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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 50
0 miles · Surrey


Normally get caught at 1am while trying to get a sneaky one in. Get moaned at for making her seasick confused
Quote by Mr-Powers
Prison is no deterrent these days rolleyes
3 meals a day and the best seat in the house for watching TV on the most up to date equipment available! :shock:
And access to "alternative" substances when they need them so as not to deprive them of their human rights wink
Don't make me laugh.

Don't believe everything you read in the tabloids!!
Bloody well scares me :shock:
I have a young family, a job, and wife and I would die to go to jail. However if I had nothing I can see how it would be better than that in some ways. Still thats what community sentances are for, make people work.
I hate condoms, but I have always used them and the advice on going with the flow is spot on. I can lose it if there is fumbling around, damn things are soo tight as well.
However with the right people, and in the flow they are almost forgetable. I have had some of my best sex in a condom so you can get over droop if you work at it. Also once its in with the right lady, lube, and make of condom I find any droop soon stops...
Quote by splendid_
And I now fully realise that there is a huge difference internally between making love and fucking. Regardless of the two acts looking identical when observed.

To me this is the key point, while the guy (in my dreams) would be fucking my other half. In my eyes I am the one making love to her by allowing him to pleasure her I am doing what I love, bringing her pleasure.
An age old saying of mine is you cant legislate against the madmen...
Now I agree with some legislation. I feel far safer in the UK than the US. We cant bear arms, and guns are for hunting not defence. Equally I can see that assault rifles have very little place in society (AK47 for example). The same can be said of combat knives, designed to kill not cut.
A lock knife is a tool, an sas dagger is for killing. The trouble is a lock knife can kill, and how in law do you define an SAS dagger anyway?
Take the latest waste of time, banning swords. As an Aikido practitioner I know how to use a sword, and we dont use metal ones these days, not because of injuries, just insurance. However I like to own a couple for display, I find something deeply symbolic about them.
I think here I will point out Aikido is totally defensive, you learn no agressive moves and it is founded on disabling, never injuring let alone killing an attacker.
So the goverment banned swords as there were something like 39 incidents involving them. So now I cant buy a sword with a curve in it, but one exactly the same with a streight blade... yes that makes me feel safer.
Its like the guns, does it really hurt that I own a plastic BB gun to plink in my garden with? Lets go for the real ones on the streets guys, not the toys. If the toys can be made real ban them sure, but not the ones that cant.
Lets use some discretion here, I own a lot of knives, they are in the kitchen. Hey I like to cook. I also would like to carry my picnic stuff in the boat of my car without worrying that the knives in it are weapons. I bite my nails and want a 2 inch or so pocket knife to open stuff, cut fruit, and be a useful tool. Sadly I am too scared to get prosocuted.
Somewhere there must be a ballence, bearing in mind one of the tragic deaths this week was caused by broken glass not a weapon.
I have friends from SH, I would have to say hi to them. For all the others I have met my memory for names is soooo bad I would prob stay quiet, so they would not realise the name had gone...
Best toy for him? Solo got to be a fleshlight
Best toy for her? Tried loads, apparently its me...
The most versatile sex toy? Liberator shapes, we use them in the lounge as chairs and the bedroom for other things...
The most luscious lube or lotion? Not into lotions
The ultimate teasing tasty treat (flavoured nipple gel, choccie body paint, etc) As above
The perfect penis wrapping (condom)? The durex plastic rather than latex ones whose name escapes me. Tingle not bad either.
The most exiting extra (blindfold, whip, ropes, etc) Blindfold, but a pillow does just as well and helps cut out noise as well smile
Quote by Sarah
I could be tempted Mal ;)

Putting on the jacuzzi and getting white wine and grapes ready.......... :P
Prefer a cola... but if you serving anything will do me smile
Quote by Calista
feck me pink with a banana
Earthy xx

erm ... if you insist Earthy ;)
Ach you nutters you, missed you all smile Glad you sorted Calista. Wish I was staying longer but this is an AWOL visit. Still think of you all and will be around when AWOL oppertunities arise again.
and just to show I care, please find attached a pink banana for use if required, hehe...
Still here Missy, but had to go AWOL to come back and visit. Missed you as well.
Try refreshing your cache hun. May just be you smile
If you need help ask 6 year old, my 7 year old knows more than me I always find confused
(or just type it manually : ? without the space)
Quote by Sgt Bilko
You're all as mad as a box of frogs!!! loon :loon: :loon:
Thank God!!!! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Dried frog pills at the ready, ello again Sarge smile
Quote by adamciara
but these days, and we know this is true, officers are being fired upon before they can say hello let alone "stop, or I'll say stop again" crims are happier to shoot than ever before and so there should be a reliable armed back up to subdue crims who have got trigger happy. It isn't necessary to open fire and armed officers don't do that unless they have to, Just confronting most crims with overwealming force is enough to stop the most of them, talking them round though is less and less often working.

