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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 59
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Quote by Max777
I'm not 100% certain but I believe that in the Premier League, the home club keeps all the gate receipts. Some of the bigger clubs will have sold most of their seats in the form of season tickets, in advance of the season starting.
The 4 home nations have always had their own separate Football Associations and therefore all enter both the European Championships and World Cups but sadly these days, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland usually fail to qualify for the finals.
For the Olympics, all teams enter under the Great Britain banner. I believe that there are a couple of Welsh players in the GB team but no Scottish players ( not sure about NI) due to the fact that the Scottish FA harbours concerns that if they participated in a combined GB team, FIFA would at some point in the future insist upon a combined GB team participating in the World Cup and European Championships.

Thanks for that Max
How about going to swinging clubs... does that not equate to "paying for sex"? Assuming that one does get to have sex (I know sex it's not guaranteed etc. but for the sake of the argument etc. etc.)
Quote by MidsCouple24
Now then, while we are talking about things getting lost in translation, how about your name, is that your given name, something that means something to you or is it the English use of abbreviation ? ie
AWOL - A military term meaning Absent Without Leave - having no pass to be away from the base - not a deserter because it is deemed that the said person was going to return to the base at some stage.
A chargeable offence under the terms of the Kings Regualtions and Army Act 1955 (in that he at xxxxx on or about the xxxxxxx did absent himself without leave contrary to Section 69 of the Army Act 1955 blah blah blah, yea I served many a day, week, month in jail for that one (I was young and in love) and even my spell in Colchester didn't cure me but I always returned to camp after a week or so.

Sorry about the late reply... I did go AWOL just there smile
To reply to your question, yes AWOL means something to me in more ways than one. I also used to be a soldier (not a pro just a conscript) and I do understand the term very well. Why I use it here because I tend to wander off as it were; go AWOL from SW and come back again.
Now as this is a thread about football... can you or someone explain a couple of things to me please.
1. How do clubs distribute the money from tickets sold? For example if a club from Manchester comes to play a club from London in the London grounds. Do they split the takings 50-50? What about when they win/lose/draw? Or the local team keeps the lot? Just curious.
2. Why does England go to play in international football tournaments as England (what happens to Scotland, Wales and N.I? Don't they qualify?) and for the Olympics England goes with the rest of the UK as GB?
Qestions, questions...
Que? Abusive and judgemental? Me? I must admit I was confused as to what you meant until I realised (by your quote) of the meaning of plebs in English. Shame, but I used the word plebs in its original meaning in Latin, plebs as opposed to the patricians of ancient Rome. I didn’t realise you use plebs as a derogatory term in the UK. Ahhh I think this is another example of “lost in translation”.
Anyway, to me plebs will always mean the populace or working class, just like me. But according to this article Nero was born a pleb and became an emperor. Then again can one believe Wikipedia much?
But hey ho – you learn something new every day. I’ll be careful from now on to use the word pleb in the UK smile Oh by the way maybe now is the time for coming clean then…
Hello everyone, I’m AWOL and I’m a pleb (take it in any sense you like Latin or English)
My objection to football and Reality TV (and I can add more to this list) is not with the people who watch it but the makers. It's more politically based rather than a personal disdain as you seem to have taken my comments. But really it would take ages to explain why and I would still probably get it wrong – so I’ll leave it at that.
I had to Google Hysel stadium and found loads of info and pretty graphic stuff about the disaster in 1985 on YouTube. Was that when the term football hooligans was coined? Very interesting. Thanks. I read that the ban was lifted so maybe now it's time for England to shine again.
You were right Mr MidsCouple24, I’m learning a lot about football thanks to this site
Quote by MidsCouple24
if you think that we cannot teach even the best footballer something new here in England then you don't know much about footballm yes we teach them well.

