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Over 90 days ago


I like rogers humour. Think he is tongue in cheek taking the piss out of those who post in the wrong place and those who just cant read too well...
I am not the most skilled in car mechanics...electrics is another matter, and i can bodge any job with all sorts of stuff not even designed for the use I find for it. However my putt putt did NOT want to go today. i had the bonnet up, in the pissing it down rain for an hour, got drenched. It did not wanna go. I went inside, came out again twice and still no joy. So, having exahusted all avenues of my capabilities i beat the shit out of it with a piece of string I just happened to have in my pocket ( from another project...I hoard stuff for odd jobs ). The neighbour came out, semi smiled and went in, I think she was dialing AAA for assistance for cruelty to cars, and I just lost it. After I had vented my all on its exterior, I decided, like you do to give it one last shot.....
up the bugger started first time, and purrs so sweet. i have been out 5 times since, and no problems...
I wanna be either Dawn-mids OR Wbb...
I would never get out of bed and stay in it all day playing with my boobies...
Typical guy eh!
Actually shooting fish in a barrel would not be that easy due to the darkness and the reflectivity of the water...
the question we all wanna know is was it worth the sacrifice? I went twice but came back for the larffs, and still here...congrats anyhow?
There are some on here who dont envisage life after 25 never mind sex. I just hope one day they surpass this blockage and will achieve maturity AND some respect for others and find that age does help the sensations. As to parental sex, i think it is a good sign that we ALL have a lot more to look forward to. It would be a harsh world if we had to stop at a set age? :sad:
I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'm no awa tae lee you, I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'll aye come back to see you.

You forgot to add.....JIMMY..?
It would be cool to think you could have cosmetic surgery to make the face younger using ass flesh. It would be so cool to know everyone was kissing your ass so to speak...!
I think I have a sexy tush, which hides the rest of me nicely....! Can you produce enough skin from your ass to change the whole body corriefem, so I could really be one big ass?? rolleyes
Hey guys too brag about being a 34" waste. But dont tell you it is the size they wear because they cant get the waste over their beer bellies, and would be a 52" if they did not have the things fastened just above there balls with the ass hanging out the back. You can always retort and as him what size his neck is and have an idea of his build! All I can say is ignore the picky barstewards, and watch out for the rest of us totally unrestrictive types....
I could only get mine to fit the page when i printed it out on A3...
Am I abnormal...?
( wink )
I often wish I was able to be word perfect too. It is a bad education from years ago, and the lack of confidence to move it forward. i find many people are less fortunate than me, my brother was/is dyslexic and suffered for years. He still contacts me to help him in letters, and he is 41 this year. Friends at work ask me to pen job applications for them, because dispite my own lack of complete spelling I know the right words. I was told ages ago that English is one of the worlds most difficult languages to get right, as we have many words spelt the same, but with complete opposite meanings, and some that sound the same but spelt different! My own experience has led to find also many spell the word according to local dialects, and family north of the border have some lovely sayings that get sent to me at times and I think ...? Anyone from the Ayrshire side will know all about ken...?
I think many of the ads however are sort of vague and un-thought out ones, where the needs and the words are from an alternate universe. hey at least if 805 of them are like this, AND they are not seen in good light, then that HAS to be good news for us that can sort of semi to perfectly post them ...right?
After a hard nights work...having a good shower to cleanse away the grime...dried off and feeling brilliant, to find a warm, sexy woman waiting for me is all I really want or need. One who can make the move without me having to do all the work!
It is not very often I hide so to speak. Sometimes I like to pop on and join in a thread, but not really upto talking in pm or whatever. I think if you come on and find say 3 to 4 pms, and some of the people are on you feel obliged to reply asap, when really you want to do it the next day? It is how you feel I guess, and nothing meant by it, I feel we all sometimes just want to be that bit alone even if we are posting, it may seem daft, but then we are all different.
As forrest gump said...shit happens mate.
part of life unfortunately ans hope it gets better... :cry:
You will still be the same person inside when it is done. I think it is best to accept what you were given, because it is you. Anything added or enhanced is taking your selfness away. At least you can say you are all woman, and not all woman plus two bags of god knows what, and lets be honest, what if the dam thing goes wrong or you have after surgery issues. Not all these things are as straight forward as we believe.
Welcome to the loony house...and I love the play on Dean Martins lyrics!
hey in this ill health world, we should all get out of life ALL we can, and hitting the 50 mark is great news.......
You are only as young as you feel...... wink
It was possibly some spotty oik who pondered on who all these blokes were with bumps? Anyhow all serious gamers have wrist supports anyhows...too much action...?
I thought all teachers had those anti slip pads on the elbows for use on wet grass???
Looks like he bought the shirt from the same shop I did....the tag said XL but it was no where near!
Try winding up jags/heather/blue and a few other of the more feisty lady posters on here...and you will be in more hot water than you will ever need....!
Either jags is feeling too weak to retaliate...or she has scooted off...cant believe I have NOT been threatened yet...!
I ran an anagram link and came up with an interesting name for the site, which is sort of night oriented and clean fun...
Swinging Heaven = Evening Washing
I wanted to offer it as some input for a name...and maybe you could design a pic with some washing hanging up, where you press the item to get the links to wherever? If you anna I could draw a couple of pics and email em..? Not an artist, but willing to try and help if possible??
It must be the Jacksonville Jaguars...? As yie dinnae have any footie teams oer the border...JIMMY...! lol
Well I am gutted...
And here is me strutting my stuff, basque, fishnets and sussies...and I now find out most people are not who they say they are?
And I wondered why no one came to me in the store, and went to the others? i thought it was dodgy lippy?
Has this thread gone back to mal and his donkey??/ Kissing ass? I agree alexandra has got it all right. It was banded about in the late 1990's, and I used it in a few things I was into then. It always amazed me when the boss said he wanted 110%, and I used the example of pouring him a cup od water to the brim...and placing an empty cup next to it and saying to fill that with the first and to the top, but show me the extra 10%, and if YOU can I will do it, but if you cant....SOD OFF.....
Work is like this all over now...if we can do it with 5 people less, hey that is so good...? NOT for the poor sods who have to do it eh guys??
A kiss on the cheeks hun...and YES the ones on your face....thought you'd catch me out didn't yah....!