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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 65


Quote by Manolishi
Well blow me down with a feather and call me paper clip.
Treasure I need to know where you were last night. I woke this morning and decided to file my last 3 years worth of BT bills that have been lying on the floor for well ummm nearly 3 years would you believe.
So, I reckon you must have started to file before me cos no way would I have started as a whim. Therefore, putting 2 and 2 together and getting 69, I must have caught this from you. Probably transmitted via an unknown telepathic link that has the ability to mutate this virus - why I hear you ask has it mutated? - Cos I filed in a box file and you used a ring binder.
So I suppose the question is - where did you catch it from ................

Ok so if we are both suffering from this same malise, and we are so far apart, never even talked to each other before, i fear that the only comon factor can be SwingingHeaven (remeber SexSteph also admited to having the same symptons)!!!!!
Should we can the public health department and inform them that this site is spreading some dreadful germ?
Hole punch is buggered, white dots of paper all over floor!!!
Teppice A kind offer but I really couldnt let you risk ptting t yourself through all this pain
Sexsteph Are you suggesting tha t i caught this virus from you?
The kind person who diagnose me as haing "Cleical Officiation"
Sorry didnt write you name down before starting this reply
Christ, i can have it i cant even spell it!!!
Someone elses file ing
surprised ????
You have to be jesting it has taken me 2 years to do my own and I really dont think you will want a ring binder whos title is, "Really useful stuff that I havent got a clue what to do with"
Just edited this posting, should an accountant be offering "cash payments" lol
Today I have had a very strong and primevil hurge to file !!!
I have found lots of papers, that have happily been sitting in a heap (well 2 or 3 heaps actually) new homes in ring binders!!
Now as a rule I dont do file ing (never sure if its one of those words which drop the 'e' when you turn it into an doing word and I really dont want to know so dont anyone waste their time telling me. Im sure you can work out what I mean.
Now question is, is this an illness and is it sexualy or otherewise, transmited (if it is then at least I can blame someone else)
Does anyone else suffer from this affliction? Should I try to book an appointemnt with my GP or will the disease pass before I get to see him a week on Thursday?
Comments please
Why do is it assumed that "slut " is a negative term?
Pesonally I dont find it the least bit offensive, but then I never go round looking for things to be offended at. For me it has very positive conotations.
Neither can I find anything in the original post to suggest that the female in question does not know of the post or the wording therein, so why decide the guy is guilty?
There are far more important things going on in the world to worry about than the use of one four letter word, which ofr all we know both parties involved are quiet happy with
Quote by 34fun
well you can always rely on the welsh - and there are enough of us on here who always turn up for meets, even if it means driving 200 miles lol u cant, believe me you cant!!
would you care to divulge a reason why ???
pm me and i'll keep it to myself wink
WEll seeing as you ask and seeing as he dosnt frequent this site, no not really, not on a public forum
Quote by 34fun
well you can always rely on the welsh - and there are enough of us on here who always turn up for meets, even if it means driving 200 miles lol u cant, believe me you cant!!
Quote by amalthea
I just can't believe how many last minute disasters blokes come up with to avoid turning up for a meet, in the last two months (for example) I've had three car breakdowns, one car stolen, two 'football' injuries and two 'boss turned up at hotel at last minute'. Honestly, if blokes get off just chatting to people fair enough but why chat, arrange a meet, and bottle out at the last minute? Guess I'm lucky that I've not yet had a no show (must be awful) but it's a pain when you plan your day, expecting some fun at the end and get those last minute calls. Just a bit of honesty is all I ask.

