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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 63


Cheers for the invite.
Just started a new job and get my rota at beginning of each month so not a definite yes yet but could you put us both down.
Not only do we have face pics but we really are called Rich and dee :shock:
I drive Rich up the wall lol
Ours is a ford Scorpio estate {his idea not mine}
Im saving up for a Mini {with pink fluffy steering wheel,matching dice and head rests smile }
i got engaged at 17 to the boy next door rolleyes
Broke up at 18.
Lived the single life {having fun]
Met ex hubby at 30 divorced at 40.
Met Rich and found my soul mate {corny but true}
I feel the more "mature" Ive got, the more assertive in knowing what I want out of a relationship.
Some people find life partners early, some late.
No rhyme or reason.
Quote by tigernlynx
More pics of me cos its usually Rich taking the photos. smile

And very nice they are too biggrin biggrin
As for those who do not post pics cos they are soooo afraid of being recognised well sorryyyyyy but maybe just maybe they should not be swingers wink wink
Thank you xx
Friends have confided in me over the years and I dont break their trust.
Rich knows I wont even tell him if its been told to me in confidence.
Quote by wild rose and the stag
wait till the government start taxing politeness and manners at 17.5% lol
Rich usually leaves the mail, forum posting etc etc to me biggrin
So if ya dont get a reply from us, blame me not Rich wink

surely it would be 15%
Knew as soon as i hit the send button i had done the wrong % lol
Quote by GnC29teeside
Outside the swinging community people have a very jaded view..myself inc before I joined the scene...People assume swingers are at it 24/7 with anyone and everyone,
Once in this circle I discovered it was far from the truth but this doesn't give anyone the right to judge people by what they do.
This story is shocking but far from singular...I know of another case similar to this, this is why Geoff and I will never do seperate room because we want to know we can walk away at anytime if things become "scary" and say no when we need to.

wait till the government start taxing politeness and manners at 17.5% lol
Rich usually leaves the mail, forum posting etc etc to me biggrin
So if ya dont get a reply from us, blame me not Rich wink
genuine people in the BDSM community are some of the kindest people Rich and i know.
We used to go to regular charity events to raise money for a childrens hospice.
Condolences to her family.
passes over a :giveup: to scorpio lol
welcome to the forum hun.
To be fair you have taken the time out to give well detailed info, pics {even a face one :shock: }
Well done
Quote by Dirtygirly
Invest that 50P and play the stock market?

Is that is stocks and shares?
This is a swinging site Minxy... throw in some kink! :twisted:

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh baby biggrin
Mr Lost..........ya sweetie kiss
im the same without Rich ...probably cos when he is away i starve cos im banned from the kitchen lol
Quote by Truescorpio
No! mad

ah well.......a fem has to try {Rich says im very trying lol }
Quote by Dirtygirly
Marriage = Spit
Love = Swallow
Lust = Gargle
Sorry! redface

love = unshaved legs
lust = kinky sex
marriage = never again ta very much
latest update..............
Went into work friday the 13th and was given my redundancy letter rolleyes
Not wanting to bore folks with the pathetic reasons lol
I left work at 1pm with a nice redundancy package, went for a job interview at 4pm and got the job at 5pm biggrin
Thank you to everyone who replied.
I admit my 1st day back was worrying....... then i saw the guy in question and i thought "feck what a loser he is"
It took me 3 attempts to accidently break his coffee mug lol
Seriously, at the end of the day......bullies are very insecure people who prey on people who are at a low ebb or vunerable.
Once bullies have been "confronted" and stood up to, they lose the so called power they think they have.
With hindsight, would I have made the complaint if I had've known how long HR took to deal with my complaint?
Yup, honesty, pride and stubbornness are my main virtues smile
Blonde, thank you, message in your inbox xx
Idiom Definitions for 'Horses for courses'
Horses for courses means that what is suitable for one person or situation might be unsuitable for another.
Some folks think its weird that my idea of relaxing is by having a pin wheel used on me biggrin
Nowt as queer as folk hey wink
Having been off work several months after making a grievance statement re bullying / harrassment,I finally went back to work.
{1} to prove to the bully he couldnt get away with making my life hell.
{2} to piss him off cos he thought I wouldnt have the "audacity" to report him
{3}I love my job
My friends have made various comments from
"are you nuts?" to "well done"
Has / would anyone else do the same as me?
sort of "hijacking" thread.
varying costs of lube :shock:
personal preference is ID glide smile
good old cheap vaseline neutral
Quote by Lost
:-( Marshmallow :shock: :uhoh: bolt

ok seeing as its you, :P how about jelly babies?
happy new year to you both xx
Quote by Calista
whay do pizzas come in square boxes? dunno

The corners allow space for people to be able to pick up a pizza slice.
Why are blokes with their hands chained behind their backs such smart arses? smile
arent all submissives smart arses confused

No their arses just smart ;)
touche lol