Hello MidsCouple24,
You're right; I don't know a lot about football. That's by choice by the way. I equate football (and most of the crap TV, known as reality TV) to the gladiator shows the Romans used to put on to please and placate the plebs. But that’s something for another thread.
Quote by MidsCouple24
The Premiership is acknowledged to be the best league in the world

Acknowledged by whom? No, please don't answer that. I can guess what you're going to say.
I highlighted the “we teach them well” bit in your previous post because it sounded to me like you were trying to get credit (on behalf of England) for the talent of foreign players. If that’s not what was intended I apologise. I’m only a bloody foreigner after all and English is not my first language so I tend to get the subtleties and nuances of written English wrong from time to time.
However, if I were to follow your argument that England teaches great football how come England doesn’t manage to win many international tournaments? Are you suggesting that there is no actual talent in this country so that we have to rely or rather the Premier League has to rely on foreign players to become an “acknowledged” best league in the world?
Following your argument also, I’ll inform my Spanish friends that they have England to thank for that they won three consecutive international tournaments since a lot of Spanish players, as far as I know, have played or currently play in English football teams.
By the way, did England teach the Spanish the tiki-taka as well? Oh no, sorry, please don’t answer that either.
Lastly, I’m not trying to criticise English football or their players and I offer my humble apologies if someone takes offense. As I said before I don’t follow football at all, apart from international tournaments (they are a bit political aren’t they?) so I’m not qualified to state how good or bad or talented English or foreign players are and that wasn’t my argument in the first place.
Whether the Premier League is the best in the world or not I have not got a clue, if you say they are then that’s fine I’ll take your word for it. I just wish Englad would win a lot more than they do because believe it or not I made England my home and I do cheer for England when they play abroad.
Hmmm is it only me that finds music either off putting or distracting when swinging?
If the music is lovely it distracts me, if it's horrible it puts me off. I guess I like to give swinging my full attention smile
This is me sometimes
1) Check forums
2) Decide to reply/post something
3) Realised I'm not logged in
4) Log in
5) Get distracted by something/someone whilst trying to reply
6) Lose train of thought
7) Find another thread
8) Dispair at comments/ideas/posts
9) Marvel at comments/ideas/posts
10) Get bored - check chatrooms
11) Try to get over the feeling like I just gatecrashed a party
12) Say something stupid
13) Get horny if someone is doing a show
14) Say something even more stupid
15) Feel like a complete idiot
14) Get back to forum
15) Look at time and smack head (I've been here for hours!)
16) Log out
Quote by Dave__Notts
i heard the word blumpkin a few weeks back this thread prompted me to look it up
wish i hadn`t now blink

I should have taken you at your word, and not looked it up
OK that was one word I didn't know eugh... but I can't believe it ever happens. The mechanics of it all wouldn't work (I think) confused
Quote by bayboy1664
No threats? Just off the top of my head we have......
The EU is an undemocratic monolith that has no mandate from the people of Europe, every time they have allowed a vote they have lost but then ignored it. It is going through an economic crisis that could very well leave the whole thing in tatters with nations such as Greece, Spain and Italy all ripe for dictatorship or military coup.
The banking crisis that started in 2008 is still going on and the last time there was a banking crisis like this it led to World War Two.
Argentina is sabre rattling about "Las Malvinas" and all of South America including the massive country of Brazil is on their side.
Russia is a mafia state run by billionaire oligarchs who could turn off gas and oil supplies at the drop of a hat.
Egypt has just installed an Islamist government and will now be taking a much harder line on all issues. They can close the Suez at a moments notice
Iran is still an ongoing problem run by religious fanatics who want the bomb
China is looking to take over as the world largest economy and the USA will do anything they can to prevent that happening, with potential flashpoints in Korea and Taiwan
We are still at war in Afghanistan
Pakistan is a failed nuclear state with a population of 170million people many uneducated and very hostile to the West
The UK is not self sufficient in energy and food plus water in the South East is at its supply limits (thankfully its poured down this month)
Am sure there are other threats too but these are enough to be going on with. I heard a quote last week that this year is similar to 1913 in that we have no clue whatsoever what next year will bring.

ouch! argh! oomph! eeek!
I don't usually quote whole posts but I had to this time... I never knew we were under so much threat! I'm scared now sad
Although, this reminds me a little of the American 'commie under every bed' paranoia smile
Quote by paddy
It's an elite club of insomniacs lol

...or vampires! :scared:
Quote by MidsCouple24
I agree with all the post Italy match comments posted, the players that have really shone in this years euro competition seem to be predominantely those that play in the Premiership but sadly from abroad, we train them well :sad:

