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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
What is phallomancy?
It is the science and art of judging a man's character and lovemaking style and capability by the shape of his penis.
The traditional forms of palmistry and face reading can reveal much about a person's sexuality and approach to sexual matters. But when it comes to matters of love and lust, nothing is as efficient and accurate as the field of Phallomancy!
Straight to the point, it reveals sexual style and technique, morals and capabilities.
Despite what men may claim and boast, the penis does not lie!
Are you long or short? Be honest! Use a ruler if you have to. Less than 3.5" is short, more than 3.5" is long.
For those over the 3.5" benchmark, we can see what an innovative lover you are. What an extrovert! You welcome any excuse to liberate the little fella... You're always on the lookout for new tricks to try out. Some might call you over-confident... It always pays to make sure your partner appreciates the unusal before it's too late. However, you are you are fantastic at picking up new tricks and revel in the details. If you are extremely long, besides being awfully proud of yourself, you are an extremely inventive lover!
Don't despair if you measure under 3 inches. Although you may be hesitant or lack confidence at first, once you get going you can really perform. You might have traditional tastes, you are more of a romantic lover and a dreamer. However, you do have a surprise temper and can be blunt about your desires. You may be a complex lover, but you always deliver on your promises.
OK, so maybe you don't have the longest but you've got the thickness. This reveals that your imagination comes into play backed by solid determination and fiery energy. Not a bad combination by anyone's measurements! Some men are thicker at the base of the penis than at the top. This reveals that you treasure your independence. You don't like being tied up or tied down!
If you are very thick at the base of your penis, independence is extremely important to you.
You may be long, but are you slender as well? Here we have the romantic poetic lover. The sensitive lover who revels in the details and finesse of making love. You express your feelings easily and can talk your way through the whole session. Be careful you don’t get the reputation of being all talk, no action.
Is the penis smooth or knotty? A smooth penis shows what an intuitive lover you are. You are able to go with your feelings and adapt easily to changes. You can be a very smooth character.
If your penis is knotty, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a whole plan of action mapped out in your head before entering the fray. Being naturally cautious and logical in sexual matters, you tend to hold back, but once you get going, you’re on a roll.
If your penis has one or two bumps on it, your partner better watch out! You can be an unpredictable and difficult lover, just the thing for a woman who likes a challenge and a bit of unpredictability.
A guy with a pointed tip is both idealistic and artistic in relationships but he also has a lot of trouble relaxing and letting go. He values his independence highly and is rarely the submissive partner.
If you are also long and thin, then you can be a selfish lover!
A blunt or square tip shows the owner is a practical lover who prefers to let his actions show how much he loves his partner, rather than words.
Such a strong sex drive! You are active and original with a magnetic way about you. A wider or bulbous tip indicates a huge sex drive! You are magnetic when it comes to sex. But sex and relationships are completely different things to you so your partners soon learn not to expect anything that you don’t actually promise. What you do provide is all action and originality. Not bad if your partner knows beforehand what they’re getting into.
Many penises show a definite curve to the left or the right and this can be very meaningful according to the art of phallomancy...
Do you have a penis that curves to the right? Then, in matters of love and sex, you are a giver not a taker. If you had it your way, sex would be your favourite topic of conversation. You love to discuss all aspects of your love life and have no qualms in asking people about theirs!
Or does it curve to the left instead? In matters of love and sex, you are taker not a giver. You are more cautious about giving your all in relations until you are sure you won’t be hurt or taken advantage of, and you like to keep your secrets well and truly hidden.
But if your penis has a sharp bend in it, rather than a curve, you can be a lecher and a user. Sharp and astute, you don’t mind cheating if it gets you want you want.
If the penis is long and bent, then you are definitely no to be trusted in matters sexual. But if the penis is short and bent then it is more performance anxiety that is the bane of your life. Relax!
When the penis is bent right at the very base, you are plagued with the nagging feeling that you don’t fit in or belong anywhere. You have the feeling that everyone else seems to get what they want and have it easy, but you feel you have to feel you have the short end of the stick and have to fight for your most basic rights. Quit whining, and you’ll find your sexual success rate soars!
Please note: A very pronounced curve to the right or left shows that you may be suffering from Peyronie’s disease, so a visit to the doctor is in order before it interferes with your sexual performance.
