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Over 90 days ago


Quote by Mister_Discreet
If any reporters are reading this, I'd like to draw your attention to the following text that appears at the bottom of every page:
"All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All postings are the property of their posters. Everything else is copyright © 2002-2004 Swinging Heaven."
In other words, everything here is subject to copyright, and you don't have permission to reprint anything from this site without clearing it first, with the site owners and/or the authors of the posts.

Not knocking you mate, but just when did ANY newspaper have ethics? I dont read them to any level, because they should start off on page one with 'Once upon a time', and finish 'they all live happy/unhappily ever after'. Hero to Zero, is what they offer so I says BOLLOX to em all
I think he should get a good slapping...
It must be part of a punning clan?
It is something to send yourself a birthday card aka , but neilinleeds has now gone to paypal to sound popular...!
Or are dundeecouple just not aware of his social skills??? wink
I think that they are both tossers! Most Americans I have met from the blue collar belt, do not have this god aweful attitude of how they are the worlds saviour and who must defend the world, and they talk about allies to help them keep the world free. I dont doubt they do a good job, but for firks sake you dont want to hear it day in day out...?
I want to add those politically correct descriptions such as Personal Inspection Access Covers or manholes as was, and hot beverage person...Tea lady, and also the STUPID words on products that you buy like on brazil nuts...caution contains nuts, and tins of soup...please open tin first before heating up in pan...FFS...!
Being a fan of the program, I pondered on anyone placing there own thing in to be destroyed. You have to give an item and then why? Maybe the person answering can say yes or no, and then place their own for the next in a chain?
Mine is those daft words that say one thing, but are totally the opposite. Like HOT DOGS, in tins they are cold, and CHILLI DOGS in tins that are bloody hot? Also SPEED BUMPS, I mean like you cant? If you do, then half the sump is trashed, so you HAVE to go slow?
Well it is getting to Autumn, and their are ALWAYS a lot of DRIPSabout?
That is cos we is the backbone of the country. Wiout't pits and manual workers, it't'd be a reit t'old mess! rolleyes
we have a few trolls in Donny neil...mind if you have been here on a saterday night, you may well have had one club you and put you over her shoulder on the way back to her cave?
In a light hearted retort to the above post...
Do you still sell piss weak beer with no head?
Yorkshire pudding is as all good yoorjies will tell you the food of the GODS. It is versatile enough to be used not only as a meal with tatties and mince, but in times of old they were often produced for treats for the kids and were spread with jam. before you BARF, try it? If you can ram a poppadom/pitta bread in ya fizzog, then try this wholesome versatile dish?
Dont go their on us yorkshire folk, because we are from strong stuff like our lancashire bretheren.....cloth caps and tweed trousers are nothe the norm here, and we even have our own language i'll ave y'know me lad!
Is it 'cos you is soft? lol :lol: confused:
You can get something similar from the links on here, and made of latex...called a sleeve. Easy to clean and ok. It is a bit better than using the hands, when you have those days you dont wanna come, and just get sore.... wink
Just been out of sorts with the most ENORMOUS illness I have ever had...a mixture of toncillitis/chest infection and a form of I know what it feels like... I spent 29 hours in bed over a 36 hour period.
Look on the bright side, and take it into work as SOON as you can. You know they always piss you off with snotty comments about it ONLY being a sniffly cold? I have so far infected 6 people and two went home ill last night...
Sad git, but hey, their rules! No turn up, no pay and lost almost a weeks worth...the bills dont pay themselves, so i had to go in.....oh yes, the best of it is, one is my boss and he puked ALL over his office and keyboard...BLESS??????
Thought a Lancashire one had sliced potatoes on the top, whilst the Yorkshire one had pipped, creamed mash?
Part of the way out is to say what you really mean.
I know it is practice used in many therapies, but often they help.
Write a letter to your ex. It NEVER gets posted, or she see's it, but it is everything you want to say, the whole truth and no holds barred. When you have done it, put it away for a few days and read it, and see if you have said it all. When you read it a few times, you will have seen to have said what you need, and you then burn it somewhere quiet, and as it smolders to ash, you close the book on the episode in your life and tomorrrow begin another day. Relationships have to be dealt with like the death of a dear friend. Once they have truely gone, we can but reminisce on the past. If you do think ONLY of the goodtimes, because the bad times have gone...the good stay with you forever and make you smile. I know from experience in a life taken, it hurts to think of the bad, so shut it out and you WILL think of the good, but also the future..
Hope it helps....
Thanx Vix.