'We' train them well? I thought they already came highly trained... that's why 'we' pay gazillions of money for them, no? wink
I've been racking my brains trying to think of a new word I learned today... hmm I got up, had breakfast, went to work, got emails, got rid of spam hmmm not a single new word there, did paperwork, dealt with abusive clients (plenty of expletives, all of which I know by heart) more paperwork, met a few friends atfer work no new words.... hmmmm feeling inadecuate now!
I'm determined to lear a new word tomorrow!
(Does it have to be in English?)
Quote by mincepie
Aaaw... And what do you do when you finally meet someone? :scared: ;)

Ah you see good old god Bacchus comes to the rescue. Hopefully they will have been plied with copious amounts of wine (cabernet sauvignon works a treat) that face or cock looks don't even come into the equation :twisted:
Quote by Trevaunance
However please allow the pedant in me to point out the statement you quoted from me was about income tax, not taxation in general.

Ah yes, of course I missed the income bit of your sentence there. So please allow this pedant to stand corrected.
I suppose this should be another lesson in read twice - write once, or was it measure twice - cut once? Whatever - you get the idea smile
Quote by Marya_Northeast
Face, preferably smiling and looking vaguely interested.

Having been born with a face only a mother could love and a cock only a err no I won't even go there - I loath to show anything on cam sad
Quote by tweeky

Great pic Tweeky, you could even add a picture of Gary Barlow next to Philip Green doing the decent thing and handing back the OBE for being a tax dodger too oh I forgot he can't be named because David Cameron is his mate innit? smile
Quote by Trevaunance
1. Income tax was first raised as a method to raise funds to fight the French. We won, so can we move on now?!?!