Finally, is your pubic hair sparse or bushy? If you are fairly bare, then this shows your sexual taste is very refined but on the other hand, your libido tends to fluctuate according to how self-confident you feel. You need lots of reassurance to put in a good performance.
If you are fairly bushy, then you are a strong and physical lover. Very competitive, you’ll be the one asking about past lovers, but then putting in an effort to shame them all. On the downside, your tastes are more on the common side than refined.
Moles and other marks even have their place in phallomancy. Moles have been read for centuries. It is thought that the study of birthmarks originated with the ancient Chinese. Reading moles is also known as maculomancy, moleomancy, molesophy and moleoscopy. Astrologers of the middle ages made sure to examine their clients’ bodies for these tell-tale marks when erecting a chart for their clients.
According to traditional Chinese body reading, moles found on the genital area indicate fertility and many children.
Many moles indicates a susceptibility to health problems. Never ignore any signs that indicate ill health. If a mole ever suddenly appears, changes shape, bleeds or darkens, please consult a doctor to have it checked out.
You need to be careful of taking any physical risks. Don't take risks with your sexual health or you will suffer.
You are a sincere lover who takes responsibility in matters of love.
You enjoy love in the outdoors and adventure.
You can be very changeable and just a little unreliable.
You can look forward to a prosperous future but you will need to keep a constant eye on your health.
You need to pay attention to your state of health, any complacency could easily lead to ill-health.
You could do with a hefty dose of ambition! You can't go on sailing through life, relying on other people to get you through. Go on, get a move on!
A mole on the nipple says beware to your partner! You have a tendency to be fickle and unfaithful so your partner had better watch out!
Traditional knowledge of phallomancy has been around for thousands of years in India and Tibet.
The Tibetans believe it is unlucky for a man to be over-endowed. He will be a rich and good husband if his penis is no more than six finger widths long. But if while squatting, the penis reaches to the bottom of his heels, his life will be full of sorrow.
The Hindus have similar beliefs. According to the Brihat Samhita*, a big penis can only mean trouble --- the man will be poor and will have no sons. If his member is straight, small and sinewy he will be rich. A penis inclining towards the left indicates poverty. If a man has perfect, matching testicles of the same size he will be a king and if they’re not matching, he’ll be fond of sex. If the glans penis be depressed in the middle, the person will father daughters and be poor; if it is raised in the middle, he will have many cows; if it’s not very large, he will be rich.
Semen is also important. If it smells like honey, the man will be rich; like salt he will be poor; like fish, he will have many children. If it is thin he will have daughters and live in great comfort. Finally, forget the superstud routine if you want a long life. A person whose sexual intercourse lasts more than a minute will live long, but prolonged bouts of rumpy-pumpy will lead to an early death.
Warming the Bed
My dawg would be the Crocodile in Lake Placid...!
Firkin BIG jaws for a heinz 57....Apart from it being furry!
Warming the Bed
for ONCE
fail me.....
I am sure the world will continue to revolve although it will seem a more difficult place.
It is because I is a sarcastic shite.......
Warming the Bed
I actually ponder on my mate neil being somewhat a blood brother to me in many ways. He knows of my past lives, and has followed my style for many a post. If he has gone, I shed a tear for a friend I never met in life, but so many have come to be that on here, and althought the post rate has dropped due to illness I do like to think somewhere peole DO miss those who drop off the edge for a while.
Warming the Bed
A cretinous excuse of a workmate almost got me the sack once for his mistakes, yet he palmed it off on me. I got into his car and secreted two boxes of fish fingers within the boot panneling in the summer, and after about two weeks he was constantly driving about with the windows down, and his wife vomitted twice when she had to use it for work. Not may cross me, because although i am dead easy to get on with....I ALWAYS get my revenge. I could write a book!
Warming the Bed
Take a break..
Relax a while...
And come on when you feel you can. It does you good to stop for a while.... I have many times and you get a new zest for it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder ....?
Warming the Bed
it may not seem to happen, but they always get it done to them. I know from experience. The world is full of a 50/50 split. Some are the salt of the earth and will do anything to help...the rest are asswipes.
