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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 72


The Media behaved,predictably ( as the Hyena pack that they are) by Whining at what little scraps of real or Mis information the Police fed them. The media seem to feel they have a god given right to gate crash any security situation and if not allowed to then they invent stuff which can, does and did make this situation worse but what do they care so long as it makes for sensational tv or sells more copies of their paper?
Raoul Moat is not the first ,nor will he be the last person to be betrayed and have his whole world wrecked by a partner.
This can and does happen to women as well as men.
"Heaven knows no rage like love to hatred turned
Nor Hell a fury like a 'Lover' Scorned."
In this case, Clearly, he became unhinged in Prison and set a course for violent revenge against his partner and her knockoff.
Had she Not told him that she had being 'Seeing' a Police Officer (which she was not) then Moat might Not have focussed on the grudge that led to him shooting that innocent Copper as well and i hope she reflects on that.
The Media's distorted reports further wound him up to extend his target base to include the general public(re: his recorded dictaphone message). I hope the Media are cited as a factor by the Police inquiry and held accountable somehow (not holding my breath on that one).The fact remains that Raoul Moat is now dead and beyond punishment for his actions.
99.9% of people who have experienced this kind of betrayal do not go as far as 'crossing the line' but many of them will have thought long and hard about doing so when they are at their Raw-est.
How many more cases like this (not nessesarily involving a gun but result in one or more people dying violently) will we see from people who are, 'As mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore'?
Quote by Darkduma
I have had some Bi experiences in the past in the right mood but I do not consider myself a Bi, since it is not my primary choice. I would interact as a Bi if the mood is right and with the right people. I do not identify as a Bi, but I explain the fact on my profile. Should I put myself as Bi just because it would be more acceptable?

Perhaps a sexuality classification of 'Bi Male-Oral' added to the choices of Bi Male and Bi Curious would suffice?
Many men who like cock play but not anal play with men in any set up do not regard themselves as fully bi, gay or in denial.
Once upon a time people made the kind of jokes/remarks to airport staff that nowadays would trigger off a massive security drama that would land the culprit in deep trouble.
Will everyone now be on a 'Nutter' alert, Picking up on everyday remarks they hear such as 'I'll murder him/her for this or that'?
I do feel people should fine tune their radars to pick up on the signs that might point towards someone they know who is behaving out of character, however slight.
Maybe you might just make the difference between someone being able to bleed off pressure before they do harm to themselves or someone else.
Ten years ago i missed the 'signs' that a mate was giving out and it was a shock to hear that he had committed suicide.
He was the type of person that (on the face of it)had it all and everything to live for.
Being a proud and independent man he hid it well but on reflection there were signs that everyone who knew him missed.
I,like many, have learned that this kind of hindsight is a cruel torment to live with,even now.
It never hurts to be a bit more perceptive but what you should never do is nothing about it once you suspect a problem.
Sometimes all you have to do is listen so they can vent off the pressure. the trick is to get them to 'open up'.
The mistake Israel made was in not waiting until the aid vessel entered Israeli waters.
The boarding party should have arrived by is normal procedure that most countrys including the UK use when foreign vessels are to be inspected.
If the vessel refuses to comply then their are other options that can then be taken which spells 'bad news'for those on board the foreign vessel.
With BP's share price falling then it might be worth buying some of them.
How long will it be until BP stick their hand out to the UK government for a bail out like the banks did and got?
The thing that gets up the noses of unemployed/scrapheaped people over 50 years of age is that their previous contributions into the system (for over three decade of regular employment) counts for nothing after such a short period of time 'signing on'.
This unemployed group faces an uphill struggle to break out of the jobless void that will stretch on 'til the official retirement age comes around.
It is against the law for an employer to be 'age-ist' so they often use the term 'over qualified' if or when they reply to an application for an interview for a job.
There are many thousands of people who find themselves the wrong side of 50, unemployed and scrapheaped. It is an alien situation for this age group to be in and to deal with after a life time of regular employment.
To be classed as a scrounger is a gross insult to many of these people.
Quote by foxylady2209
They named a street in Derby after Lara Croft FFS. Mind you, it's better than they other one they named - Brian Clough Way. All the way from Derby to Nottingham. Talk about limited appeal! Plenty of us have no interst in football and less in mid-league stuff like Derby/Nottingham (Forest or the other one).

Oi :kick:
There is nothing wrong with naming it the 'Brian Clough Way'.:thumbup:
What might happpen is that people who cast their vote for minority partys will go over to either Left or Right in order to stiffen up that party and effect change from the inside.
I can't see this Rainbow Alliance marriage lasting too long before it ends in a messy divorce and then we will have another GE and hopefully a clear winner.
Many years ago and well before the advent of mobile phones,There used to be a washing machine powder called 'OMO'.
A box of it was placed in the front window as a sign, 'Old Man Out' :welcome:
Quote by easyrider_xxx
Not everyone has a mobile phone or internet (my parents and many of their friends for example)
So anything that is implemented must ensure that we do not disenfranchise people

I would advocate online voting as another choice of voting method to relieve the pressure on the existing system which is clearly not able to cope.
There has been abuse of voting in the past and clearly the present system is strained and in some cases collapsing as we have seen last night.
Online Banking, Utillity bills, etc are dealt with online by millions now in the UK.
imo, Online voting should be added to our 'dot-com' way of life.
Something has to change and i hope the new 'regime' has the resolve to give it a try.
Should a secure system of voting online be instituted to replace the Postal vote and increase the voter 'Turnout' for future e-lections in the UK?
Quote by Kaznkev
LibDem seem to have done unexpectedly badly according to the BBC exit poll. dunno

people have been encouraged to use the postal vote system to save money,many will have voted before the debates, affecting the outcome.
the real story of the night is the number of people disenfranchised,tory councils have cut back on polling staff and stations, and look at the result?
From the results it is clear that the voters have rejected the minority partys including the Lib Dem 'Push'.
So we have a hung parliament which may result in another GE within a year.
or in other words, a 'Rollover' election.
If that happens it will be a 2 party fight.
Left V Right.
IMO, The debacle of people being turned away from Polling stations is not acceptable and a secure way of voting online should be instituted to replace the Postal vote.
This would ensure a higher 'Turn out' percentage of the legitimate voting public for future UK 'E-lections'.
Quote by JTS
The rig was not owned by BP, and was operating on their behalf on contract.

There is an Operating Oil 'Company Man' on every drilling installation in the world at all times an every Phase (including regular and periodic inspection, pressure testing and function testing of the Blowout Preventer) of drilling operations are carried out by the drilling contractor to the operating company's specification and under the operators supervision.
The 'Buck' stops at BP's door.
As the 'authoritys' can already find out anything about anyone at the click of a mouse and we all know they can then why all the bitching and moaning about carrying a National ID card?
It is the Norm in most other countrys so why not here?
ID cards (c/w full face picture) should be free, electronically checkable in the same way as Passports are and carried by everyone in the UK.
There is nothing to fear about carrying an ID card, except being found out.
Quote by kentswingers777
An interesting article into the minds of a BNP voter.

Yes, Imo that article is a fair assessment.
Bring back the 'Stocks' as a punishment for anti social behaviour.
"Roll up, Roll up. Get your Rotten Tomatoes here for a Quid"
Being publicly humilliated with a session in the Stocks would hurt far more than a fine.
It would be a great fund raiser too.
Just realized that that only resurrecting the Stocks lacks ambition as there are plenty of medieval deterrents we could make use of;

Is there to be a witch hunt for every teacher who gave a lad '6 of the best' with the Cane causeing welts,in front of a whole class of witnesses?
Are they not accountable for physical abuse of their charges in the past?
I'm surprised that a PC inspired Retro Inquisition was not mounted or was there an unofficial Amnesty, back in the day, for teachers who had dispensed practical discipline before the Cane,Strap,etc were bannished or should i have said 'excluded'?
Quote by Kaznkev
You should hang your left wing head in shame! lol
"Oohhh, Ye Traiter Ye" (as barry fitzgerald said in 'The Quiet Man')
You've just committed a Cardinal sin by having a debate with someone from the BNP. :lol:
In the spirit of Detente, I promiss i won't call you ma'am again - ever.
That,I fear, would be taking things too far (my dear).:giggle:

The objection to ma am isnt because of my feminist side,call me sweetie though and i will have your balls!
And debate is never a sin,the only sin is to close ones mind and be unwilling to engage.
Pity the other partys don't share your view.
However, They do continue to collectively and childishly to do a 'walk off' the platform every time it is the BNP candidate's turn to speak after an election result is declared by the returning officer.
The only points they are scoring are For the BNP with these 'Home Goal' antics.
btw, If i wanted to call you anything you would be the first to hear it and from me.
I don't think 'Sweetie' would be my very first choice though. :giggle:
Watching 'Gene Hunt' and realizing, My god - That's me, 70's man, Agghhh!
Same again?
As I look in the mirror, I’m a road map of lines
My eyes are all bloodshot, It's a sign of the times
When did it happen, I really don't know
When more grey hairs than brown ones decided to grow
My head is still pounding, can't remember last night
And the 60 watt bulb seems ever so bright
I am aching all over with my chest feeling rough
But a fag and a coffee sorts me out soon enough
Day and night sessions take a toll in due course
Shapes a body well ravaged with much room for remorse
I should make some changes, give up smoking and beer
Start a healthy new lifestyle and get my self clear
I must fend off temptations that won’t let me be
Find a way that results in a much fitter me
I will get some fresh air, Rid my head of this fog
(Then I might just pop in for a hair of the dog)
Quote by kentswingers777
Can't we export him back to Scotland to Join the SNP? lol

Or what about outta Mongolia? :lol:
Nah, On second thoughts, leave him where he is as he is doing such a good job with Labour! :giggle:rotflmao:giggle:
Quote by noladreams
Ah okay. I wasn't meaning to be rude, just wasn't sure where you wanted the thread to go.
I'm gutted. South Louisiana is an area close to my heart and I have been tracking the spill since it happened. It is such a shame that it looks likely to devastate an area of natural importance and an area which has suffered such a lot with Katrina and Rita before that.

I agree. The people in those affected areas have suffered plenty already and now this!
My thoughts and sympathy goes out for the 11 missing,presumed dead, members of the Rig crew and their families and loved ones not forgetting the people who were injured and are now in hospital in a bad way. I hope they make their recovery's soon.
Whilst that lad was winding his teacher up i bet nothing crossed his leery mind
(apart from a 3kg dumbell that is) that he would end up getting 'happy slapped' himself for it.
I would also bet that the rest of the class think twice before they wind another teacher up.
Probably not though.
Peter Harvey's teaching career, however, is now over after many good years as an educator.
I can remember a time in the 60's when a teacher would give you a slap that would knock you off your feet for giving him cheek or insolence. 'KES' style.
Quote by noladreams
The Drilling Platform was not a production platform.
It was a Semi Submersible mobile drilling unit( 'Deep Water Horizon') owned by a company called 'Transocean' that was drilling an oilwell.
The fact remains that the Blowout Preventer did not work.
The investigation will find out why it failed in due course, meanwhile the damage to the environment is ongoing.

dunno What are you wanting to discuss? Excuse me if I'm being a tad dense...
My post was meant to attract replys on a current affairs topic.
I have just heard the BP spokesman on BBC News say "although BP is the operating company, the responsibility for the Rig and it's equipment lies with the Drilling conractor, 'Transocean', whose rig it mans and operates".
He was correct in all he said except for one omission.
Every Phase (including regular and periodic inspection, pressure testing and function testing of the Blowout Preventer) of drilling operations are carried out by the drilling contractor to the operating company's specification and under the operators supervision.
The responsibility lies with the Operating OIL company which in this case is BP.
I am dissapointed but not surprised that BP is trying to shift the blame.
The Drilling Platform was not a production platform.
It was a Semi Submersible mobile drilling unit( 'Deep Water Horizon') owned by a company called 'Transocean' that was drilling an oilwell.
The fact remains that the Blowout Preventer did not work.
The investigation will find out why it failed in due course, meanwhile the damage to the environment is ongoing.