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Quote by foxylady2209
I hate HATE people assuming I am weak, useless or incompetent. I was backing out of a parking spac in our local shopping mall, and an old bloke started signalling how I was to maneaouver. What the hell did he think I had done the other 5000 times I'd backed out of a space - waited for a competent man to come to my rescue? What an insulting idiot!

Its happened to me also. I Never felt weak, useless or incompetent, I just wound my window down and said thank you. Its a shame when a helpful (if unnecessary act) can be seen as sexist act resulting in someone being thought of as an insulting idiot.
I suppose he could have worked for an insurance company and was fully aware that women tend to have the majority of their accidents in car parks and at junctions and round abouts and was just worried about your insurance premiums bolt
I will always open doors, give up my seat, offer assistance in carrying something (heavy or not) for a woman. I will do this in and out of the work place. I was raised to do these things, just as I say please and thank you. I do not do these things to belittle anyone, they are just manners and also essential for effective team work.
Now the bit that may ruffle a few feathers! If my actions offend a woman then they can suck on my sweaty balls (I won't say that to them because I'm a gent)! Men and women were not created equal. If we were then we would be asexual but we are not, as much as some feminists would love that! Men as a rule are stronger and women talk more than men. It's a fact that women use approx 3000 words a day more than a man and generally the man can lift up more weight (there are hundreds of other differences including how our brains work). However, in the work place and in society they should be treated as equals because they are! I work in a very female dominated environment and they do the same job as me and many do it better but if there is something heavy that wants lifting then they ask me! Should I be offended and say "Sorry, you get paid the same as me to do the same job, do it yourself!" No, I will move it for them.
To many people look for insult where there is non. It is never about the action or word but rather it's intent. For example if I saw a woman struggling to lift or carry something and said "Would you like a hand?" there is nothing to be offended by (even in the work place) however, if I laughed and said "Hey little woman, let a me carry that for you" that would be different and offence may be caused!
Quote by apey_kinks
I shant get too involved, as Kinks is on it, however I will point out that it's already illegal to smoke in Scotland whilst driving (since 2006) will get a £60 fine and 3 points, so if you go past the UK border, be careful.
Also I'm an ex-smoker (and a heavy'ish smoker at times) and I can hand on heart say that I can count on one hand the number of times I smoked whilst driving, and usually then only because I'd got into the car with an unfinished one, and put it out shortly after moving off.
There's lots of studies that show smoking whilst driving is dangerous, more so than drinking and eating. ( for one and for another)
Remember there is a reason smoking is banned behind the wheel in lots of country's (Australia, South Africa, parts of Europe and oddly because of the percentage of smokers, Japan)
But hey, smokers that pilot the car well have got little to worry about, there's more than enough pricks on the road that don't smoke to sort out before we tackle smokers, although think about it this way..... A car that you haven't smoked in is worth up to 1500 quid more than one you have when it comes to trade it in!

Just read the monash report and it's findings (didn't read the ashaust cos one was enough!!). The reports findings show that smoking is way down the list of things that increased the rist of an accident. Way ahead on the list is eating and drinking (1.9% increase), using mobile phones ((hand held)1.5%), and continued use of a CD player ((changing discs etc) can't remember the percentages and can't be bother trawling through the report again). The report states that smokers are more likely to have an accident than non-smokers. They were unable to give a percentage for their findings or the reason for the increased likely hood. This information was based on a self completed questionnaire rather accurate measurements as used in many other areas the report looked at.
I'm not trying to say that smoking whilst driving is not an issue but there are far bigger issues with drivers and road safety. As Apey said there are more than enough pricks on the road that don't smoke.
Smokers are always an easy target for non smokers because it is something that they don't do. They tend to leave the other subjects alone because they can't deny their association with it.
The biggest drain on NHS resources is no longer smoking related illness but eating related illness.
The use of mobile phones has been proven to affect a drivers reaction time in the same way that drink driving does, hence the tv campaigns. Never seen one for don't smoke and drive as there is a high probability that you will drop you fag and burn your ass!! Why? Because in the world of road safety its not a prolific problem.
So if you're a fat telephone using driver, think................. Don't eat, talk and drive!! Get ya gob wired shut and save us all a lot of money and the roads would be a much safer place!!
So we all appear to agree that dogs should be secured in a vehicle and that smokers are again the route of all evil! Perhaps we should ban all smokers from driving, just to air on the side of caution. Oh and those drivers who fail to indicate, maintain braking distances, drive to fast and to slow, fail to keep their number plates and lights clean, change radio stations, use sat-navs, undertake, cross solid white lines, fail to bring the vehicle to a stand still at a stop sign, cause other drivers to brake when joining the flow of traffic etc. Or perhaps we should just let people drive and when a driver does anything that that causes their standard of driving to fall below that seen as a legal standard they just get dealt with by the police and courts.
My point is that there are so many things that can cause distractions and so many rules of the road, that I doubt that anyone of the previous posters in this thread who drive on a regular basis have not committed at least one moving traffic offence in the last week.
We can't ban sneezing I'm afraid for all you anti-sneezers out-there. Its an involuntary reflex and is a lawful excuse as one of the factors contributing to a road traffic accident.
Happy driving lol
Quote by flower411
"bit of a slap" from some squaddies is going to deter a bunch of kids from breaking into vans, it`s more likely that they`ll just torch a few every so often to deter anybody else from trying the same thing.

A welcome return to old school policing!!! Never did my dad any harm!
I hope that what I'm about to write doesn't annoy too many people but hey hoo!
The arguments against the use of paid hostesses are (whether you admit it or not) based on moralistic views of solicitation and how we choose to view "swinging."
We have sexual encounters with fairly random people who we know nothing about. The clubs and girls are doing nothing wrong. This site is doing nothing wrong. At no point do the adds for the clubs state that the hostess/greedy girls will be getting paid to take on all comers. It is only by doing a little fishing around "off site" that this practice has been brought to peoples attention.
We get regular invites to parties organised by a friend of ours to ensure that things get going (unpaid of course)! Hostesses paid or not are there to do the same thing.
If the thought that there are single girls and couples who are paid to help get the party started goes against any ones views of swinging then perhaps you should avoid clubs and carry out back ground checks on private meets to ensure that they have no skeletons lurking in the closet.
So in short the clubs, hostesses and this site are doing nothing wrong apart from offend certain people's morals. What we all do on this site offends many, many people and yet we choose to push this out of our minds because we are doing nothing wrong. It's all about choice and the choice is yours!
Quote by wild rose and the stag
currently clubs that are open and honest have their adverts removed so im not causing this issue you speak of, my whole issue here is the clubs that hide the fact they employ girls to satisfy the needs of the visitors and pretend to be swingers clubs. Nothing illegal about a lot of things in this world but you wouldnt advertise all of them on here.

Ok lets go with that idea. What about paid staff who are allowed or encouraged to play on their breaks??? This happens in most clubs. They are still getting paid for their time so where do you draw the line?
Swinging clubs are swinging clubs because of the people who visit them not because of their facilities or staff.
Quote by Mr-Powers
What if a club gets raided by police on a tip off that it was employing the services of working girls, now if my wife and i was at one of these clubs, ignorant to what was going on behind the scenes, whats saying she wouldn't be accused/suspected of being a paid girl? These sorts of club's that advertise as swingers clubs, are doing more damage than good, i think we have a hard enough time, as it is from the media without this added to the grief! So we avoid clubs now that advertise Greedy Girls Night, i'm sure some are genuine but we're not taking any chances and will just stick to Couples Only Nights!

The clubs and girls are doing nothing illegal. It is not against the law to exchange money for sex in this country. It is more to do with the way the solicitation of the exchange is conducted. For example I can get paid for sex in my own home but I can't go onto the street and ask people if they would like to come to my house and pay to have sex with me.
It appears that peoples opinions are more down to moral judgement. What the clubs are doing is not illegal. Clubs are a business and therefore are there to make money. Single guys pay far to much money to get into a club and after a few visits to a club and not getting anything for their money would never be seen again.
There is always the argument about 'singles' and swinging. Some singles enjoy the social as well as the other areas of a swinging lifestyle and these are swingers. However, there are far more singles after a quick and easy shag. We have spoken to a number of single guys who have said that it is cheaper and easier to go to a club and get laid than to go down town on the pull and have to buy a girl drinks all night in the hope that she will put out.
This site allows clubs to advertise their events. Are you saying that the clubs should only be allowed to advertise certain events or that only certain clubs should be allowed to advertise on this site? A quick and careful re-wording of the event advert would circumvent any of these restrictions, in effect causing your disliked advertisement to go 'underground'. As it stands YOU have the option to avoid these events. If it went 'underground' these events would still happen but you would be none the wiser. I know which I would prefer.
I've always looked at life as a game. I kinda get the urge to get out whilst at the top of our game. After all, all you get to take away with you from this is good memories (and maybe a few dirty pictures lol). So if we ever have a meet when my arse doesn't go like a jackhammer, my lungs are hanging out of my nose and she looks bored then thats one meet too many!!! I was thinking that perhaps my 45th birthday should be our last hurrah!!!
Babe before you comment you'll be fast approaching 50!! :giggle:
I think in clubs and at parties you just have to call it as you see it and be bold and just say "No thanks" or "We're good on our own at the moment". Mrs Fun and I have a number of phrases that have hidden meanings so that we can communicate in front of people and know where we both stand with the situation.
Private meets are a little more difficult. If we are visiting a couple, we have now started explaining in the old pre-meet messages to the couple that if we have not made our excuses to leave in the first hour of the meet (which is usually a drink, chat and relax time) that they can then be as forward as they like without fear of rejection. During the first hour Mrs Fun and I would have had our little secret conversation and know that each other is happy to play. We ask visiting couples to use the same sort of guidelines and that we will not be offended if they choose to leave early.
Quote by admin
Our sincere apologies. An unexpected fault occurred with one of our servers which caused the site outage. Our systems are now back online and the chat room is now fully functional.
Apologies again the inconvenience.

I was told that there was an apology for the on-goingsite issues. Just this it????? And if it is errmmmmmm......Thanks!!!!!!
Time for my annual visit to the forum.........
I now consider myself a connoisseur of the old fellatio. So much so that this is the make and break part of play time for me!! I know that its horses for course and each to their own but there are some appalling cock suckers out there.
I have been well and truly spoilt in this department and I have yet to meet a man who doesn't enjoy the attention of my wife when she has her "Gums round their plumbs" many have gone as far as informing their partners with a "Sorry, hun but that was by far the best blow job I have ever had".
So many women apply so little pressure to the little fella that he just falls asleep. The key is about pressure (by actually sucking the feckin thing), rhythm, speed, depth and variations of the 4 combinations. The "deep throat" is nice but it is more of a visual stimulation rather than a physical one as is the "flashing tongue" on your bell end. Great for film not so good in real life.
Another key point is the eyes!!! If a woman looks like she is lusting for your "man goo" then it would be rude not to deliver it! :twisted:
We could go onto the biting, gagging and face fucking but people need to get the basics right before we move onto the advanced stuff! lol
Quote by tarquin13
It is the responsibility of the aggreived who was assaulted to bring it to the attention of the police , and I do have some understand of the law.
If he does not want to make a report then there is not much else that can happen here unfortunately .
Saying that SH are aware that there " MAY " be a person on there site that has used its facilities to meet people and "MAY " of assaulted someone also using this site.
Unless the male assaulted tells SH and names him/them there is nothing SH can do, BUT if SH are aware of this person then offering a paid service to its members it has a duty of care to either
1/ investigate , no action taken
2/ Investigate and warn EITHER EVERYONE or more realistically speak to the person who has been named and get there version , and also spell out what may happen if there is another occurrence.
3/ BANN if found to have substance

Thank you Kev.
This is the type of response I would have expected to hear from admin/mods.
Danny, if I was you, I would take this advice as it makes sense. Take care in the future mate!
Quote by Funlovers2009
sorry to hear about your bad experience, it gives nice couples a bad name, you should name and shame them on here so for two reasons, so no one else will be put in that same situation and that admin gets to know and they get kicked off SH, you really should report them they should not get away with treating you like this. Hope your ok and it hasnt put you off meets.
Take care
Jon & Beth xx

We don't name and shame on this site.

Granted that you don't name and shame as there is always two sides to every story. However this token, one line suites all seems more like "We take your money, give you a forum to arrange meets and if it all goes wrong we wash our hands of it".
Is there a system in place where reports on profiles are logged and kept? If the worst came to the worst could the system be interrogated by police? I am sure that the police could interrogate the system and if it was found that you (SH) had not acted on users concerns, reports etc would "Sorry but we don't name and shame" be seen as an adequate excuse for your lack of action.
If there is a system in place for dealing with such incidents as outlined in this thread (which I think is a horrid situation) and its not the only situation like this that we have heard of and in all of these incidents (as far as I'm aware) nothing has been done to protect the users of this site.
if someone has been assaulted, then it's a criminal matter and should be dealt with by the police, not Swinging Heaven Admin. If the original poster wants to report the other couple to Admin, he can and we can investigate, but only to the extent that we can check if others have made similar allegations. If no-one has and this is the first, then at least we have a start point.
As you say, there are two sides to every story and in the case of a criminal incident taking place, would you really want or expect us to investigate? Swinging Heaven Admin would and do, co-operate with the authorities where necessary.
as for this:
However this token, one line suites all seems more like "We take your money, give you a forum to arrange meets and if it all goes wrong we wash our hands of it".

Doesn't even warrant a response.
I agree with most of what you are saying, however,Your post "We don't name and shame (with a wink)response to something that could have been quite serious and the user felt strongly enough about the incident to post it what actually half hearted and a lets bring that old favourite back out. This post only got a full (well almost full) response in an almost knee jerk reaction when someone questioned the manner in which the site conducts its self and the level of support, advice and protection that it offers its users.
At no point did I ask Youto carry out a criminal investigation nor would expect you to from the comfort of your arm chair. The real question is how SH deals with such allegations and if the information is collated and if needed, acted upon.
As for
However this token, one line suites all seems more like "We take your money, give you a forum to arrange meets and if it all goes wrong we wash our hands of it".