Sorry to be pedantic but sometimes I just can’t help it.
If I’m not mistaken taxes in some form or another were invented way before France even existed and I mean way, way before. About 3000 years ago (give or take) taxes were charged to Egyptian people by the Pharaohs.
Romans of course had a prime example of a tax system. I was about to say that it was the Romans who brought taxation to the British Isles but I’m sure other historians here will attest that the Celts used some form or taxation or another.
Taxation wasn’t unique to Europe or the old world in general. Ancient South American cultures also had their own means of taxation.
Taxation, just like death, has always existed.
Do I sound pedantic – yeah yeah I know I do smile
I had a recent conversation with God:
ME: God!? God, you there?
ME: God?
GOD: Hm who's there? Ah... it's you again
ME: Yes, Lord, I wanted to ask you something
GOD: Not again! Listen, I have given you a good life.
ME: Yes, Lord, you certainly have.
GOD: I gave you loving parents, many close friends, and a rewarding profession.
ME: Yes you did, Lord, and I'm really grateful for the big ahem... cock! too.
GOD: Don't mention it. So what is it now?.
ME: Well it's about women.
GOD: Women?
Me: Yes, women
GOD: Oh dear...
Me: Well, not all women but swinging women.
GOD: Oh... I see... go on.
Me: I got into swinging big time and I'm loving it but now I decided to try a swinging club.
GOD: You know you shouldn't really be telling me this?
Me: Sorry but just hear me out.
GOD: Go on then
Me: Well, it's a bit scary going to a swinging club on your own you see? So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind steering a good swinging woman or couple my way to hold my cock... I mean my hand and show me the ropes as it were? NOT that I'm into ropes you understand!
GOD: Yeah, yeah, yeah you lot always say that!
Me: So what about it?
GOD: Look I can hardly do that can I? I'm GOD for goodness sake and Catholic to boot!
Me: Yeah well, I thought... you know. I even did a couple of Hail Mary's and Lord's Prayers this morning.
GOD: Yeah I heard that... sounded more like grovelling than praying.
Me: Oh - sorry.
GOD: Look why don't you ask at the swingers site you perv about and maybe someone will take pity on you and meet you at the club eh?
Me: Hmmmmm that sounds like a great idea. Thank you God!
GOD: Don't mention it.
Me: Oh and can you do something about my expanding belly? Been trying to get rid of it and barely made a difference.
GOD: Your swinging mates will see your inner beauty.
ME: Uh huh. How abouy the creaking knees?
GOD: Cod liver oil will sort that one out.
ME: Thank you Lord thy will be done..!
GOD: Don't get all biblical on me.
Soooo here I am... I will be going to AbFabs this Friday October 21st. Would anyone like to meet up for a chat and a few laughs and who knows what else?
If anyone is going, please say hello, don't let me stand there like a lemon ;-)
...what the fuck did I eat last night?
So... work books me to attend a seminar. Great, I thought, anything to stay away from the office for a couple of hours.
The seminar turns out to be a rather boring affair and the most interesting thing going on was looking at the rather good-looking women present.
So it happens that my eyes catch this lovely blonde looking at me from across the room. I smile and she smiles back. Mmmm I think I must chat to her during the break.
So the break comes along and everyone scrambles out for a coffee etc. There I am looking frantically for said blonde - where the hell did she go? And then I see her, right in the middle of a bunch of suits all desperately ogling at her.
I hang around and she seems very busy talking to the suits, she turns and looks at me, I smile, and she smiles back, again. Damn! Missed my chance. We have to go back to the seminar.
So I'm sitting down trying to pay attention to the speakers the suddenly I start feeling a little bit hot, a bit uncomfortable. Suddenly my stomach starts to make noises... gurgle, grumble, gurgle! And I feel really weird, hot, sweaty... WTF! I think...
The feeling goes on and on and the bloody speakers go on and on for what seem to be an eternity. In the middle of this I'm aware the blonde snatching a quick glance now and them and me trying to look cool despite all the commotion in my belly.
At last the bloody seminar comes to an end... I rush top get a drink of water at the refreshments table. I'm gulping away when a smooth voice says seminars make one thirsty don’t they? I turn round and the gorgeous blonde is smiling at me. I offer a glass of water to her and pour her one. So she says how did you like it? I'm trying to remain cool and composed and sort of manage to get a few words out but then I need to run to the bog, no I must... it's now or... so I say or I must make a quick phone call to the office please I'll be back in a couple of ticks... she looks surprised/disappointed OK she says.
I run to the loo, crashing doors, people etc. find a cubicle and then aaaaaaaahhhhhhh
When finished, etc. I wash face (all shiny yuck!) make sure I look presentable and run back to the seminar room and... fuck! It's all empty where's is everyone I wonder. I look in other rooms no—one is there! Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckety fuck! She's gone! I'm kicking myself and swearing and think what the fuck did I eat last night!!!
So, moral of the story is... (please fill in)
Thing is; I know her name and where she works. We were all wearing name tags with out company names on it. So I ask you... do I stalk her? Shall I casually turn up near her office and pretend to bump into her? And what shall I say oh hi do you remember me? I was the idiot who had to rush to the bog etc. etc.?
Nahh too much hassle a good lesson to learn for future seminars - starve yourself the night before or stick to beans on toast! Or go to the bog BEFORE you attend the bloody seminar!
Ahh well!
Cheesecake - can't get enough of the bloody thing oh and cashew nuts! If I see them I have to have them!
Quote by jasper100
We don’t want to start mixing our social activities but were just wondering if anybody else here are dancers.

Yep, salsa dancer here mate - I heard ceroc is bit similar to or losely based on salsa? never seen it myself. A friend of mine once told me dancers make great lovers - I didn't disagree with her lol
I always feel a little inadequate when these kind of questions pop up as I'm not an avid drinker. Apart from a glass of wine with meals I hardly touch alcohol. Funnily enough I drunk more when I was a teenager than in the last 15 years or so. I'm becoming a boring old git mefinks sad
So, can I have a glas of orange juice please Will smile
I must apologise as I haven't read the whole thread properly (been AWOL for a couple of days) but as I skimmed through; the whole thread sounded weird. I maybe wrong but I think to the wider (vanilla) society the term swinger is synonymous to promiscuity – is it not?
Also, is it me or there is a dichotomy in the swinging world where on the one hand 'we' pride ourselves on the 'alternative' lifestyle we lead whilst on the other we are a bunch of snobs and dare I say it a little narrow minded? It seems there's a hierarchy of I'm a better class of swinger than you here. Is this because of the British class system permeates through our pervy psyches?
Also, I’d really appreciate it some kind soul would update me on the history of who’s getting whom banned mmmm nothing better than a bit of gossip in the early hours of the day.
Quote by Kaznkev
So is there someone out there u think i really should discover,they dont have to be new just new to me,

I'd like to suggest Maia Hirasawa's cover version of The worrying kind...

the Lemon Tree by Fool's Garden

I like the lyrics from both these songs - particularly meaningful to me.
As for classical music my favourite composer is J.S. Bach. I would recomend anything by JS Bach as I think he has produced the most sublime music ever but here's some of his best...
Cello Suite No.1 (prelude)

Concerto for two violins in D minor

Violin Concerto in E major (Allegro)

Oh and to cheer me up I always listen to Mozart's Requiem of course!

