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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
Hi I'm John.
Got to go to watton this weekend and was wondering if any one in the area fancyied meeting up for a drink women or couples preffered and possible a good massage and then lets see if anything develops (no assumptions made) any one if your interseted drop me an IM and lets see what happens.
Luv you later John :P :P
Warming the Bed
Hi Drawist here.
I finish my off duty at 9pm on friday and am looking for a single female or couple for fun and pulse raising exercise.
GSOH can be more important than looks.
I'm a slim athletic build male who gives good masage.
Warming the Bed
If you've not already done it get yourself down A&E If bits are ticking out of a joint it isn't a good sign. especially if there is a lot of welling and weight bearing on a fracture jut in't a good idea.
If you don't go: Pain (control the pain), rest (to avoid further injury) , ice (to control swelling) Elevate (to control swelling).
This gives you PRICE the watchword.
Warming the Bed
Sex being what it is gives high levels of arousal and sends loads of adreniline around the body, Adrenaline can actually be bad for you so twenty minutes of some other arobic activity should help to keep you in a healthy balance. lol
Yes really it's true
Warming the Bed
Unfortunatly breasts arn't nuetrally boyant therefore nowing the volume of the breast will not give you the weight although the varies techniques tried could be fun in there own right.
I suspect that breasts are denser than water but I'm sure there is a phd thesis waiting for the first person to work out how much denser they are.
So the most accurate method is going back to having someone hold them for you and I've jjust warmed my hands. rolleyes
Warming the Bed
The ability to exercise free will is the one thing in my case.
With free will you can protect your own and make the world a better place, within the normal legal and social boundaries of course, and the inability to exercise to act only as a drone or worse still having your will and wishes ignored or overridden is the worst torture that could be imagined.
Warming the Bed
Rules of presentations
Say what you are going to say (intro) 2 min
Say it (main Body) (yours georgeous) 6 min
Say what you have said (summary) 2 min
Give definition of successful partnership
Intelligent "learing organisations" learn from "mistakes in a no blame culture"
Us your experience to show why some partnerships don't work and say why you will be different.
Don't worry it's only 10 minutes so keep to time.
Go on department web site and look at what they want and buzz words.
All the best
Warming the Bed
No don't get a rug for his head get one to go on the carpet Now it needs to be wool as thats a lot less abrasive than nylon or nylon mixes.
And when you've finished you can pull the rug from underneath him lol
The other advantage is it's easier to clean a rug than a whole carpet :!:
Warming the Bed
On the serious side the break sounds like the one Beckham did a while back to his metatarsals.
So your claim to fame could be you bent it like Beckham lol
Warming the Bed
Give the cabbage leaves a try I undedrstand savoys are thebest choice the theory is that they contain something that effects the hormone balance in the breast as recommended by some midwifes.
Failing that are you due for a review for HRT or the Pill
Hope you are sorted soon.
Warming the Bed
Vitamin B12 is neccessary for the bone marrow to produce adequate blood cells.
Intrinsic factor is produced in the gut to help absorb vitamin B12.
No intrinisic factor, No Absorbtion of dietry Vit B12 hence reduced production of Blood cells, onset of aneamia, tiredness because the blood cant transport enough oxygen.
Solution Give Vitamin B12 as an injection into muscle that lasts for about 3 months.
If Vit B12 gave you loads of energy then maybe you like needles into your buttocks wink or you were slightly aneamic anyway and it sorted the problem.
Hope that this answers some of the questions
Warming the Bed
If you don't fancy the Butt Plug sad try incontinence products but that might be considered baby-ish :shock:
Warming the Bed
Just a thought do you put anything up your nose that you shouldn't when sexing.
Other thought could it be a reaction to perfume or a body spray.
Sneezing could always be a lost and very ancient orgasm.
Keep experimenting until you find a solution
Warming the Bed
Well such choices
Antiseptic creams and ointments will do the trick but may mark your clothing if you.
Saliva on draught could be effective but someone clamped to your nipple in the office could be offputting to your co workers.
Micropore type tape could do the trick in that it will protect the skin from further damage and irritation by stopping it rubbling against clothing.
Final solution don't wear clothing
Warming the Bed
it can be argued both ways as to the ethics, (Abuse/Consenting stress relieve) consenting stress relief in this case but if word got out it could effect trade for more normal clients.
