I hope that what I'm about to write doesn't annoy too many people but hey hoo!
The arguments against the use of paid hostesses are (whether you admit it or not) based on moralistic views of solicitation and how we choose to view "swinging."
We have sexual encounters with fairly random people who we know nothing about. The clubs and girls are doing nothing wrong. This site is doing nothing wrong. At no point do the adds for the clubs state that the hostess/greedy girls will be getting paid to take on all comers. It is only by doing a little fishing around "off site" that this practice has been brought to peoples attention.
We get regular invites to parties organised by a friend of ours to ensure that things get going (unpaid of course)! Hostesses paid or not are there to do the same thing.
If the thought that there are single girls and couples who are paid to help get the party started goes against any ones views of swinging then perhaps you should avoid clubs and carry out back ground checks on private meets to ensure that they have no skeletons lurking in the closet.
So in short the clubs, hostesses and this site are doing nothing wrong apart from offend certain people's morals. What we all do on this site offends many, many people and yet we choose to push this out of our minds because we are doing nothing wrong. It's all about choice and the choice is yours!
It appears that peoples opinions are more down to moral judgement. What the clubs are doing is not illegal. Clubs are a business and therefore are there to make money. Single guys pay far to much money to get into a club and after a few visits to a club and not getting anything for their money would never be seen again.
There is always the argument about 'singles' and swinging. Some singles enjoy the social as well as the other areas of a swinging lifestyle and these are swingers. However, there are far more singles after a quick and easy shag. We have spoken to a number of single guys who have said that it is cheaper and easier to go to a club and get laid than to go down town on the pull and have to buy a girl drinks all night in the hope that she will put out.
This site allows clubs to advertise their events. Are you saying that the clubs should only be allowed to advertise certain events or that only certain clubs should be allowed to advertise on this site? A quick and careful re-wording of the event advert would circumvent any of these restrictions, in effect causing your disliked advertisement to go 'underground'. As it stands YOU have the option to avoid these events. If it went 'underground' these events would still happen but you would be none the wiser. I know which I would prefer.
I think in clubs and at parties you just have to call it as you see it and be bold and just say "No thanks" or "We're good on our own at the moment". Mrs Fun and I have a number of phrases that have hidden meanings so that we can communicate in front of people and know where we both stand with the situation.
Private meets are a little more difficult. If we are visiting a couple, we have now started explaining in the old pre-meet messages to the couple that if we have not made our excuses to leave in the first hour of the meet (which is usually a drink, chat and relax time) that they can then be as forward as they like without fear of rejection. During the first hour Mrs Fun and I would have had our little secret conversation and know that each other is happy to play. We ask visiting couples to use the same sort of guidelines and that we will not be offended if they choose to leave early.
funlovers2009. stuck in nw room server 1 please kick her out xx
I know Mrs Fun would like to have a play in one but I don't think I would have the courage to put "mini me" in a situation like that!!!
What attracts me to a profile?.....easy a picture of a nice ass in a very short tartan skirt. Gets me every time GGgggGGGGrrrrrr!!!