Damn and blast. We were hoping not to need our soapbox today…..
Greenness is now proportional to energy consumption not environmental compassion.
We buy low-energy lightbulbs despite there being an issue with their disposal and recycling abilities..
We recycle because we believe that uses less energy that the creation of new. Yesterday’s pollution is today’s carbon dioxide. We don’t seem to be as concerned about toxic emissions now as we are about CO2. Greenpeace are jumping up and down shouting “whoo hooo, remember us..!”
Food for thought.
The earth always has and always will vary its temperature. It’s been a lot hotter and a lot colder in the past.
Put 10 experts around a table and 5 will say the current temperature rise is due to CO2, 5 will say the increased CO2 is as a result of the temperature rise.
“Global warming” has become “climate change” because it’s not necessarily getting warmer.
Don’t forget the imminent ice-age proposed in the late 70’s
Become a cynic and avoid trusting government.
If you Do believe that reducing CO2 is a good thing address the whole life costs of everything in terms of CO2 rather than just assuming the advertisers are correct (they’re trying to sell you stuff)
85% of the whole life cost of a car is in its manufacture. Running a 1978 Jaguar XJS is better for the planet than buying a new Prius. The SMMT don’t like those sorts of figures.
Asian imported tomatoes have a smaller carbon footprint than Dutch ones grown in heated greenhouses.
Washing at 30 degrees is far worse than washing less often.
The list is endless.
We are being sold an energy crisis wrapped up in an environmental wrapper.
It began the day America realised it had to import fuel.
Save energy and save cash, but don’t assume you’re saving the planet. That requires a serious commitment.
For some reason no-one's mentioned Katherine Legge who is currently racing in the Champ Car series. She walked away from a massive accident at Road America last year complaining that her bruises would be visible when she wore her gown to the gala ball.
There are loads of women in motorsport especially at club level though not as many as men. As you climb the motorsport ladder very few make it regardless so you'd expect there to be even less women reaching the top.
Don't forget, despite what some would like us to think, there are differences between the sexes that do enable either to be more competitive in certain areas and it may be that in general, Motorsport is one of them.
hmmmmm...so bi-males are rugby players...ok
and the wheezy boys, with notes from Matron excusing them from games, became the red blooded hetros happily shaggin' their way throgh life...
c'mon Neil, you're not giving us many options here...!
that's the old kit sassy.
they only use 1 plaster these days...!
Global Warming and climate change.
run away...run away...run to the hills