May you run into a good one next time. I see it EVERY day in my job, and basically most are just afraid to meet the person they have bumped for fear of being hit,verbally abused or plain embarrassed. To may these days, it is a frightening world. I tend to pay out private and not go the insurance route, but then my car is coal fired and although nothing sparkling, it serves its purpose...
Blessings to you hun, and may your karmatic ( pun eh ) be re-embursed! lol
Warming the Bed
I thought everyone knew the world was full of unknowing people who's opinions are seriously flawed? I have interests in other boards, and it comes as NO suprise to me your thoughts. The television and newspapers screw up the world, because so many belive it or dont because of special effects. I recently saw jack Dee ripping the lung cancer advert off, where the woman could not breathe, and had a trailing airline to her face 24/7... she died by the way.. because he thought it was funny. People jus dont know what is serious and what is not these days. The soaps have replaced real lives for so many, and they cant talk, discuss things with anyone about owt. I recently had a chat with a friend about the myths of vasectomy, another about impotence, and it makes a stronger bond, but they felt it too bad to ask the doctor, and were in a real state of worry. What a world, where we are so afraid to tell anyone for fear of being branded!
I try to correct the misconceptions, but often it is best to listen, and to pinder on just how much we have learnt from the 60's? Judging by the earwiggings I get...not a lot? I rest my case on the recent program of teenage pregnancies..and how they thought it was not possible to get pregnant if they did X or Y, and even after 3 kids were STILL tring it and failing!
Warming the Bed
Sort of a man? A jumped up nerdy wimp like excuse of a boss. All limp wristed, pen pushing, twat faced, self centred egotistical jerk, who cant get out of his office for fear of actually getting his hands dirty.
I know he sits in his office, holding meetings with himself to avoid the reality of the job and is always sweet talking to his woman, who is the trouser wearer and you can so tell. I think if I had a pussy, and not the one you throw out in the rain for a piss, i would get better treatment.....
Can I have an IOU for the hammer job?
Warming the Bed
Why not? you do it for free, i.e we don't pay you, you in fact pay to type it up via your provider...however the government do it for about £45,000 a year, and all you get is ' here, here, here', on the box...?
Warming the Bed
As an Innie, I must admit our belly buttons have more to offer than outies. for example we can always find the odd crumb from the digestive we had dunking in our tea, the odd bit of chocolate from the snicker at lunch, or the fact we can twiddle away with it in the bath when the fancy takes us, to stimulate the belly is FUN...
I ponder on what joys the outies have...I mean a mere bump is not really a teany errection!
So are you an innie or an outie, and what, if any do YOU feel is cool about your belly button? INNIES of the world unite...! rolleyes
Warming the Bed
Good job it was NOT an albatross...bloody big wingspan they have mate! It would have been better if it had been a booby...?
Warming the Bed
Case of priorities then...?
Study and get the qualifications you need, and keep off the forum until you NEED to post...
Or suffer a shite job, crap pay and dull, dull work till you retire....
The rest is upto you and that is the end?
keep studying is my advise, cos you seldom get a second chance to do it...?
MWMFL rolleyes
Warming the Bed
I would like to be a kind of super hero type that can be called to scoop up all the knob headed bosses, the ones who REALLY get on your tits, and take them away for a few hours and degrade them to do really crappy chores whilst shouting at them before dropping them back off at work to find their car has been knicked and they have to walk home in the piss poor rain.......
Warming the Bed
I get a few from those states in Africa, who have $200,000,000 dollars to get out etc. i bet most on here have. Also the penis enlargement ones for $XXX dollars, but the other day i got one, that really made me laugh for a while...
A little blue pill, that takes 40 minutes to work, and guaranteed to give me an errection for upto 7 hours!!! kind of get all horny, and have to postpone whilst it gets a book, listen to a cd...NOT realy romantic...and maybe this is just me, at my age, but WHAT the firk am I going to do with a stiffy for upto 7 hours! I mean after the obvious, it seems a bit silly trying to sneak on the bus with it, or trying to drive with a portable steering lock, and the embarrassment factor alone at work, along with the times you'd bump it would sort of keep me WELL away?
Or is it just me??? confused:
Warming the Bed
I was reading a post on double standards etc, and it is kind of relavent. I doubt many have NOT laughed at the program with the Baldy Man, or Rab C Nesbit, Billy Connolly or anyone who has beeen fortunate enough to see francie and Josie or the now defunct new years eve programs of old with Reverend ..the old Scotch and Rye etc...? I did the tour for several years at new years, and have several tapes I watch and they STILL raise a belly laugh. It has been common in ANY situation to be made fun of...part of life. I think it can be OTT, and I always laugh to see the Union Jack waved during ENGLAND type events, and especially if they are so called patriot. Many do not know the true origins of their own family tree, and know of the rich history of our culture. The boot is always on the other foot wherever you go, been laughed at MANY times up north, and we always mock the 'southerners' here in Yorkshire, it is how it is. I think you have calmed down a little bit now, but I like others know where you come from...and that it is OK to be miffed. Part of the joy of the forum is saying so. The best part is to be PROUD of your self and your country, and that shows your character. I ALWAYS say I am YORKSHIRE, because that is important to me...natonality, I think the UK is my country, and as to being English, well I think it is a strange mixture now, so to be politically correct I welcome the United kindom label more positively.
Hey, and I dont know of many countries that can boast to winning a GOLD medal for lobbing a BIG KETTLE down some ice and rubbing the floor with sweeping brushes...? wink
Warming the Bed
As I dont, perhaps another side to look at is talking. I suppose the ultimate trust in a woman is to allow a man to share her intimately, and to get that close is something special. I have had the odd relationship, but personally I prefer to KNOW the person more. It feels to me like I am liked and respected, which is I suppose odd to get from a man, but I think many men feel this way. The old thought of any port in a storm, is about as true as the old thought of swinger being slappers. I find nearly all the women on here to be so much more than that, and I respect their input more than I get in my normal life. I just wish more were as responcible to talk to, and I would feel better in myself esteme. Regardless of the need to have sex, I think it is better to know the person more, from talks, meets or time, unless the quick meets is your thrill, but life offers us all different ways to get our fix? Their is no true right way, it depends really on what YOU need from it?
Warming the Bed
Always consider the worst case scenario my friend. It is so dam easy to say dont do it, but only your deep inner self will stop when it wants. Life is precious and you are here for a purpose, maybe to save the world, maybe so save someone who will be incredibly close, maybe to create a life with someone special.... I just ask you to have some time out and think about it. I have been close to the end, and I feel I have much more to offer others...
Warming the Bed
Manowar....DEFENDER...Bloody brilliant with Orson Wells voice over
Metalica...Harvester of sorrow
Anthrax...I am the law
Prodigy..Breath and Firestarter
Dave Lee Roth
Yankee Rose...pure bliss........
OOps...guess it shows I kind of like metal...but honest guys i like other stuff too!
Warming the Bed
I doubt many peole would not have heard this guys voice EVEN if they never caught his radio shows. In line with my new name, i thought, yet again another appropriate post. I send his family a silent prayer...a very gentle, quiet man who will be missed.
Veteran radio broadcaster and music DJ John Peel has died suddenly in Peru from a heart attack. He was 65.
He was on holiday with his wife Sheila in the city of Cuzco.
Peel was one of the greatest influences of British pop music, starting in the Sixties and still playing new and experimental music in recent weeks on his weekday Radio 1 show.
He went on to become a broadcasting legend, famous for championing new bands and music genres long before they crossed over into the mainstream.
In 1998, Peel starting presenting the award-winning Radio 4 programme Home Truths about the ups and downs of family life.
He was awarded an OBE for services to broadcasting in the same year.
Born in 1939 in the Wirral, John Robert Parker Ravenscroft adopted the surname Peel during his pirate radio days.
On finishing his military service in 1962, he went to Texas and began working for WRR radio in Dallas.
For the next three years he moved around America working for various radio stations.
He started his Radio 1 career in 1967 when he returned to London, establishing himself with the show Top Gear.
Radio 1 controller Andy Parfitt said: "John Peel was a broadcasting legend. I am deeply saddened by his death, as are all who work at Radio 1.
"John's influence has towered over the development of popular music for nearly four decades and his contribution to modern music and music culture is immeasurable.