Is actually a quite a pertinent statement given your initial input into this thread!! was me that posted this not her.
Quote by Mal
sorry to hear about your bad experience, it gives nice couples a bad name, you should name and shame them on here so for two reasons, so no one else will be put in that same situation and that admin gets to know and they get kicked off SH, you really should report them they should not get away with treating you like this. Hope your ok and it hasnt put you off meets.
Take care
Jon & Beth xx

We don't name and shame on this site.

Granted that you don't name and shame as there is always two sides to every story. However this token, one line suites all seems more like "We take your money, give you a forum to arrange meets and if it all goes wrong we wash our hands of it".
Is there a system in place where reports on profiles are logged and kept? If the worst came to the worst could the system be interrogated by police? I am sure that the police could interrogate the system and if it was found that you (SH) had not acted on users concerns, reports etc would "Sorry but we don't name and shame" be seen as an adequate excuse for your lack of action.
If there is a system in place for dealing with such incidents as outlined in this thread (which I think is a horrid situation) and its not the only situation like this that we have heard of and in all of these incidents (as far as I'm aware) nothing has been done to protect the users of this site.
Quote by Dirtygirly

Well after last Friday's social where ALL the people without SHrep's failed to attend or offer any form of apology - The future ones we arrange will be SHrep active only and will only be confirmed on the list when the Meetrep has been accepted.

I wouldn't be interested in attending a social where that was the deal. People have not been turning up for socials forever. Shit happens. It's annoying, rude, bad manners, inconvenient and all sorts of other things. However, don't judge everyone who doesn't use a verification system as being a timewaster. If I say I'm going to be somewhere then I'm there. I don't let people down. I don't not turn up. I communicate.
If you stipulate that you don't allow non-Shrep users to attend your socials then you've just ruled out at least three women in this thread from attending. Single females... rocking horse shit? You've just made the rocking horse constipated! wink
Woahhhhhh!!!! hold them horses even if they are made of wood!!!! The thing about rocking horses is that they are made of wood, have no personality and have lifeless eyes.
I agree with most of what you are saying dirty girl however, you have just proved a point mentioned in many threads, which most single girls on here defend themselves against. The fact that some single girls think of themselves as "rocking horse shit" and are so "wanted" by every facet of the swinging community that they can some how behave different to the rest of us. I'm not saying that you do, but you attached the label! Single girls don't make the swinging world go around its the polite, funny and honest people out there. I can live without single girls........but life would be boring without the polite, funny honest peeps be they, couples, single guys or girls.
Quote by Fun_Laughs
Hello John and welcome to the party or to the hell,being as single male in any swingers site is trouble,hard work and sometimes really disappointment! The odds to us are 160 males to 1 couple,so that means we must work 160 times anymore to get attention of just 1 couple and we must do the best of best to stand out from the crowd,i did the same things as you in the begin here,put some forums and asking any member how to get a good profile and how to stand out from the crowd,so am still trying and then lets see,good luck John and never give up!

We don't envy the single guys on here. We have trouble meeting couples too, but we do our best to use our quota of single guys plus a few more. Good luck to the pair of you.
Quote by Funlovers2009
Is double the pleasure twice as much fun?

Oh so you've come across our other profile then?
Whos has cum across me?
Quote by Funlovers2009
I know Mrs Fun would like to have a play in one but I don't think I would have the courage to put "mini me" in a situation like that!!!

Awwww babe, dont advertise that it's ickle, we'll never get meets!! wink
I've kept you happy for 15 years and I'm skint so why else would you be with me :wink:
I know Mrs Fun would like to have a play in one but I don't think I would have the courage to put "mini me" in a situation like that!!!
What attracts me to a profile?.....easy a picture of a nice ass in a very short tartan skirt. Gets me every time GGgggGGGGrrrrrr!!!
Quote by Don_draper
Milky and weak is an option I suppose I prefer mine strong and dark and full of taste, bit like you.

I like my coffee like I like my women. Dark, strong, from the corner of the street and costing no more that 2 pounds a go.
Hang on, that's not right....:doh:
Mrs Fun does it for free!!!
Quote by uk_monkey
Have been led a merry dance by a very pretty lady who turned out to be a guy. Is there anyway of reporting them or getting them banned? Am very angry at yet another timewaster!

There is a report button at the bottom of their profile. Never pressed one so not sure if the dishonest twat explodes or it and find out!!!