The lack of time to say 'Stop' is sorta the point. If someone has got a gun out and is going to kill an officer them being armed will make no difference. I'll explain why I think this:
If the Police knew bad person was armed, it would be an armed unit sent in so they would have weapons so no case there.
If they didn't know, they would not even have time to unbuckle the holster before bad personage could put 12 + rounds at them. So gun rather useless, except to the criminal who now has a nice new fully loaded weapon...
Oh and on overkill, you think you are about to die, the biggest call of your life is to pull the trigger. Do you fire 1, 2, 3, or 5 shots with your heart pumping... We forget even the best trained armed units are human beings and I dont care if they shoot 5 or 10 times if all the bullets go into who they are aiming at. If they were innocent then the fact it was 1 or 5 bullets wont matter since 1 can happily kill as per Harry Stanley, shot once only by each officer.
Quote by de_sade
But it has happened too many times already as I said earlier Stephen Waldorf (Unarmed), James Ashley (Unarmed), Harry Stanley (Unarmed - but believed to be carrying a gun. It was a chair leg), Jean Charles De Menezes (Unarmed).
One innocent killed by police fire is one killing too many. Those policemen who are trained to carry guns know how to incapacitate or kill with one shot, yet in so many of the police error shootings there is always an element of over-kill. One shot to the head is enough if carried out by a trained marksman. Not 5. Or 6. Or 7.

This was the point of a detailed investigation on panarama, very enlightening. For example why people are shot in the back by Police (Takes .x seconds to turn, but .y seconds to raise and fire once decision is made so most people have turned to run but Police react to sudden movement and fire).
Harry Stanley (Unarmed - but believed to be carrying a gun. It was a chair leg)
This was covered in some detail, drawing on the Police reports and evidence. Basically he turned and they both fired as they thought (rightly with evidence they had at the time) that he was pointing a gun at them. The head shot was a freak since the hand shot caused him to spin (like drawing away from hot kettle, no reaction time) and the head shot caught him. When the Police officers fired (or made mental decision to fire) he would have been pointing the bag right at them. A bullet hole found in the sleve proves that he was facing them when shot, and spun away as there is no other way the hole could have got there without hitting his body unless his arm had been thrown up as in a turn and the bullet then went through his head.
This is a tragic case, but the officers involved honestly thought they were about to be shot. If we arm Police they will make mistakes, and innocents will die. However of the 10 or so innocent deaths, and few hundred times a weapon was fired over 10 years, they responded to (if I remember rightly) 3000 calls a day that requested armed backup.
So thousands of calls a year, and 10 or so errors in 10 years. I am sorry but it is a price worth paying. However we should not routinely arm Police. Not with the availability of tasers, CS, etc the 'normal' officer can look after himself and the trained units can be there very quickly.
Used to do things like this in the past and lost the links. All clicked up and favouritised (is that a word?) again smile
Quote by Jas-Tim
I can understand all the concerns about this and I agree with them in theory, but in principle not at all.
I'm always concerned when people start to ban books or make them inaccessible to people as I truly believe that once you do it for one category, it won't be long before others are included and then where does it stop?

Very true, I suppose in some ways it is like magic books. They tell you hows to do something, but that a long way from really being able to do it. Still while I am against bans generally it is a shame some people push the limits so much and somewhere there is a line... (Can we have a fuzzy line?)
Here my friend you may need this:
Camoflaged for hiding at the bottom when they come looking for you ;)
Quote by SteveClarke
...and the forms as created by Mr Uesheba (in particular Shiho Nage) are actually based on sword play (drawing, striking and defence in that case).
Goose, np, bit of an anorak in this area ;) redface

Very True smile and my sword technique helped my Aikido a lot...
Quote by clipsuit
practicing some form of weapon martial arts is kinda cool, i've been training for some years now not in weapon stuff but in various martial arts, one some weapon stuff krabbi krabbong there one for you guys to look up.
But cant stress this enough dont try an dissarm some bum with a knife ttrying to hurt u despite what your sensie might try and teach its not a pretty sight.

I have a simple strategy in combat.. I run away. Too many dead hero's. Still sometimes you can be cornered, or people you are responsible for may be in danger precluding running (kids, wife, etc.)
Next time this happens I will now have a chance to defend myself. (Dont use a phonebox to call the Police to an attack, you cant get out and run away fast enough. Trust me on this) You never want to face a knife, or worse still carry one since it wont help and is more likely to escalate something and get you killed.
Far better to avoid the situation in stage one, talk things down if you missed the signs, and damn well run if all else fails. But sometimes you may have to defend yourself against a knife. Any training in getting out of the way is better than none. However 'clipsuit' is dead right you are far better off never using martial arts except in the dojo to keep fit :)
Quote by Jags
Some of the best sex is when you know the pizza is on the way... can you get all sorted before the doorbell rings biggrin
Also sorts the post coital munchies...

wave kiss
There we are... 1 second and done!!
Damn caught, must remember to disable my webcam before next quickie ;)

(hi Jags passionkiss)
Some forms seem to teach weapons for offensive use, I know in Aikido we use wooden weapons purely for help with ballence, control, and reactions. We also learn to disarm with them.
However end of the day a book on knife techniques on open sale, yes I have a problem with it. Thugs are dangerous with a knife, show em how to avoid blocks and where to stab to kill and they are even more dangerous. I know this stuff is out there on the net and you cant legislate against the madman, but you can be nervous about people who want this sort of book...
Some of the best sex is when you know the pizza is on the way... can you get all sorted before the doorbell rings biggrin
Also sorts the post coital munchies...
Odd, I am the opposite and love the cold (but I have the padding to stay warm). Gives a great excuse to cuddle up smile don't like the short days though ...
Quote by Abilene
I am sooooo looking forward to my first proper christmas in nearly two decades with family .... will it snow here? I haven't seen snow in about 8 years.

Right 6 feather pilows on standby, volunteers to open and shake them gently above Abi's window on xmas morn?
and so begins the long hard search for that elusive single bi female smile Welcome to the site, good luck in the hunt....
Form an orderly queue for the pies there....
Although I understand Harrods got their full xmas shop up (complete with Santa) a month or so ago. It was on the news :shock: