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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 71
0 miles · Shropshire


On the night I joined I had a lot of fun and someone (I think it was Libra Love) commented that it was like the 'good old times', indicating that maybe it wasn't always that light - which it hasn't been since then.sad
Anyone who has looked at newsgroups will see that there are many offensive people out there - especially on the ones - for which there is no excuse. (I once saw a newbie ask an on-topic question which was replied to with "search the f****** internet, dummy"). I don't see that here - maybe that is partially because many people have met each other in person and that the site is moderated.
Those who post MAKE this site; don't complain that its not fun - MAKE it fun and start a silly post! :P Then I can be silly, too.......
On another note, have I upset anyone? I seem to be the KoD (Kiss of Death) to many of the recent threads.....
:cry: :cry: :cry:
When I first came across this site I had a good look through the posts and realised that this was a good place for banter, nonsense, wit and fun - so much so that after I joined I got stuck staright in with the forum and had a great first night! (Jaffa cakes, it was).
I have been very, and pleasantly, surprised by the support offered to members by others - somehow I did not expect to find that.
I don't always log in (if I have nothing to say, then thats exact;y what I do say) but usually have a laugh with it on a daily basis.
When I sum up the courage, I look forward to meeting some of you!
You were absolutely right to stand your ground. Regardless of the age of the patient, an appointment is an appointment for which you had to sacrifice some other activity (work usually) to atend. Well done!
Quote by freckledbird

I agree that no guilt would be transferred, but if the 'other half' were to discover their partner's deceit, they might go to the trouble of finding out who they deceived them for/with and set out to get revenge of some form.

I guess fear of revenge is a valid point and probably the unwanted publicity that could arise. Personally. I think that honesty - or openness, more correctly - is the best policy. (Its why I don't have a fast car or million pound house!).
On the parallel subject of punctuation, if I see that someone has not bothered to use it, I generally don't bother to read whatever it is. Just me being me, I guess.
Hi Folks,
It’s always interesting to see people’s views on important topics. I guess there are many reasons that people swing. Regarding married "cheaters", whether male or female, I suggest the following may be true:
There will always be a small number of people who just do not care about anyone else but themselves - I am not referring to them here as these folk will never care about hurting others; fortunately they are a minority in the population.
In the main, if a person is looking for "discrete" sex then there is probably already a problem in their relationship. There is more to a marriage than sex, but an imbalance in sexual desire creates a huge problem for some. If people on this site are not generally interested in long-term relationships then whether they swing with married people should not really matter- it's simply a case of personal preference.
Going with a married man/woman does not transfer any guilt to you - if there is any guilt it remains with the married person. You are unlikely to be instrumental in breaking up a relationship - if it is going to break, it will; if not then it won't.
I can think of very few "black-and-white" decisions in life - the majority are based on varying shades of grey. The view that rather than a partner seeking a "discrete" session a couple should break up a relationship ignores the manifold other factors, such as the breaking up of common wealth (house, etc) and the effect on any children. Far better, I think, to maintain stability for the greater good than to destroy something that is, essentially, working even if not properly. Maybe this boils down to choosing the lesser of two negative situations for the person left at home - that's just life! If each partner is fulfilling their needs outside of the relationship, the lack of fulfilment within is less of, or no longer a, problem.
If a woman is not interested, or cannot perform, sex then I suspect that three are a great number of "no questions-asked" instances - the woman "knows" but does not want it confirmed and is prepared to tolerate it. Maybe this works the other way round, too. My guess is that the "cheater" probably feels guilty, at least to start with.
If people are, of course, looking for a long term relationship then the freedom of the married partner to "move-over" becomes more important. It is the establishment of a new long-term relationship that is likely to mean the end of an existing one.
So, live and let live - you might, after all, be saving a marriage - we should not judge others purely by our own individual philosophies of life.(fun though, isn't it.....)
PS - were there enough .,'?!"" s in this post?
You might want to look at this:

Then again, you might not.....
M69 :cry:
I don't now about replacement thighs but if you call the AA or RAC they can give you a toe!
Hi folks - just came online for a while and found this thread. We started at £1 for a tooth, 50p for a filled one. The reduction in value is because the magic fairy dust that the teeth are used for is not only depleted but the amalgam has to be removed in the fairy-laboratories, which is qiute expensive. Additionally the tooth-fairy has difficulty in flying with an amalgam-laden tooth and needs to rest more often, sometimes needing to buy a snack or drink at the fairy is a waiting list at these as there isn't mushroom inside!
Yea, I'm sorry to hear that too. Like has been said though, at least you made the last few days as good as you could for her. Funny how you get attached to some animals.
I'm sure that everyone is aware of the buttered cat array. Given two facts:
1. Toast always falls butter side down
2. Cats always land on their feet
You can devise a simple method to avoid the carpet getting messy by tying the toast to the back (i.e. top) of the ca butter side up. If the assembled toast and cat are dropped, the rules above fight each other and the pair hover, spinning gently just above the ground, where they may be safely retreived.
Try it . (But don't blame me)
After all these replies, I guess you can eat now.... (Or whatever)
No-ones mentioned the "hanging off the wardrobe upside-down wearing a sowester and rubber ring and having buckets of water thrown over them" position. Is this unusual?
I have a number of websites and I am slowly converting them to CSS. It really is worth it especially with some of the other formatting opportunities that come with this method.
CSS is well worth the effort learning.

Wot? Its true! Sort of A man in a pub told me. Well, a feind of my brother's wife's uncles dad anyway.
And yes, I know!
Quote by orpheous1
...i did measure mine just before christmas, is 7" w/e?

Is that in- or deflated? This could be an impressive statistic.
Well, that just about takes te biscuit! This thread is still going... (But you already knew that, silly me!)
Listen, going back a bit to the Garibaldis - how do tjhey get the flies to lie still long enough to be coated with the, er, whatever a raw biscuit is made of?
I wandered lonely as a cloud.....
.....just how lonely ARE clouds in the UK?
They seem to have plenty of mates!
I came across something similar a couple of weeks back. You can get software which causes only a partial download to take place when surfing - it's used to effectively speed up modem links. It does this by degrading the image quality on-the-fly and making downlaods smaller. Looking at the PC settings, they all are set to normal.
If the PC is fine everywhere else, have a look-see if there is some software installed doing that.
In IE6, check the Tools>InternetOptions>Advanced and check that smart dithering is checked.
Then that Tools>General>Colors is set to "Use Windows Colors"
If you use Netscape or Firefox, check they are not set at 256 colors.
Can't think of anything else!
Dunking bourbons is good. Ginger crunch creams go well unless you get the one at the top of the packet with the invisible hairline fracture.
If the tea is hot you can pour it into a saucer and dunk in there - much easier to fish!
I used to be into sado-beastial necrophilia, but I soon realised I was flogging a dead horse

Necrophilia? Thats dead boring!
Quote by peenut
True ! . Its still the drink of choice with the local park/bus shelter members (an they should know!)

Hmmm. I wonder what they call a drink half white diamond and half meths?
Quote by Happy Cats
Eating your own ear wax!

Don't be silly! How many people can get their tongue in their OWN ear?
Isn't that fella/gal from another thread? I see the 18 months therapy didn't work; once a goat, always a goat I guess!