because moving back to Mum`s a good option.......
pop in your local porn shop regularly .. just for a browse... you`ll bump into other porn watchers , get chatting..
or pop in yr local porn shop n suggest a notice board... for reviews n stuff... if someone raves about it.. it`s probably worth buyin n wankin by yourself
was saying as much the other night....
way more fun screwing your sh mates than random guys in clubs....
you both know what makes the other tick n dont offend em by accident
I want 2 go and watch the boats this weekend!!
but the weather forecast is crap for sunday...
dont want 2 take photos in the rain!!!
good luck with finding what u`r after
if they cant play at home go to a club,,,,n if u dont hit it off u have lots more to pick from.... :twisted:
depends if u make it to london.....i can see why its cake n coffee lol u be worn out with all that bike ride. high beach epping got nice coffee stands n u can have a rest.
hoover the fan n give it a quick spring clean..
a gifting tab... is it possible 2 make the gift certificate they recieve into a badge on their profile...
last time we tried 2 send gifts... it was broken... where`d the cupcake go???
Ok, so the same can't be said for chat, you can block people from whispering you but it's not specific enough to cut out 'single males' but instead cuts out all whispers from everyone or from an authorised list...
I thought u just blocked whoevers bothering u.. n they never did it again!!
'to plan ahead for the Olympics being held in London'
well the council have made plans.
since the last 2 months parking has gone up 3 times the norm. 8 pounds fpr 3 hours now was 2 pounds parking in side st as permits only..
oops forgot it was have been so busy have missed it.
over the yrs we have been to socials, then clubs, and meets, n have made some good friends. not just for sex, even if it did end that way lol.
then u wont see them for months, n then they turn up as if u never missed them
catch up on what they been up to, have a evening of laughs n fun,then gone again.
this week has been gr8 as 4 of them one a night has turned up, n i had a gr8 time with them.
so all i can say is yes u can find some gr8 peeps on here, n make friends with them,
even if u dont end up in bed.
1st time meet should b down a pub ... so u can run away...
there`s a thread somewhere with polite ways 2 escape....
oh u for got the whispers that say hi,,,,then r u alone....when u r on cam....
pmsl not all can take a joke.....n some have no humour just read the forums lol
we go every year if the weather permits. when kids was little we took them as well. nice way to get a all over tan..still get cpls with little ones, but ours have turn into teenagers lol. after sun set regs have a big fire n adults sit around n catch up on the gossip. gr8 way to make friends.
think i like single str8 guy rooms best,,,but if i want to go cpls room i will..or fems only room...i even go to the ops room when they not there n tidy up for them.....
n they never say ty.......would not be nice to go to a room n be kicked because i dont fit....spos next u want a tall room...or a short one....
dont be upset steve,,,they do meet single guys .
/we do not meet single guys outside Chams, not on my own anyway
n my mrs would not meet by her self,,,,
in case of spellimg mistakes it mr typing.
that said,,i do metal decting.
now on some farmers fields the council is putting green waste on them, it contains silver paper. to help it rot they mix it with other stuff...on finding coins i n others have found that the coins r being eaten away like some type of acids,,,the farmers r being charge 80 pounds a ton for this..what will our food be like once this stuff gets into it??? any one know more on the subject?
no lol they called tits...