I just find the world is full of wonderful people with so much to offer, but we have one big enemy...ourselves. Few species actually kill for the sake of it as much as mankind, and I just will never really understand how me being one colour makes me in anyway better than someone of a different shade? I know many racists, who flock to the spanish coast, or spend hours on sunbeds, and I cant make them understand they are hypocrites in wanting to be coloured and yet not? they are the old ' I am English', crowd, and yet know nothing of the history of these isles, and of our mixed blood in Europe and the likes. I keep on trying to educate where I can, but some are just to thick to understand the concept of inter racial breeding that is within themselves......?
An immotive subject that many ponder on. It is a thrill to many, some just dont, and some dislike. As in life it is all swings and roundabouts. In a darkened room we are all the same, flesh and blood. fat or thin, short or tall, bald or hairy, we have our tastes in life. If you are happy with your lot and want to try variety, then go with the flow, it may be what you need to give you the buzz. I accept anyone from any creed or colour, but like most on here aborr racism. I just wish, in all honesty, we had all been born with some colour problems in our eyes, and so much pain and hatred in the past and future would have been missed out on. :cry:
When death's been knocking at your door and life it seemed was such a bore,
And you do feel that all has passed and that the good would never last,
You tend to sit and quietly ponder, staring in the big blue yonder,
Thinking of what was and is and seldom getting in a tizz.
As people come and go in life and cause you merriment or strife,
And what they say or do cause ill you but must find the 'all cure' pill,
That eases off those angry blues and waters down the doubting views.
For stress and strain are the real killer like the punchline in a thriller.
And where the zest for life is squeezed and copeing comes a big dis-ease,
I've fought the battle now and won and see that it aint been much fun,
So now I turn it off and say, TOMORROW is another day.
For anyone stressed upto the hilt with life. Mine is work and what life has dealt me recently in my personal world. Blessings to all.... :rose:
I like to wake up each morning and be amazed at what other nature provides for us. One of the FEW things in life we DONT have to pay for.
they EVEN let dawn mids in too! I wonder if sarge is the would explain a lot... confused:
Mine is something, and yet nothing...perfect balance, and yet one or the other or neither? Guess I dont exist in reality!
They will take anyone i am told? After all they took on misschief!!!
I always find if girth is an issue to carry a roll of cellotape with comes in handy, but a tad difficult to remove unless I have shaven my pubes? wink
I can remember our first colour TV and the guy telling us to be careful in case the colour ran out with misuse, and my brother crying! I can rememember the strikes of the 70's so well, the candlelit rooms and nothing but books to read, and the times off school with no heating. Also the days BEFORE double glazing, when we would scratch pictures in the ice on the INSIDE of the windows in our bedrooms, and you sometimes had to wear socks in bed! And EVERY boy HAD to wear shorts in the secondary schools even in winter, and our school toilets were outside at the bottom of the playground and when we did PE, we had to change on the field, rain or shine....!
I would have thought a one to one shoot, on the land where they trespass is ok so to speak. Like if you have mice in your house, a trap is fine, but dont kill em if they are outside in the garden. I am not into killing wildlife, but if they are causing havoc, you have little choice...HOWEVER to chase it miles with baying hounds, on horseback until it is absolutely bolloxed, amd then torn apart alive by baying hounds and called a 'sport', is beyond me.
What I do not understand, is despite a notice NEXT to the bell that says... I am a nightworker so PLEASE NO DOOR SALES OR SURVEYS ETC, they STILL ring the bell and say, " Oh sorry, did I wake you up "... By the way, i know quite a few swear words, which often come in handy mad
Sorry Sean...
I did not read it, but I feel it is too easy to see where this COULD go? Like I said these peole plan meticulously, so it is very much a frightening possibility...!
Easy stuff really...
By dressing up as a superhero, you can storm cathedral buildings, visit the queen and even get a few mates into parliment. Of cause they did NOT want to shoot batman on the balcony, it was obvious he was a protestor, BUT you have to ponder is Osama Bin Laden is watching this UK daftness and thinking...'I know lets get a suicide bomber to walk into one of these places and show it can be done'?
I mean, lets be honest it makes security seem so lax, that anyone with a medium of some sense could get in to cause such damage.
I am genuinely worried that something WILL go terribly wrong, and if I can think of this, surely those with a will to do damage will find the way to do this too?
TE is quite right in many of his observations. I guess it all boils down to looking at yourself and seing what you possibly did wrong. It must too be daunting to drop into forums for some people. Maybe we should have an adopt a newcomer thread, and have some hand holding exercises. I guess to we are all guilty of running before we can walk at times. Posting can be like the first words in a conversation at a party, get it right and everyone wants to listen and talk, get it wrong and its coats on and off home ealy?