And I thought it was just me!!!
Fortunately I have only had one "no show" this year and stupid as I was I gave him a second chance and a third, both of which he managed to have emergencies with - though to be fair he did tell me in advance for those. Finally i put him on block, should have done it earlier.
As well as him I think I have about 3 that chickened out at the last minue and came up with crapy excuses.
One recent one just seemed to good to be true, own hard hat, right age, seemed intelligent not to near to home yet not at the other end of the country. Needless to say he was too good to be true and went missing when we should have been making the final arrangements!!
Btw they arent all from this site, site dosnt seem to matter, it just happens
Quote by neilinleeds
there's too many posts on council tax to quote or reply directly to, but you could argue council tax is not so much based on the services you use, which as dave says, are probably used disproportionately to an extent by the poorer members of society, but is more a tax on income.
those in larger properties, of higher value, gain more income year on year from their property thanks to rising prices and increasing equity. a house valued at 250 000 right now will quite easily be worth an aditional 25 000 by the end of next year in many parts of the country. that's 25 000 worth of income on your assets. it's a nominal income to be sure. it's not in your pockets and spendable, but it's still income. looking at it that way, i don't believe it's unfair to suggest that that income should be taxed proportionately.
neil x x x ;)

Does this imply then that if property prices start to fall (not unkonwn) that housowners should be entitled to caouncil tax rebates?
The offer has been mentioned a few times both on here and on LMU. wink
Perhaps the search botton?
Quote by 34fun
ha ha lol
sorry done it myself.... i was lucky cos my mum said my phone beeped and i dont know what it is - when i looked it was a text off me meant for a girlfriend telling her in graphic detail what i was going to do to her !!
but if your mum can use her phone then your f***ed.
please tell us what you said though :lol:

And what your mum says
(this is far better than tv soaps)
Quote by 34fun
ha ha lol
sorry done it myself.... i was lucky cos my mum said my phone beeped and i dont know what it is - when i looked it was a text off me meant for a girlfriend telling her in graphic detail what i was going to do to her !!
but if your mum can use her phone then your f***ed.
please tell us what you said though :lol:

And what your mum says
(this is far better than tv soaps)
Quote by 34fun
ha ha lol
sorry done it myself.... i was lucky cos my mum said my phone beeped and i dont know what it is - when i looked it was a text off me meant for a girlfriend telling her in graphic detail what i was going to do to her !!
but if your mum can use her phone then your f***ed.
please tell us what you said though :lol:

And what your mum says
(this is far better than tv soaps)
I suppose it is a daft idea and i am sure you have already thought of it, but will your mum have her phone switched on at the moment? if not is there anyway you can get to her phone before she does?
Quote by blonde
Help Help Help
I just sent a text to my Mum (by mistake) that I should have sent to my partner :shock:
What should I do .......... What should I say ? OMG !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dare we ask about the content of the text?
errrrmmmmmm ......... nope ........ OMG .... dont remind me redface
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I believe Australis is nice this time of year.
Quote by blonde
Help Help Help
I just sent a text to my Mum (by mistake) that I should have sent to my partner :shock:
What should I do .......... What should I say ? OMG !
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dare we ask about the content of the text?
I have had staff who have insisted on coming inot work on there day off - and for the normal rate!!!
Ive also got staff who pleaded to be allowed to work on public holidays, they say it gets them out of the house!!!! who am i too argue?
I have turned up at a meeting at the right time, right day........................just a week too early!!
I have also sent the kids to school when it was half term (they wernt pleased) and taken them an hour too late to a friends birthday party because the clocks had gone back the day before!!!
Quote by maidinheaven
Last Thursday I had two double-glazed windows fitted.
Outside my house there are two spaces for disabled badges.
The double glazing fitter parked his van down my back lane while he did the job - two or three hours.
He moved his van to my front door to load the rubbish into it. Broken glass, old wooden frames - you know the sort of thing.
Parking warden gave him a ticket. Deaf to pleas of safety, deaf to "Just a few minutes". "More than my jobsworth".
The fitter told me that the parking ticket would cost him the amount he had earned from fitting my windows.
I can't help thinking that there is now a "parking industry" dedicated just to making money.