Warming the Bed
I got made redundant and retrained for the job that I should Have persued 20 years ago so you could say i've got my ideal job. confused biggrin
Warming the Bed
Certainly thesmell of urine changes depending on its chemical composition so if you eat a lot of sugar puffs (why) then you pee could smell and or taste of them (but why check). a common example is beetroots turning your pee red.
If the smell is not associated with eating sugar puffs, sugar in your pee could be a possibility espesially if you spray from a hieght creating water droplets which you breath in and smell, their could be little crystally deposits in the areas of overspray when they dry. If this is the case you may be developing diabetes and you should seek medical attention to eliminate this before further symptoms develop.
Warming the Bed
Vicar Just a dog Collar
kayaker Complete with spray deck and chat up line "Ive lost my boat, its a big banana, can you help me find it"
Something from "Rocky Horror"
Or as John Major a pair of glasses and your underpants over your trousers who could resist you (Steve Bell cartoons).
Warming the Bed
This kind of thing gives statistical techies a bad name they go through years of training to produce meaningless rubbish. No offence ment.
Warming the Bed
I quite like freckles.
They do have a tendency to disapear during pubity, but as you are finding the skin damage caused by getting a tan can get encourage them back.
So to avoid future spread avoiding the sun or using very high factor blocks or creams could be a good idea especially if you are fair skined anyway.
The other alternative is to try to hide them all with a spray on tan as long as you don't end up looking like cheap as chips man.
Warming the Bed
It Will take time for your lungs to recover to get that extra O2 but regular arobic exercise started gently ie running or swimming can help.
Erection problems are not listed as problems with nicotene patches.
It is actually possible that you are actually anxious about giving up and have low level nicotene cravings that are taking your mind of the job even if you are not aware of them and now that you have started worrying you may get a little depressed which will effect libido and function so you get into a vicious cycle.
If you follow the instructions for reducing you patch dose to ease you off the cravings and do some work to get fitter, you should start to feel healthier and happier and full function will return plus some.
Well done for giving up and a few problems now can mean an active sex life for maybe 20 years more than you would have had.
All the best and good Luck
Warming the Bed
Are these gender based e-mails or do you want a special kind of postal worker confused
Warming the Bed
Southern Englands a bigish place with poor roads (M25) so where areyou and what are you wanting couples, males or females accomodating or not confused: .
But to be sure just wait, tonight will turn up after sunset. lol
Warming the Bed
Full on Kissing can be much to personal I feel it has to with maintaining personal space, and my evidence is the saying get out of my face which is used when someone is up to close and making you feel uncomfortable.
And as for Kissing technique if it isn't working try and lead the kiss or break off and restart how you want it or just Bite their lip really hard that will get them to stop.
Warming the Bed
An alternative solution to no underwear rolleyes
is to call it swimwear and carry a gun :twisted:
And yes it is genuine the reason I understand is so that drivers arent distracted by a thong bursting over the top of jeans etc.
Warming the Bed
I'm kind of with MQ.
I sometimes see some one and I think Wow she raises my interest and that is often enough but if there is something in the personality that I dislike then no amount of mutual interest will get me there.
and then I now people who I'm not attracted to physically but as i get to now them a Spark in there Eyes just does it for me and I wan't to jump them in the nicest possible way lol.
The one advantage of personality is you don't work up with the thought "just what was I thinking"
Warming the Bed
i would like to confirm that the woody allen film was the Sleeper and the scene shooting the nose is hysterical.
I think Barberalla had one but i've never watched it always thinking its to kiche (Judgemental you Bad Boy)
If you are interested in electronic stimulation then a TENS machine can do the job (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) I would suspect it works on the same principles as the Ann Summers Device. They are available for treating back pain etc and tend to have 2 sets of pads that can be controlled individually you just need to adjust the placement ie one set over a breast and the sencond on the perinium and near the clit or attached to something to penetrate with.
I've got one myself that I have used on myself to effect but havent been able to persuade a lady to five it a try up until now?
If you give it a go strart with it turned off and turn them up slowly to suit.
Have fun and follows manufacturers cautions.
Warming the Bed
Nice stry itwill keep me up during my night shift and a Nice disclammer at the end which leaves us with the real question.
How do you like your cavities touched?
Warming the Bed
I read the word but then I've no imagination.
interesting experiment though but would it work if you were colour blind and why the Amarican spelling of colour?