"His commitment and passion for new music only grew stronger over the years." BBC director general Mark Thompson said: "We are all very shocked and saddened by the news of John's death.
"He was one of the giants of radio and will be missed, not just by everyone at the BBC, but by millions of listeners of all ages."
Peel also presented a weekly BBC World Service music programme.
Director Nigel Chapman said: "BBC World Service listeners will be shocked and saddened at the news of John Peel's sudden death.
"He was a very popular, pioneering presenter who broadened the horizons of generations of global listeners.
"He was a tireless enthusiast for new music in all its forms and his passion and warmth touched the lives of millions around the world.
"A great advocate of the World Service, he played a key role in our recent 70th anniversary celebrations. His innovative and iconic style will be greatly missed."
He is survived by his wife of 30 years, Sheila, and four grown-up children.
Warming the Bed
One that inspires me is by a group called WASP from the 80's rock era...called 'I wanna be somebody...'. It helps me when I feel I have got know where and would like to..
I have too many to list as the name implies i kind of like music and MANY people help me every day to feel better about my life. As the title implies it was, and is my greatest love....
Warming the Bed
Cheers guys...
If you look at the read to post rate, you will see 3 replies to 100 reads, which would normally make me sort of feel down and sad, and just go off for a while to lick my wounds so to speak. It helps to know I have though had a few pm's to say hi, and that helps me to feel better. It is funny in a way, a bit sort of different when you discover things are not as they have seemed for a long time. the way my 'specialist described it was that you suddenly discovered that the colour yellow WAS in fact white, and you never knew..? kind of hard to explain, but some special people can help you when you feel the pits.
Warming the Bed

Ok..I don’t feel good about myself, not that I have for ages. I must confess to not being up front, but when you have very personal issues that you don’t wear on your sleeve, it can be very difficult to air.
It has been so ironic the past month. I contracted a bitter cold, which itself led me to suffer a form of meningitis, so bad it bedded me for almost three days, and I passed out several times which caused many issues with where I was at the time!.
Part of my self-denial has been to feel lost and unwanted, NOT just physical, but mental. It sometimes feels like the world is against you. To give a brief idea, I feel sometimes like everyone is my friend, and then the next day, it is like I have never existed and no one speaks? It means I have to be reborn often to help myself be wanted. The problem is medication helps, but has a cost with side effects. Part of the problem with the illness I had with the meningitis type thingy, really made my head feel like the inside was an inner tube about to burst, causing immense pain, which needed loads of ice and rest to relieve. I came and went a few times on here, but miss my chats with people I really like to talk with. The problem is when you have ‘problems’, you seldom see them or accept it to yourself or let others in? Have you been their ?
The real irony is a message I had from a ‘friend’ ( HEATHER ),my current avatar, and what I saw last night convinced me to say something. When you see what illnesses’ can do to you, aka ADAM ANT, and how his world is now to what it was like, you find yourself.
I don’t really want to air the world, or take it too deep, but thought the truth was in order. I kind of have many regrets on here, and many friends, I think most will forgive me, some may not but then that has been part of my world for so long, I can actually see now that it is part of every ones life…not just mine! I think the few who got close to me in chatting via PM will know this has been a difficult journey, although I have not discussed it in depth with anyone, they will know too well I just DON’T disappear and not return Pm’s. It is NOT me. However things became too much with home and work issues. I have TOO many people to say hello to, too many to say sorry toYou will KNOW whom i mean and I sincerely hope this helps you to understand. People you may have met often seem quite normal, but then what IS that???
So I hope this sort of explains the things that have been before, and I must also thank the mods who must have thought correctly that I was sort of some nutter..swapping about all the time. Part of the therapy is finding YOURSELF, something I have had problems with for a good 20 years. I guess I just need to get to know myself and talk more to people without feeling that they DON’T want to talk. Knowing that it is common with other people did not help me before the recent illness, but then reality does smack you in the face in the end, and I found that in reality, we are all likely to feel this way and to many it is part of life, but to others it is more serious.
The mods cannot sticky this, but have said it is ok to post and I just hope most understand....