I am incandescent with rage. Just a few minutes ago there was a council van parked in the same space. Council exempt from the restrictions they impose on the rest of us?
Well, I photographed it and the Chief Executive of my council is going to hear of it. And I'll send a copy to my glazing fitter as well.
I'm submissive - but not all the time
I bet your local newspaper would love to see a copy of the photo too!!!
I dont see distanace as a problem. Infact i worry more about people who live too near. Cant imagine meeting anyone who lives less than say 15 miles away!! Dont want to be buping inot them in Tescos or worse still find they know people I know.
The furthest I ahve travelled is Carlisle which is about 2 hours away. It waas a first meet and he was from Scotland. Yes it was worth it and I would do it again
Just a quick , thank you, to everyone who off to bed but u have all kept me amused, nice talking to you all, even the guy i had to politely refuse to talk to anymore!!!( you know who you are and i am sorry)
Its nearly 11 pm on sunday night and im bored. Anyone over 30 fancy pming me and chating for a while?
Quote by amalthea
I am not free at weekends and work during the day so mornings are never any good for me..sorry.
Actually, to be honest, I agree shagging isn't the be all and end all of everything...there's nothing worse than a bloke who wants a shag after only knowing you for five minutes...I require a little more than that to get me interested wink

Welcome!! But I have to disagree, there is one thing worse than a bloke who wants a shag after only knowing you for five minutes............................................................................a bloke who dosnt want a shag after knowing you for five minutes sad
Personally I have always prefered hotels for meets.
They have everything I need bed, bathroom,couch and coffee making facilities. The better one also have dvd players but that really isnt an essetial.
Hotels are nuetral teritory for both parties and so neither feel inhibited. Also there is no chance of the phone ringing - mobiles can be turned off. As someone else said durring the daytime meets you only ever get cleaning staff around so noise really isnt an issue.
As for price well , some travel lodges are going for10 pounds and otheres only 26 pounds , so again this isnt an issue, anyway the cost usually goes on one or others business card so ......................................................!!!!!
I feel far more comfortable away from home and all the normal cares of real life.
As for the blackmail, that might be going a little far nowadays , but I am sure many peoples working lives could be made distinctly uncomfortable if their colleagues knew of their swinging activities, certainly in the professions!!
A mix
Forums now seem so incestuous, everyone you talk to on here has "done " someone else you you know, its too insular.
The phot ads are great because it is like going shopping and the shelves are laden with goodies, big problem is choosing one!! Admitedly a proportion of the goods are faulty, but most of them are what they say they are and I have had some bargains from the store
I would be happy if I could find a single male or a couple that are in Malta over Xmas and who would be interested in socialising and maybe having fun
Quote by spurter
What turns you all on about military men?

Absolutely nothing...........................................................and that is after meeting a few of then. rolleyes
Quote by bolton_boss
but ive also found that most people on here/in the scene arent looking for anything that serious, like myself. like you say the music is very similar these days (oasis=beatles comparison etc). as for the bay city rollers... you surely didnt really like them anyway!

"Oasis are like the Beatles" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes
Dosnt everyone like the Bay city Rollers, maybe not as much as David Essex but still!!!!
Quote by bolton_boss
im not too bothered either way as long as the are old enough and i get on with them. saying that, i do have a thing for older women however i seem to get rejected from older women for being too young for them! strange really! or is that just an excuse that is less harsh than 'i dont like you'! i think thats the main reason i got into swinging because i could try different things. still no luck with an older woman tho! :cry:

I suspect your getting rejections because we find it impossible to have sex with anyone young enough to be our sons. Its just a barrier and for many of us "older women" we cant cross it!!
Younger men are fun, which dosnt mean that older ones arnt!!
Personally I have never had any younger men bat an eyelid at my stretch mark ands midrif !! they just accept it, after all just cos they are young it dosnt always mean they have perfect boddies.
In genral I find younger men much more energetic but not always.
The youngest i have ever ehm............spent time with, was only (lol) 20 years younger than me and to be honest he was the best looking but not the best perfoming. Suppose you cant have everything?
Im another one who just wishes you were local !!!!
I love inttalian food
Btw can you do a reall authentic tarrimisu ??? I love it all sweet and creamy biggrin
Quote by summerkeithn/w
so to re-cap: a dinnersuit over silky boxers/thong, red,white or black.a hard hat and rigger boots, holding a tomahawk singing YMCA
i'll be irresistable lol

Oh yes, definately!! biggrin
Could you post a pix here please of you dressed just like that? After all it is nearly Christms