself which is something Family Guy/The Simpsons/South Park etc. are guilty of, although all of them can be very funny when they actually deign to have some wit.
But apart from Spaced, I always find Futurama a rewarding watch. It's pacey and witty, with some strange ideas which appeal to the oddness in me. I quite enjoy things which are a bit absurd but not necessarily abitrary. Bill Bailey, for instance, and Stuart Lee are both clever comedians and the humour goes deeper than just belly laughs or asking the audience if they've noticed how men always leave the toilet seat up.
I have noticed too that many of my jokes fall rather flat in the forum - evidence that my sense of humour is indeed quite odd at times.
I don't think I'll be in the bits televised on C4 - they did ask for an interview but I've been on TV for daft things many a time so I thought I'd give someone else a go.
The event was, as expected, rather po-faced and worthy (at least they didn't employ redcoat style people trying to jolly the public along) but everyone was nice enough, I got a free cup of apple juice and raised about £22.
And 120 minutes was my total. I didn't, er, finish off either. Who knows, I may go for the record next year...
Well, I've got to catch a train tomorrow so I won't, surprisingly, be able to go for the record of 8 hours 30 minutes. I have, perhaps amazingly, managed to obtain some sponsorship but they've sponsored me per minute. If they'd sponsored me for the whole thing I could have make a token appearance and caught my train. Whereas now for every minute I leave early, I'm taking money out of the poor orphans' mouths.
So the question is - would anyone like to enter the Symon O'Una lottery? How long, in minutes, do you reckon I'll be present at the event for? As it is, by the way, I'll be lucky to be there for a hour, so if you do guess, conservative estimates are the order of the day.
I'm an unsigned act too. I've even had a couple of singles out and frequently perform around London.
Now, ask me how long agothose singles came out...
I've pretty much stopped hanging around the chat rooms (apart from the Forum room). People in general, I've found, aren't really that chatty.
After I opened up a room called "anyone fancy a chat?" a kindly person suggested I visit the forum instead. So here I am!
One of the BBC Sound Effects LPs...
Or "Nobody Loves Us" by Morrissey!
Yes, nice as ever to chat to you all, however briefly.
And don't worry, I'll keep trying to drum up interest and sponsors for my big day next Saturday!
I've nothing to add apart from how sorry I am to hear about this scare and I hope it won't put you off.
Well, I'm going in for this even if no-one else is. A complete lack of enthusiasm for sponsorship on the Let's Meet Up forum (maybe people don't see why someone else should have the fun?)
People can be sponsored per orgasm or for length of time. There's not much chance of breaking the US record (8 hours 30 minutes) because the UK event is only 8 hours in length (unless someone gets carried out into a taxi with an invigilator following...)
I'll probably only be there for a short time though because I've got a train to catch!
Quote by lucyfingers
Ancient uncle had a parrot called Onan, when asked why he just replied "because he spills his seeds on the ground" and left people to work it out

A bit like Dorothy Parker...