Warming the Bed
A friend who worked in A+E, told me of a guy who came in clutching his groin...suffering severe bruising and crushing injuries to his penis. He had apparently been showing off to his mates, as you do? by getting aroused and slipping his penis inside a then got stuck, and as it became tighter, the pain got too much so he hit the bottle with a saucepan, breaking the kneck part and crushing and almost cutting his willy clean off!
Warming the Bed
Some bastard put a huge dent in the side of the car at Tescos this morning , walked/drove off never said a word.
Hissed it down with rain all morning , got soaked .
Took dog out for a walk this afternoon . Made the mistake of letting him off his lead . Sees a rabbit , returns to a catchable distance an hour later , soaked though again.
Satellite packs up , no footie tomorrow.
X Factor , Cum Dancing , Ant n Dec urggggggggh Wifey informs me the painters have just arrived , no real loving tonight then
Roll on Monday Morning !!

Firstly the car, be it an expensive item is just a tin box. look to the fact of a blessing it was not some idiot who did it at speed when driving...could have been worse. ccept that the world is full of assholes. Secondly the dog proves that we should all be able to let go of the normal routines of our day, to chase the rabbit was a BIG day out, and although you got wet, the dog will have been SO excited to share its fun and I bet its tail is STILL wagging, and boy will it dream about the adventure...I like to see dogs dream because they dont hold back!
Thirdly the satellite...go down to the local sportsground tomorrow and watch a local sunday league team. They may not be brilliant, or skillfull, but they offer entertainment, fun and they are accessable in the pub after...proper down to earth sportpeople not over rated one footed stars. It seems a great loss but maybe you will rediscover the joys of normal TV, some time to maybe read, listen to the radio, play some CD's and relax with a beer/friends or just to be relaxed...maybe dust off an old video?
I am just offering an alternate to it all being/seeming bad. All things usually balance out in the end, and maybe, it will be a crap day, but maybe it could be so much more refreshing....I think we all need time out and wishing monday was here is the last resort!
Warming the Bed
Music was my first love and it will be my last
Music of the future and music of the past

Indeed John Miles...
i dont have the song, but it is symbolic of my real forst love. Despite all the ones I feel I have had, music has/will always be their for me when i feel at a loss.
Thanks for the welcomes, and glad it sort of opens the door, better than having it kicked right back in your face. I know it aint perfect on ANY forum...and god forbid it ever is. Because that would be too perfect for me because I have never been sane,serious for too long, never yet NOT felt unwanted in any of my other places of interest, and yet sometimes we all just want to be, as Alexandra says
The topics are so varied from deeply serious and heartsearching to complete lunacy!
As you have said there is a true warmth to many of the members. You will also see that people are very willing to rally round when they see comeone is sad or hurting

I cant always guarantee to be interesting, but I will at least try....? I am told I am very trying... :!:
Warming the Bed
It is just, well different from the norm, but thought I would say a bit to break the ice so to speak. breezing in is somethime seen as a bit too bold, but I cant just sit back and be all proper...never been that bad since childhood.
It is also nice to be able to talk openly abou things you sort of dont get the chance to air most days, and often really would like to discuss! lol
Warming the Bed
Been around many forums, but this one is very different. I kind of am not one of these 'hello, Im a newbie' sorry if I seem in ya face!
I read earlier about the colly types who pop up on here, and the reporter types I would just like to say...not me, but time will show.
As an idividual, and not a clone I am not single, not a swinger, and not chasing. I am pleased to find adult, open chat, where it is ok to swear, use grown up chat, flirt like shit, be a bit mysique and at home in comfort and warm. Those days long gone now, and I just wanted to say a bit. Not really open enough for some, but that is me. I did contemplate NOT doing the intro bit, but thought their were enough adults about to appreciate that whilst the majority are here for adult sexual fun, it was not a rule that had to be obeyed in the order of having to screw about with those on here because you were on the site...? I dont pander to anyone, and will always try to be me, but accept that I am very pleased to find that little bit of sexy, funny, serious, and yet dead warm life within this cold, plastic uncaring world. If it seems to offend that a none swinging person comes on for a chat, then unless I receive loads of bad mail, uncooth comments and generally made to feel at ill with my presence, I will TRY to make myself at home...
I hope that helps the few who read some of my initail posts and offers a bit of an insight to me, and that it says a bit more than the thoughts of here is another possible...?