I love subtitles. As a foreigner I have problems understanding some English regional accents and American accents too. It's a shame I learnt "Queen's English" version which I suppose is great for watching the news! I remember when I went to Glasgow once - Jesus that accent was hard to understand. Having said that I think mild Scottish accent is the nicest of all regional accents in the UK.
I read this article in the Guardian Saturday magazine about this woman befriending a serial killer...
Apparently this is not an isolated case. I read somewhere that serial killers in death row in America get bags of 'fan mail' and the majority are from women.
I wondered why is it that some people and in particular some women find serial killers fascinating? I can just about (but not entirely) understand the writer of The Guardian article befriending the serial killer as they shared a similar upbringing and she was doing some research but what drives other people to try befriend or in extreme cases 'fall in love' with killers?
In this case of the Guardian article the serial killer Kenneth Bianchi and his cousin and killed 12 women and she finds herself "drawn to him in a maternal, protective way".
I'm puzzled!
Should everyone be allowed to vote?
The Swine flu pandemic... was it rubbish or not? I'm still undecided but let's not forget that people with severe respiratory problems were indeed at risk of the flu and some died.
I think panic was created not by the Government but by the media/tabloids scaremongering (which of course helps them to sell more papers). The Government are culpable for not being tough enough to say if you get it, well, you just have to tough it out like the previous generation did.
If the Government hadn't reacted the way they did the tabloids would be crying out for blood. So the government bows to public pressure (created by the tabloids) and then gets lambasted for "panicking" people for nothing. So the buggers can't win either way.
People complain about the death of common sense etc. etc. if they were to apply a bit of real common sense themselves they would see through all that BS that the media blurts out.
OMG!!! I just heard from some shady sources that a number of countries around the world have started to amass an army to invade England after hearing that the Lib/Dems are gaining popularity and are trying to get rid of our nuclear weapons!
In South America that nutter Chavez from Venezuela already bought millions of dollars worth of weapons from Russia. The Argies are thinking of joining him in revenge for the Belgrano and the Falklands (they are calling it the revenge of the hand of god!). In Africa, Swaziland, Benin and Burkina Faso have joined forces with Zimbabwe egged on by that weirdo Mugabe to invade us.
In the Middle East, Iraq says they really are now going to get their WDM from hiding and get them ready in 44 (not 45!) but 44 minutes to shoot us all the way from there!
The greasy South Americans said they are tired of sunshine and hot weather and can't wait to come to cooler more rainy and cloudy areas like the UK. They have vowed to ban Morris dancing and force us all to dance Salsa instead!
I think we should all rally and sign a petition to buy more nuclear weapons! We can blast them on their way here – although that might be a problem if they are coming via continental Europe. If we blast them in France, the French might retaliate and nuke us too. So it's probably best to wait until they get to Dover then we nuke them there! We might lose the whole of Kent but I guess that's a small price to pay to stop the invasion! If the South Americans arrive by boat we can nuke them when they get to Plymouth!
Someone should tell the Daily Mail quick! We are in great danger! We need more nuclear weapons!
It's taken me a little while to post on this thread as one of my heroes is both revered and hated across the world in equal measure, so there will probably be a similar split on here.
So, my hero is none other than Ernesto "Che" Guevara, revolutionary, guerrilla leader, doctor, author, intellectual, diplomat and to me probably one of the most important and controversial figures of the 20th century.
El Che, was a highly inspirational and controversial figure. He is seen by his followers as a charismatic, decent human being. A brave man who led people not only by using lofty ideals but, by resorting to lead people by example. However, aside from all this El Che was also, just like all of us, a flawed human being. He was stubborn, arrogant and to a certain extend a bit self deluded. Not in his capacity to lead and inspire people but in his passionate and unwavering belief that Socialism would unite all the disadvantaged people's of the world and on his mission to eradicate social injustice.
It was his arrogance and stubbornness that, in my opinion, during his last campaign in Bolivia caused him to antagonise the Bolivian Communist Party (whose support he needed to start another revolution) that left him and his troupe isolated which ultimately resulted in his demise.
As a boy growing up in Latin America I saw El Che as a Hero who stood up against American imperialism and left a lasting legacy to this day.
is more than just forced penetration isn't it? It's an act of violence against women (or men). This entraption is more likely to enrage the so much that it could lead to an even more violent attack on the woman as retaliation or as someone said earlier ending up with a dead victim.
Sounds like a crazy and dangerous idea. As for the ' -culture - I was about to suggest some sort of education for the population as to why women are not really "asking for it" but I wonder if any kind of education like that would work.
I think in this country we are educated enough in that respect but rapes still happen don't they?
No easy solutions I'm afraid.