I musn't forget my favourite, favourite, favourite, aria from Puccini's Tosca "E lucevan le stelle"

and my second best aria (again from Puccini) 'O Mio Babbino Caro' sung by La Divina Montserrat Caballe

and lastly a couple of Latin artists (am nearly finished don't worry) smile
Juanes - La Camisa Negra

Juanes - A dios le pido

Marc Antony - Si te tengo aqui

and anything by the Spanish band Ojos de Brujo (Eyes of the Sorcerer) here's a sample

In my opinion their best album is Bari and their best track Memorias Perdidas (Lost Memories)

Heheh I'll leave it there - I could go on for ever and I haven't even touched salsa and Andean folk music :)
Quote by brucie
Come on then AWOL - knob out for the lads and we can all have a look to see if these claims are true wink

Why? Has BIoke done something to you that you're trying to warn me about? Are you sore? You can tell me Bruce, I won't tell anyone, promise!
Quote by minxysub
slightly off subject.... biggrin one day not long after my husband left me, I found out he had lied to me and did have someone else... I went to drop kids off at his for the weekend.... and asked if I could use his loo.... I took the opportunity to use his toothbrush to clean the rim of his loo :D....
was ages later I confessed to my mum... and she said she had done the same as me when she had dropped the kids off :D

Yikes! makes mental note to place decoy toothbrush in bathroom when having the ex round :neutral:
Quote by BIoke
But remember... you "have a lovely cock" wink

Quote by vampanya
I should hope she didn't say you were nice! Not in that respect at least! Haha

Nah.. words were 'lovely' as eagle eyed BIoke pointed out - gosh if she had said 'nice'... I mean... honestly that would be the last straw! smile
I started this thread because I was interested in learning about people’s views to something which I found, originally, alien to me. As Nola said this thread started going one sided and echoing the feelings I had when I started the thread.
Nola’s post and some others though made me think. And here’s the crux of it – “think”. I like to hear other people’s views and opinions. They make me think and make me, sometimes question my beliefs and sometimes reinforce them. Sometimes my beliefs get reinforced by my disagreement.
Ultimately I like to believe in what Socrates said that ‘I know that I know nothing’ (or was it the more we learn, the less we know?)
Anyway, what I realised is that most people (and I include myself on this) react with a ‘gut reaction’ – like why would anyone want to befriend a serial killer. Then I read Nola’s post, I re-read the article in the Guardian, I read more on the net. Whilst in a way I still feel a little uneasy that criminals of that magnitude manage to make pen friends, I can see the point of view of people wanting to write to them. Once you see past the crimes and horrors (if you like) of their actions they are still human and possibly very lonely people.
It is in a way a learning experience to try and find out what it is that made people behave like that, what drove them to crimes, etc. If there were no people talking to them we would never know how to avoid that in the future.
There was a great quote by Marilyn Manson when he was interviewed by Michael Moore for his film about the Columbine murders:
Michael Moore: If you were to talk directly to the kids at Columbine or the people in that community, what would you say to them if they were here right now?
Marilyn Manson: I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.

Makes you think huh?
Also some of the comments on this thread and others on the net made me realise how weird it is that we’re capable of accepting that someone drops bombs (nuclear or otherwise) on towns killing hundreds of thousands of people and we don’t call them scum bag murderers but we can’t accept that others have killed a few.
Isn’t there a saying that goes… You kill a thousand people they give you a medal. You kill one they put you in prison.
So basically my point is (if I have one) I like to keep an open mind – I know what I think, I know my beliefs, but I’m always open to see other peoples points of view – I may not agree with them some of the time and sometimes I might realise that I’ve been wrong… and confirm (again) that Socrates was right.
Quote by brucie
to be fair to her she didnt mention that you are a short arse... :twisted:

true.. I should count my blessings (of which not many smile)